Clinton: Mubarak has not done enough


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Sunday, that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has not done nearly enough yet to answer his people’s concerns, calling for an “orderly transition” to democracy.

Asked if Mubarak had taken sufficient steps to defusing Egypt’s worst crisis in decades by appointing military intelligence chief Omar Suleiman as his first-ever vice president and also naming a new premier, Clinton told ABC: “Of course not.”

“That is the beginning, the bare beginning of what needs to happen, which is a process that leads to the kind of concrete steps to achieve democratic and economic reform that we’ve been urging.”

Clinton said the United States was hoping for “real democracy” in Egypt and in later interviews with CBS and CNN urged Mubarak to pursue a “national dialogue” that could lead there.

“We’re trying to promote an orderly transition and change that will respond to the legitimate grievances of the Egyptian people which the protests are all about,” she told CBS.

“We are urging the Mubarak government, which is still in power, we are urging the military, which is a very respected institution in Egypt, to do what is necessary to facilitate that kind of orderly transition.” AFP



48 responses to “Clinton: Mubarak has not done enough”

  1. nabilabuzaid Avatar

    Shut up Hilary! Where were you when they been starving their own people? or let the Muslims extremists attack Christians when he labeled them as insane. No one in the west help raised a word against Mubarak and kept looking somewhere else.
    Its time you have revolution everywhere in the arab world where we all hope that it will bring democratic changes and not the rise of extremists like AL Qaada who indeed will try to exploit the situation every where in the ME. I hope the day of Wrath will hit Syria soon. Iran maybe rejoicing at these events but they should know better that the rise of the Sunnis also aimed indirectly at them and it will bite them back. That’s for sure will bite back our so called resistance HA. Oh what a tangled web we weave what we practice to deceive..

    1. Hannibal Avatar

      lol that was a charged paragraph… She could not control her own man you want her to be in control of the Arab world? It is over… Tic Tac Tic Tac… The same powers that kept the Syrian regime alive i.e. Israel and the CIA cannot keep it alive they want it or not. It is in the hands of the people now and not in the hand of the fake hacked democracies. Bye Bye Iran mullahs bye bye Syria’s Alawites bye bye mubarak bye bye emirs, kings dictators etc… Rise people rise… lol

      1. 7akibalash Avatar

        “hacked democracies” lmao an arab wants to teach the west what democracy means, this is funny stuff.
        “The same powers that kept the Syrian regime alive i.e. Israel and the CIA”, why not mention russia and china and every country that ever dealt with syria while you are at it?… japan sold them walkie talkies that they used for communication when they surrounded villages and destroyed them, so definitely japan is to blame as well… wth is this jarab attitude of always blaming someone else for your shortcomings? you can take the arab out of the desert, but can you take the camel dung out of his head?

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          I am glad I made you laugh… Cheers! BTW how is the weather in Israel?
          an FYI I am no Arab but I am sure your mom is…

        2. I agree, Israel and CIA defintely did not keep Syria’s regime alive. The status quo suits both Israel and Syria’s purpose, but to say Israel and CIA are keeping Assad in power is another zionist conspiracy that arabs believe in. USSR provided that country with billions in military equpment during the cold war.

      2. 7akibalash Avatar

        “hacked democracies” lmao an arab wants to teach the west what democracy means, this is funny stuff.
        “The same powers that kept the Syrian regime alive i.e. Israel and the CIA”, why not mention russia and china and every country that ever dealt with syria while you are at it?… japan sold them walkie talkies that they used for communication when they surrounded villages and destroyed them, so definitely japan is to blame as well… wth is this jarab attitude of always blaming someone else for your shortcomings? you can take the arab out of the desert, but can you take the camel dung out of his head?

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          I am glad I made you laugh… Cheers! BTW how is the weather in Israel?
          an FYI I am no Arab but I am sure your mom is…

        2. I agree, Israel and CIA defintely did not keep Syria’s regime alive. The status quo suits both Israel and Syria’s purpose, but to say Israel and CIA are keeping Assad in power is another zionist conspiracy that arabs believe in. USSR provided that country with billions in military equpment during the cold war.

