Mikati calls his appointment: Victory of consensus over difference


Following his appointment by president Michel Suleiman on Tuesday as prime minister-designate to succeed caretaker PM Saad Hariri, MP Najib Mikati talked to the reporters at Baabda palace

“The president informed me of the outcome of his consultations with parliamentarians, which have resulted in my appointment as prime minister,” he said

“I will cooperate fully with all Lebanese to form a new government that protects the unity and sovereignty of our country,” he added.

Mikati’s probable appointment has sparked widespread anger within the Muslim Sunni community. It is seen as a bid by the Iranian- and Syrian-backed Hezbollah to undermine the Sunnis and sideline Hariri, their most popular leader in Lebanon, and essentially take control of the government.

But Mikati, a political moderate with good relations with Syria, has said he was a centrist and emphasized that he intended to include all parties as he forms a government.

“This does not signal the victory of one camp over another,” Mikati said. “This is the victory of consensus over difference.

“Nothing justifies the refusal of any political party to participate” in the next government, he added. “My hand is extended to all Lebanese.”

Mikati received the backing of 68 lawmakers, a majority in the 128-seat assembly, to 60 for caretaker premier Saad Hariri.

Caretaker PM Saad Hariri said yesterday that the Future Movement will refuse to participate in any government headed by the candidate of the Hezbollah-led March 8alliance

He also said “that all the talk of ( Mikati being ) a compromise candidate is an attempt to throw dust in the eyes…. there is no such thing as consensus candidate”

Lebanese president Michel Suleiman will reportedly refuse to sign off on any one color cabinet that is not a national unity government , according to presidential sources, but Speaker Nabih Berri, Hezbollah Shiite key ally revealed that Mikati once officially designated will form a national salvation government instead of a national unity government, after the announcement of the Future Movement and the March 14 that they will refuse to join any government that is not headed by Hariri .



51 responses to “Mikati calls his appointment: Victory of consensus over difference”

  1. “I will cooperate fully with all Lebanese to form a new government that protects the unity and sovereignty of our country,”. He might try but he’s on drugs if he thinks he’ll succeed. A dictatorship headed by AOUN is the only solution.

    1. kareemthehippy Avatar

      …are you serious?

      1. aleloush Avatar


    2. Hannibal Avatar

      yel3an diinak chou abou soerra (get it?) lol

      1. kareemthehippy Avatar

        I don’t get “abou soerra” (I would have if it was in Arabic writing)

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          Abou soerra is actually Oranges (the color of Aoun’s party) lol

        2. Hannibal Avatar

          Abou soerra is actually Oranges (the color of Aoun’s party) lol

    3. kareemthehippy Avatar

      I’m really curious. How would a dictatorship, let alone a Aoun dictatorship help Lebanon AT ALL ?

    4. kareemthehippy Avatar

      I’m really curious. How would a dictatorship, let alone a Aoun dictatorship help Lebanon AT ALL ?

  2.  Avatar

    “I will cooperate fully with all Lebanese to form a new government that protects the unity and sovereignty of our country,”. He might try but he’s on drugs if he thinks he’ll succeed. A dictatorship headed by AOUN is the only solution.

    1.  Avatar

      …are you serious?

      1.  Avatar


    2. yel3an diinak chou abou soerra (get it?) lol

      1.  Avatar

        I don’t get “abou soerra” (I would have if it was in Arabic writing)

        1. Abou soerra is actually Oranges (the color of Aoun’s party) lol

    3.  Avatar

      I’m really curious. How would a dictatorship, let alone a Aoun dictatorship help Lebanon AT ALL ?

  3. Mosetsfire Avatar

    Mikati sold his soul to Hezbollah and Iran. It will only be a matter of time before his own people kill him. Allah Lay riddo.

    1. nabilabuzaid Avatar

      Mohamad Mr Mikati business dealings mostly facilitated by Syria and Hezbollah. So we expect him to fully comply with their orders and without any complaints on his side. But we will see if the President sign off on a single color gov’t. According to his stmt he won’t but i am sure Hezbollah and Syria will shove their boots down his throat to make sure he signs any deal they want. Welcome to the Land of Dinasours and Mullas where the strong overcome the weak. So much for any ounce of civilizations and democracy. Welcome to Iran Capital of the world. Welcome to the state of Waliet al Faqih.

