Hezbollah may not participate directly in new government


According to Hezbollah sources the party decided not to participate directly in the government, but instead will participate through its allies .

The sources reportedly said that Hezbollah will nominate former state minister Adnan el Sayyed ( who represented president Suleiman in the outgoing government and whose resignation resulted in its collapse ) Rafik Nasrallah ( journalist and media expert ) , Journalist Mohammad Hussein al Shami and Samar Hajj former detained general Ali Hajj . Source Lebanon Files.

According to Ahmad Said a Lebanese observer ” Hezbollah may not want to participate directly in order not to repeat the same mistake Hamas did in Gaza ( You break it, you own it ) , but regardless all Hezbollah allies that will participate will be a rubber stamp for Hezbollah.”



6 responses to “Hezbollah may not participate directly in new government”

  1. Why does Hezbollah need to be part of the government, when they have their guns? Imitation and threats will be their political maneuvering in Lebanon. Its like the mafia or let alone any criminal organization, that uses the same methods, when they want to control certain aspects of government and/or businesses, in countries that are barely or unable to fight it.

    Who in Lebanon will try to take away the guns from these group of thugs? The opposition parties? The police? The Army? It seems no one is even willing to talk about it in doing so, without risking their lives.

    No, Hezbollah does not need to be actually in the government. They have their puppets in place to do there bid. And if anyone opposes, they can join the many others in the graves scattered throughout Lebanon.

    1. master09 Avatar

      Plomca when you read some comments on this site it is OK that HA keep the weapons.
      How can Isreal not fly over each day when you have a group with an army larger than the countries army.
      They threat Not just Isreal but the Lebanese people as well and that is OK.This year how many people do you think will stay away from Lebanon, last year we had 3.5 million people visit, this year lucky to get 1 million.The rich Arabs are staying away as a call has gone out to stay out of Lebanon. How are people going to survive.
      This group will rip the heart out of Lebanon I pray for the people.

  2. Why does Hezbollah need to be part of the government, when they have their guns? Imitation and threats will be their political maneuvering in Lebanon. Its like the mafia or let alone any criminal organization, that uses the same methods, when they want to control certain aspects of government and/or businesses, in countries that are barely or unable to fight it.

    Who in Lebanon will try to take away the guns from these group of thugs? The opposition parties? The police? The Army? It seems no one is even willing to talk about it in doing so, without risking their lives.

    No, Hezbollah does not need to be actually in the government. They have their puppets in place to do there bid. And if anyone opposes, they can join the many others in the graves scattered throughout Lebanon.

    1. master09 Avatar

      Plomca when you read some comments on this site it is OK that HA keep the weapons.
      How can Isreal not fly over each day when you have a group with an army larger than the countries army.
      They threat Not just Isreal but the Lebanese people as well and that is OK.This year how many people do you think will stay away from Lebanon, last year we had 3.5 million people visit, this year lucky to get 1 million.The rich Arabs are staying away as a call has gone out to stay out of Lebanon. How are people going to survive.
      This group will rip the heart out of Lebanon I pray for the people.

  3.  Avatar

    Why does Hezbollah need to be part of the government, when they have their guns? Imitation and threats will be their political maneuvering in Lebanon. Its like the mafia or let alone any criminal organization, that uses the same methods, when they want to control certain aspects of government and/or businesses, in countries that are barely or unable to fight it.

    Who in Lebanon will try to take away the guns from these group of thugs? The opposition parties? The police? The Army? It seems no one is even willing to talk about it in doing so, without risking their lives.

    No, Hezbollah does not need to be actually in the government. They have their puppets in place to do there bid. And if anyone opposes, they can join the many others in the graves scattered throughout Lebanon.

    1.  Avatar

      Plomca when you read some comments on this site it is OK that HA keep the weapons.
      How can Isreal not fly over each day when you have a group with an army larger than the countries army.
      They threat Not just Isreal but the Lebanese people as well and that is OK.This year how many people do you think will stay away from Lebanon, last year we had 3.5 million people visit, this year lucky to get 1 million.The rich Arabs are staying away as a call has gone out to stay out of Lebanon. How are people going to survive.
      This group will rip the heart out of Lebanon I pray for the people.

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