      3. 7akibalash Avatar

        here’s a bit of news for you:
        Gunmen of Hamas’s armed wing, Ezz e-Din al Qassam, crossed from Gaza into northern Sinai Sunday, Jan. 30 to attack Egyptian forces and drive them back. They acted on orders from Hamas’ parent organization, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, confirmed by its bosses in Damascus, to open a second, Palestinian front against the Mubarak regime.
        The Muslim Brotherhood is therefore more active in the uprising than it would appear.

        can you see where this is heading?….

      4. 7akibalash Avatar

        here’s a bit of news for you:
        Gunmen of Hamas’s armed wing, Ezz e-Din al Qassam, crossed from Gaza into northern Sinai Sunday, Jan. 30 to attack Egyptian forces and drive them back. They acted on orders from Hamas’ parent organization, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, confirmed by its bosses in Damascus, to open a second, Palestinian front against the Mubarak regime.
        The Muslim Brotherhood is therefore more active in the uprising than it would appear.

        can you see where this is heading?….

      5. 7akibalash Avatar

        more news,
        Saturday, Bedouin tribesmen and local Palestinians used the mayhem in Cairo to clash with Egyptian forces at both northern Sinai key points and ransack their gun stores.

        Sunday, Hamas terrorists aim to follow this up by pushing Egyptian forces out of the northern and central regions of the peninsula and so bring Egypt’s border with the Gaza Strip under Palestinian control. Hamas would then be able to break out of the Egyptian blockade of the enclave and restore its smuggling routes in full. Officials in Gaza City confirmed Sunday, that Hamas’s most notorious smuggling experts, including Muhammad Shaar, had broken out of the El Arish jail and were headed for Gaza City.

        democracy you say? I say this is a repeat of Iran from the 70s, if mubarak goes suddenly, the brotherhood takes hold and sets up another theocratic regime like that of iran, but sunni… the copts will be screwed if they arent already screwed by all this.
        arabs are anti democratic by nature, democracy and Islam cannot co-exist, it is utterly impossible, democracy says everyone is equal no matter their beliefs while quran says kill those who dont believe in allah or subjugate the jews and christians and make them pay jizya as a sign of humiliation, democracy says you have freedom of speech while islam is all about punishing someone for speaking his mind, like calling a 54 yr old man who sleeps with a 9 yr old child, a child molestor ( and I can give you a million more examples where islam and democracy clash)… the closest to democracy in the middleast outside of Israel is lebanon and that isnt even close to democracy.
        if arabs want democracy then they should banish laws that punish those who leave islam, and banish laws that ban books, and banish laws that stipulate that a christian cannot preach to a muslim, but a muslim can preach all he wants. you see, islam and democracy can never co-exist.
        islam demands social laws that clash with democracy. the muslims are forever stuck in a world of battle between islam and government, can you seperate the two? not according to momo you cant. according to momo, islam is the government and sharia is it’s laws…. do you think the arabs want democracy? or do they want islam?

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          You are wrong Islam does not want to kill everyone who is not moslem, they want to kill ONLY you… lmao

      6. 7akibalash Avatar

        more news,
        Saturday, Bedouin tribesmen and local Palestinians used the mayhem in Cairo to clash with Egyptian forces at both northern Sinai key points and ransack their gun stores.

        Sunday, Hamas terrorists aim to follow this up by pushing Egyptian forces out of the northern and central regions of the peninsula and so bring Egypt’s border with the Gaza Strip under Palestinian control. Hamas would then be able to break out of the Egyptian blockade of the enclave and restore its smuggling routes in full. Officials in Gaza City confirmed Sunday, that Hamas’s most notorious smuggling experts, including Muhammad Shaar, had broken out of the El Arish jail and were headed for Gaza City.