      1. Mosetsfire Avatar

        tfeh 3ala Aslo. All the Sunni Mufti’s are calling for him to step down. He will not be able to form a government. His own people do not support him.

    2. nabilabuzaid Avatar

      Mohamad Mr Mikati business dealings mostly facilitated by Syria and Hezbollah. So we expect him to fully comply with their orders and without any complaints on his side. But we will see if the President sign off on a single color gov’t. According to his stmt he won’t but i am sure Hezbollah and Syria will shove their boots down his throat to make sure he signs any deal they want. Welcome to the Land of Dinasours and Mullas where the strong overcome the weak. So much for any ounce of civilizations and democracy. Welcome to Iran Capital of the world. Welcome to the state of Waliet al Faqih.

      1. Mosetsfire Avatar

        tfeh 3ala Aslo. All the Sunni Mufti’s are calling for him to step down. He will not be able to form a government. His own people do not support him.

  4. Mikati sold his soul to Hezbollah and Iran. It will only be a matter of time before his own people kill him. Allah Lay riddo.

    1.  Avatar

      Mohamad Mr Mikati business dealings mostly facilitated by Syria and Hezbollah. So we expect him to fully comply with their orders and without any complaints on his side. But we will see if the President sign off on a single color gov’t. According to his stmt he won’t but i am sure Hezbollah and Syria will shove their boots down his throat to make sure he signs any deal they want. Welcome to the Land of Dinasours and Mullas where the strong overcome the weak. So much for any ounce of civilizations and democracy. Welcome to Iran Capital of the world. Welcome to the state of Waliet al Faqih.

      1. tfeh 3ala Aslo. All the Sunni Mufti’s are calling for him to step down. He will not be able to form a government. His own people do not support him.

  5. You call this a democratic process when this new scum billionaire has promised HA the following 5-point plan:

    The five point plan calls for:

    1- Withdrawing the cooperation protocol between Lebanon and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon STL) .

    2- Withdrawing the Lebanese judges from the STL

    3- Halting the funding of the tribunal

    4- Referring the false witnesses file to the Lebanese judiciary council

    5- Bolstering Lebanese-Syrian ties

    >>>> If this in not clear to all (especially you soulsister) that this was a major set-up and manipulation from thugs/mobsters then you must be blind. READ MY LIPS “HA priority is to SHUTDOWN the tribunal! It will implicate them beyond belief and show not only all Lebanese what crooks they are but to the whole world! HA and their clan (Syria/Iran/Jumblat/Mikati/Aoun/Berri/etc.) forcefully took over power and will impose their rules/laws on people who never wanted them in the first place. This is sickening!

    1. soulmates11 Avatar

      Sami you speak of HA as if they were aliens from another planet . Let me remind you while you were sitting in the cafe’s sipping your favorite latte . HA as you them was out defending their honor against an occupation that lasted 18 years.While you and the likes of were doing nothing but stabbing them in the back. It’s time for you and like minded people like you to SHUT UP and let the brave lead the way.

      1. Dude….spoken like one of HA conditioned sheep. “let the brave lead the way”….lol. I can invision you on a donkey waving an old rusty sword….too funny! I have nothing against a organization that is there to protect our people but I am against an organization that consist of extortionists, cold-blooded murderers, a proxy to other corrupt regimes that have no respect to human freedom/existence other than what they dictate upon them. If HA truly was there to protect Lebanon from Israel, then they should have had no problem migrating into the LAF. The truth of the matter Soulsister is that you are living in prehistoric times and fail to understand that the world has left you (and your similar HA worshippers) behind. This is the unfortunate truth of the matter. You are too tied up with the past and will never know what happiness is all about. To you, it’s all about hatred, wars and conquering. Snap out of it! Do me a favor, don’t reply….your a waste of time.

        1. soulmates11 Avatar

          Sami you don;t know what it means to be an Arab or Lebanese . What’s funny is fools like you fall right into the sectarian divide . For I am an Arab first and who worship is none of your business . Now I ask you to sit down keep your mouth shut and watch how real men run the county . The traitors are gone live with it.

      2. nabilabuzaid Avatar

        The only reason fought Israel is to legitimize themselves as resistance. what do you call all the events and war HA put us thru? what do you call the events that took place in 2008? last tuesday? attack on Ahbash? killing Lebanese pilot and got their thug freed. Forcing the gov’t to free muslims extremists because he became the slave of HA. Maybe HA fought the war but they did it for themselves and not for Lebanon. These braves have Somali fighters with them too and Iranian guards. Of course the brave Syrian soldiers where cheering them on from Syrians territories lol. Soulmate get ready for lesson in Waliet AL Faqih because you will regret every word you said.