        democracy you say? I say this is a repeat of Iran from the 70s, if mubarak goes suddenly, the brotherhood takes hold and sets up another theocratic regime like that of iran, but sunni… the copts will be screwed if they arent already screwed by all this.
        arabs are anti democratic by nature, democracy and Islam cannot co-exist, it is utterly impossible, democracy says everyone is equal no matter their beliefs while quran says kill those who dont believe in allah or subjugate the jews and christians and make them pay jizya as a sign of humiliation, democracy says you have freedom of speech while islam is all about punishing someone for speaking his mind, like calling a 54 yr old man who sleeps with a 9 yr old child, a child molestor ( and I can give you a million more examples where islam and democracy clash)… the closest to democracy in the middleast outside of Israel is lebanon and that isnt even close to democracy.
        if arabs want democracy then they should banish laws that punish those who leave islam, and banish laws that ban books, and banish laws that stipulate that a christian cannot preach to a muslim, but a muslim can preach all he wants. you see, islam and democracy can never co-exist.
        islam demands social laws that clash with democracy. the muslims are forever stuck in a world of battle between islam and government, can you seperate the two? not according to momo you cant. according to momo, islam is the government and sharia is it’s laws…. do you think the arabs want democracy? or do they want islam?

      7. 7akibalash Avatar

        oh how mature, resorting to mom jokes now? have no answers?
        FYI I am 100% Lebanese.

      8. 7akibalash Avatar

        oh how mature, resorting to mom jokes now? have no answers?
        FYI I am 100% Lebanese.

      9. 7akibalash Avatar

        calling someone Israeli is not an insult but an honor, I wish my people,the lebanese, were 1/10th as smart and motivated as the Israelis.
        but your comment says alot about you, brainwashed donkey like the rest of them.

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          An honor? ha ha ha… Israel is a Jewish state what does it make of a Christian status under that regime? A second class citizen? A goyim like you? Also you can be a 100% Lebanese but still an Arab… Test your DNA and if it is a J1 (i.e Arab haplotype) then your head would be loaded with camel dung as well. I already tested mine and turned to be European, yeah from the Western democracies you so much admire.

        2. Very True, the druze and arab israel christians inside israel, are very supportive of israel, and if you asked them is it called Israel or Palestine 95 percent will say Israel. The druze even proudly serve in the IDF. Go on facebook and search for israeli Druze groups they are very proud to live in a democracy like Israel, where there is Electricity 24 HOURS a day unlike some places next to them. Do you remember when Israel said it would pull out of northern half of Ghajar village two months ago!! All the Alawi Muslims in the Northern Half protested the Israel withdrawal! They wanted to stay under Israel Administration not under Lebanese government administartion. Now that should tell you something Hannibal. Israel is succesful and has survived 60 years of threats from all its neighbors.

        3. Hannibal Avatar

          Electricity will come 24 hours a day in 24 hours if it weren’t for the (EX) U.S. supported government of Lebanon. Let’s see if Mikati can get us electricity rather than keep visiting the Syrians.

        4. Haha Hannibal again blame the US, nothing is ever another country’s responsibility, it is the US’s fault that leb has no electricity?! The electricity turned off when the previous come to power? Im pretty sure pre 2005 there wasnt 24 hours of electricity and that wasnt a us supported government.

        5. Hannibal Avatar

          @ Joe
          I think you are borderline autistic or you have Asperger’s Syndrome. Did you ever have it checked? Read my paragraph again. Where did I blame the U.S.? I said it is the government which is supported by the U.S. If I say the U.S. supported the Egyptian government which is dictatorial does it mean that the U.S. encourage non-democratic rules? But the fact is they do support Mubarak. They are playing it safe though waiting for the outcome. ๐Ÿ˜› so stop interpreting my says the way you want to read them as I really do not want to entertain someone who is online trying to get a reaction out of every poster.
          may be this will make you happy: The U.S. rocks!!! so now f^*k off!

        6. @ hannibal. What are the symptoms of symptoms of Asperger’s? Maybe you can diagnose me over the internet.

      10. 7akibalash Avatar

        calling someone Israeli is not an insult but an honor, I wish my people,the lebanese, were 1/10th as smart and motivated as the Israelis.
        but your comment says alot about you, brainwashed donkey like the rest of them.

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          An honor? ha ha ha… Israel is a Jewish state what does it make of a Christian status under that regime? A second class citizen? A goyim like you? Also you can be a 100% Lebanese but still an Arab… Test your DNA and if it is a J1 (i.e Arab haplotype) then your head would be loaded with camel dung as well. I already tested mine and turned to be European, yeah from the Western democracies you so much admire.

        2. Hannibal Avatar

          Electricity will come 24 hours a day in 24 hours if it weren’t for the (EX) U.S. supported government of Lebanon. Let’s see if Mikati can get us electricity rather than keep visiting the Syrians.

        3. Hannibal Avatar

          @ Joe
          I think you are borderline autistic or you have Asperger’s Syndrome. Did you ever have it checked? Read my paragraph again. Where did I blame the U.S.? I said it is the government which is supported by the U.S. If I say the U.S. supported the Egyptian government which is dictatorial does it mean that the U.S. encourage non-democratic rules? But the fact is they do support Mubarak. They are playing it safe though waiting for the outcome. ๐Ÿ˜› so stop interpreting my says the way you want to read them as I really do not want to entertain someone who is online trying to get a reaction out of every poster.
          may be this will make you happy: The U.S. rocks!!! so now f^*k off!

        4. @ hannibal. What are the symptoms of symptoms of Asperger’s? Maybe you can diagnose me over the internet.

  2.  Avatar

    Shut up Hilary! Where were you when they been starving their own people? or let the Muslims extremists attack Christians when he labeled them as insane. No one in the west help raised a word against Mubarak and kept looking somewhere else.
    Its time you have revolution everywhere in the arab world where we all hope that it will bring democratic changes and not the rise of extremists like AL Qaada who indeed will try to exploit the situation every where in the ME. I hope the day of Wrath will hit Syria soon. Iran maybe rejoicing at these events but they should know better that the rise of the Sunnis also aimed indirectly at them and it will bite them back. That’s for sure will bite back our so called resistance HA. Oh what a tangled web we weave what we practice to deceive..

    1. lol that was a charged paragraph… She could not control her own man you want her to be in control of the Arab world? It is over… Tic Tac Tic Tac… The same powers that kept the Syrian regime alive i.e. Israel and the CIA cannot keep it alive they want it or not. It is in the hands of the people now and not in the hand of the fake hacked democracies. Bye Bye Iran mullahs bye bye Syria’s Alawites bye bye mubarak bye bye emirs, kings dictators etc… Rise people rise… lol

      1.  Avatar

        “hacked democracies” lmao an arab wants to teach the west what democracy means, this is funny stuff.
        “The same powers that kept the Syrian regime alive i.e. Israel and the CIA”, why not mention russia and china and every country that ever dealt with syria while you are at it?… japan sold them walkie talkies that they used for communication when they surrounded villages and destroyed them, so definitely japan is to blame as well… wth is this jarab attitude of always blaming someone else for your shortcomings? you can take the arab out of the desert, but can you take the camel dung out of his head?

        1. I am glad I made you laugh… Cheers! BTW how is the weather in Israel?
          an FYI I am no Arab but I am sure your mom is…

        2. I am glad I made you laugh… Cheers! BTW how is the weather in Israel?
          an FYI I am no Arab but I am sure your mom is…

        3. I am glad I made you laugh… Cheers! BTW how is the weather in Israel?
          an FYI I am no Arab but I am sure your mom is…

        4. I agree, Israel and CIA defintely did not keep Syria’s regime alive. The status quo suits both Israel and Syria’s purpose, but to say Israel and CIA are keeping Assad in power is another zionist conspiracy that arabs believe in. USSR provided that country with billions in military equpment during the cold war.

      2.  Avatar

        here’s a bit of news for you:
        Gunmen of Hamas’s armed wing, Ezz e-Din al Qassam, crossed from Gaza into northern Sinai Sunday, Jan. 30 to attack Egyptian forces and drive them back. They acted on orders from Hamas’ parent organization, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, confirmed by its bosses in Damascus, to open a second, Palestinian front against the Mubarak regime.
        The Muslim Brotherhood is therefore more active in the uprising than it would appear.

        can you see where this is heading?….

      3.  Avatar

        more news,
        Saturday, Bedouin tribesmen and local Palestinians used the mayhem in Cairo to clash with Egyptian forces at both northern Sinai key points and ransack their gun stores.