  6. You call this a democratic process when this new scum billionaire has promised HA the following 5-point plan:

    The five point plan calls for:

    1- Withdrawing the cooperation protocol between Lebanon and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon STL) .

    2- Withdrawing the Lebanese judges from the STL

    3- Halting the funding of the tribunal

    4- Referring the false witnesses file to the Lebanese judiciary council

    5- Bolstering Lebanese-Syrian ties

    >>>> If this in not clear to all (especially you soulsister) that this was a major set-up and manipulation from thugs/mobsters then you must be blind. READ MY LIPS “HA priority is to SHUTDOWN the tribunal! It will implicate them beyond belief and show not only all Lebanese what crooks they are but to the whole world! HA and their clan (Syria/Iran/Jumblat/Mikati/Aoun/Berri/etc.) forcefully took over power and will impose their rules/laws on people who never wanted them in the first place. This is sickening!

    1. soulmates11 Avatar

      Sami you speak of HA as if they were aliens from another planet . Let me remind you while you were sitting in the cafe’s sipping your favorite latte . HA as you them was out defending their honor against an occupation that lasted 18 years.While you and the likes of were doing nothing but stabbing them in the back. It’s time for you and like minded people like you to SHUT UP and let the brave lead the way.

      1. Dude….spoken like one of HA conditioned sheep. “let the brave lead the way”….lol. I can invision you on a donkey waving an old rusty sword….too funny! I have nothing against a organization that is there to protect our people but I am against an organization that consist of extortionists, cold-blooded murderers, a proxy to other corrupt regimes that have no respect to human freedom/existence other than what they dictate upon them. If HA truly was there to protect Lebanon from Israel, then they should have had no problem migrating into the LAF. The truth of the matter Soulsister is that you are living in prehistoric times and fail to understand that the world has left you (and your similar HA worshippers) behind. This is the unfortunate truth of the matter. You are too tied up with the past and will never know what happiness is all about. To you, it’s all about hatred, wars and conquering. Snap out of it! Do me a favor, don’t reply….your a waste of time.

      2. nabilabuzaid Avatar

        The only reason fought Israel is to legitimize themselves as resistance. what do you call all the events and war HA put us thru? what do you call the events that took place in 2008? last tuesday? attack on Ahbash? killing Lebanese pilot and got their thug freed. Forcing the gov’t to free muslims extremists because he became the slave of HA. Maybe HA fought the war but they did it for themselves and not for Lebanon. These braves have Somali fighters with them too and Iranian guards. Of course the brave Syrian soldiers where cheering them on from Syrians territories lol. Soulmate get ready for lesson in Waliet AL Faqih because you will regret every word you said.

  7.  Avatar

    You call this a democratic process when this new scum billionaire has promised HA the following 5-point plan:

    The five point plan calls for:

    1- Withdrawing the cooperation protocol between Lebanon and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon STL) .

    2- Withdrawing the Lebanese judges from the STL

    3- Halting the funding of the tribunal

    4- Referring the false witnesses file to the Lebanese judiciary council

    5- Bolstering Lebanese-Syrian ties

    >>>> If this in not clear to all (especially you soulsister) that this was a major set-up and manipulation from thugs/mobsters then you must be blind. READ MY LIPS “HA priority is to SHUTDOWN the tribunal! It will implicate them beyond belief and show not only all Lebanese what crooks they are but to the whole world! HA and their clan (Syria/Iran/Jumblat/Mikati/Aoun/Berri/etc.) forcefully took over power and will impose their rules/laws on people who never wanted them in the first place. This is sickening!

  8.  Avatar

    You call this a democratic process when this new scum billionaire has promised HA the following 5-point plan:

    The five point plan calls for:

    1- Withdrawing the cooperation protocol between Lebanon and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon STL) .

    2- Withdrawing the Lebanese judges from the STL

    3- Halting the funding of the tribunal

    4- Referring the false witnesses file to the Lebanese judiciary council

    5- Bolstering Lebanese-Syrian ties

    >>>> If this in not clear to all (especially you soulsister) that this was a major set-up and manipulation from thugs/mobsters then you must be blind. READ MY LIPS “HA priority is to SHUTDOWN the tribunal! It will implicate them beyond belief and show not only all Lebanese what crooks they are but to the whole world! HA and their clan (Syria/Iran/Jumblat/Mikati/Aoun/Berri/etc.) forcefully took over power and will impose their rules/laws on people who never wanted them in the first place. This is sickening!