        Sunday, Hamas terrorists aim to follow this up by pushing Egyptian forces out of the northern and central regions of the peninsula and so bring Egypt’s border with the Gaza Strip under Palestinian control. Hamas would then be able to break out of the Egyptian blockade of the enclave and restore its smuggling routes in full. Officials in Gaza City confirmed Sunday, that Hamas’s most notorious smuggling experts, including Muhammad Shaar, had broken out of the El Arish jail and were headed for Gaza City.

        democracy you say? I say this is a repeat of Iran from the 70s, if mubarak goes suddenly, the brotherhood takes hold and sets up another theocratic regime like that of iran, but sunni… the copts will be screwed if they arent already screwed by all this.
        arabs are anti democratic by nature, democracy and Islam cannot co-exist, it is utterly impossible, democracy says everyone is equal no matter their beliefs while quran says kill those who dont believe in allah or subjugate the jews and christians and make them pay jizya as a sign of humiliation, democracy says you have freedom of speech while islam is all about punishing someone for speaking his mind, like calling a 54 yr old man who sleeps with a 9 yr old child, a child molestor ( and I can give you a million more examples where islam and democracy clash)… the closest to democracy in the middleast outside of Israel is lebanon and that isnt even close to democracy.
        if arabs want democracy then they should banish laws that punish those who leave islam, and banish laws that ban books, and banish laws that stipulate that a christian cannot preach to a muslim, but a muslim can preach all he wants. you see, islam and democracy can never co-exist.
        islam demands social laws that clash with democracy. the muslims are forever stuck in a world of battle between islam and government, can you seperate the two? not according to momo you cant. according to momo, islam is the government and sharia is it’s laws…. do you think the arabs want democracy? or do they want islam?

        1. You are wrong Islam does not want to kill everyone who is not moslem, they want to kill ONLY you… lmao

      4.  Avatar

        oh how mature, resorting to mom jokes now? have no answers?
        FYI I am 100% Lebanese.

      5.  Avatar

        calling someone Israeli is not an insult but an honor, I wish my people,the lebanese, were 1/10th as smart and motivated as the Israelis.
        but your comment says alot about you, brainwashed donkey like the rest of them.

        1. An honor? ha ha ha… Israel is a Jewish state what does it make of a Christian status under that regime? A second class citizen? A goyim like you? Also you can be a 100% Lebanese but still an Arab… Test your DNA and if it is a J1 (i.e Arab haplotype) then you head would be loaded with camel dung as well. I already tested mine and turned to be European, yeah from the Western democracies you so much admire.

        2. Very True, the druze and arab israel christians inside israel, are very supportive of israel, and if you asked them is it called Israel or Palestine 95 percent will say Israel. The druze even proudly serve in the IDF. Go on facebook and search for israeli Druze groups they are very proud to live in a democracy like Israel, where there is Electricity 24 HOURS a day unlike some places next to them. Do you remember when Israel said it would pull out of northern half of Ghajar village two months ago!! All the Alawi Muslims in the Northern Half protested the Israel withdrawal! They wanted to stay under Israel Administration not under Lebanese government administartion. Now that should tell you something Hannibal. Israel is succesful and has survived 60 years of threats from all its neighbors.

        3. Electricity will come 24 hours a day in 24 hours if it weren’t for the (EX) U.S. supported government of Lebanon. Let’s see if Mikati can get us electricity rather than keep visiting the Syrians.

        4. Haha Hannibal again blame the US, nothing is ever another country’s responsibility, it is the US’s fault that leb has no electricity?! The electricity turned off when the previous come to power? Im pretty sure pre 2005 there wasnt 24 hours of electricity and that wasnt a us supported government.

        5. @ Joe
          I think you are borderline autistic or you have Asperger’s Syndrome. Did you ever have it checked? Read my paragraph again. Where did I blame the U.S.? I said it is the government which is supported by the U.S. If I say the U.S. supported the Egyptian government which is dictatorial does it mean that the U.S. encourage non-democratic rules? But the fact is they do support Mubarak. They are playing it safe though waiting for the outcome. ๐Ÿ˜› so stop interpreting my says the way you want to read them as I really do not want to entertain someone who is online trying to get a reaction out of every poster.
          may be this will make you happy: The U.S. rocks!!! so now f^*k off!

        6. @ hannibal. What are the symptoms of symptoms of Asperger’s? Maybe you can diagnose me over the internet.

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