    1.  Avatar

      Sami you speak of HA as if they were aliens from another planet . Let me remind you while you were sitting in the cafe’s sipping your favorite latte . HA as you them was out defending their honor against an occupation that lasted 18 years.While you and the likes of were doing nothing but stabbing them in the back. It’s time for you and like minded people like you to SHUT UP and let the brave lead the way.

      1.  Avatar

        Dude….spoken like one of HA conditioned sheep. I have nothing against a organization that is there to protect our people but I am against an organization that consist of extortionists, cold-blooded murderers, a proxy to other corrupt regimes that have no respect to human freedom/existence other than what they dictate upon them. If HA truly was there to protect Lebanon from Israel, then they should have had no problem migrating into the LAF. The truth of the matter Soulsister is that you are living in prehistoric times and fail to understand that the world has left you (and your similar HA worshippers) behind. This is the unfortunate truth of the matter. You are too tied up with the past and will never know what happiness is all about. To you, it’s all about hatred, wars and conquering. Snap out of it! Do me a favor, don’t reply….your a waste of time.

        1.  Avatar

          Sami you don;t know what it means to be an Arab or Lebanese . What’s funny is fools like you fall right into the sectarian divide . For I am an Arab first and who worship is none of your business . Now I ask you to sit down keep your mouth shut and watch how real men run the county . The traitors are gone live with it.

      2.  Avatar

        The only reason fought Israel is to legitimize themselves as resistance. what do you call all the events and war HA put us thru? what do you call the events that took place in 2008? last tuesday? attack on Ahbash? killing Lebanese pilot and got their thug freed. Forcing the gov’t to free muslims extremists because he became the slave of HA. Maybe HA fought the war but they did it for themselves and not for Lebanon. These braves have Somali fighters with them too and Iranian guards. Of course the brave Syrian soldiers where cheering them on from Syrians territories lol. Soulmate get ready for lesson in Waliet AL Faqih because you will regret every word you said.

  9. Victory of coercision victory of intimidation, victory of extremist, victory of intolerance, victory of limted view, victory of the so call resistance in the name of the ayatollah in iran. Thank you!!

  10. Victory of coercision victory of intimidation, victory of extremist, victory of intolerance, victory of limted view, victory of the so call resistance in the name of the ayatollah in iran. Thank you!!

  11. What’s the difference between a Hamas victory in Gaza and Hezb victory in Lebanon??? Nothing ..Gaza got screwed and Lebanon will be screwed

  12.  Avatar

    What’s the difference between a Hamas victory in Gaza and Hezb victory in Lebanon??? Nothing ..Gaza got screwed and Lebanon will be screwed

  13. soulmates11 Avatar

    Scum that’s the best you can come with Sami. Your mom must be real proud of you. look at the flag the future movement displays then take a look at the Israeli flag it says it all . Maybe you and the likes of you should move to Northern Israel and leave Lebanon to the brave .

    1. No need for name calling….or is that all your good at? Grow up or better yet, I think Saadaine Nassarallah has an opening for a lap dog…you should apply! LOL!

    2. Hannibal Avatar

      The Syrians AND Palestinians are negotiating with Israel. Do you dare call them Zionists? NO!
      However, you look at a color and decide from it allegiances? What gives? Just curious…

    3. Hannibal Avatar

      The Syrians AND Palestinians are negotiating with Israel. Do you dare call them Zionists? NO!
      However, you look at a color and decide from it allegiances? What gives? Just curious…

  14.  Avatar

    Scum that’s the best you can come with Sami. Your mom must be real proud of you. look at the flag the future movement displays then take a look at the Israeli flag it says it all . Maybe you and the likes of you should move to Northern Israel and leave Lebanon to the brave .

    1.  Avatar

      No need for name calling….or is that all your good at? Grow up or better yet, I think Saadaine Nassarallah has an opening for a lap dog…you should apply! LOL!

    2. The Syrians AND Palestinians are negotiating with Israel. Do you dare call them Zionists? NO!
      However, you look at a color and decide from it allegiances? What gives? Just curious…

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