Conflicting reports over Monday’s premiership consultations


MTV reported Saturday evening Beirut time that Lebanese speaker Nabih Berri called Lebanese president Michel Suleiman and asked him to reschedule Monday’s scheduled premiership consultations.

Hours later, around mid night Saturday , Berri’s press office denied the MTV report : “Speaker Berri did not ask for postponing the consultation and confirms that they will be held as scheduled”, Berri’s office stated.

Al Hayat newspaper reported in its Sunday edition that MP Walid Jumblatt is strongly in favor of postponing the consultations , while president Michel Suleiman said he has no plans until now to reschedule them unless all parties agree.

Diplomatic sources revealed to Future that the ruler of Qatar Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa al Thani contacted president Suleiman urging him to reschedule the consultations to allow the Lebanese leaders to work out a political settlement .

According to LBC the Qatar ruler prefers to name former PM and current MP Najib Miqati as the compromise candidate to lead the next government and this was the purpose of his visit to Damascus , but both March 14 and March 8 rejected the idea.

Lebanon’s Western-backed government collapsed Jan. 12 after Hezbollah and its allies resigned from the Cabinet in a dispute over a U.N. backed court investigating the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, father of current caretaker PM Saad Hariri.

The court, Special Tribunal for Lebanon ( STL) which is widely expected to accuse the Shiite Hezbollah militant group, filed a sealed draft indictment Monday, touching off a process many fear could ignite new bloodshed nearly six years after the massive truck bombing along Beirut’s waterfront that killed Hariri.



4 responses to “Conflicting reports over Monday’s premiership consultations”

  1. ukoverall Avatar

    Suleiman? Rez2allah 3a eyyem Lahoud. is he waiting for March 8 to assassinate one of the March 14 MP so they have the majority????

  2.  Avatar

    Suleiman? Rez2allah 3a eyyem Lahoud. is he waiting for March 8 to assassinate one of the March 14 MP so they have the majority????

  3. My friend ,the Lebanese army institution is a failure since the beginning of its establishment with few exception , the habit of the Chief of the army to seek to be president should end, Camille Chamoun wanted to legislate that.Chehab worked closely with Syria ,Lahoud was Syrian in a sense ,his father was counted always as a Baathist the General Lahoud, and now Suleiman, the army always cooperated with Syria , and have many affiliation inside its ranks.SSNP had so much member inside from 1948 to 1960 and they tried 2 failed coup d’etat. In 1973 with the PLO fights with the army ,many moslem refused order, one of the pilot bombed the coast of ramle el baida instead of positions of PLO in the camps. IN 1976 the army split and Lebanese Arab Army headed by Ahmad el Khatib killed many innocent Christian Soldiers in the barracks while they were asleep.IN 1990 the army headed by Aoun bombed without pity the Christian area with the excuse of figthe LF.Kleiaat was reduced to rubble and Aoun used amunation from Syria to continue the fight and he lost but weakened the christian and caused devastation.
    Country that doesn’t learn from mistake will be doomed as we are now. Suleiman I believe want Karami and Syria back so he can have more power, as it is now ,he’s squeezed to oppose Hizbollah and Syria and can’t handle a job that need a lot of guts and balls. he knows well the army is controlled by the Shiite ( Francois Haj killed and Wisam Eid because hizbollah and Syria are inside the army).They dont want Francois Haj in the army after Nahr el Bared.Going with Syria is easier ,but this time is no Lahoud, Hizbollah going to move to take the country slowly and prepare the country to be Iranian Satelite for the big day that he think is going to see it in his life , conquering Jerusalem.He’s going to buy the Christian land ( 22 buliding in Jdeidaet el metn to be bult by Hizbollah), just ask why Hezbollah want to be in Jdeidet el metn ? is like saying Christian to build 22 buildings in Nabatiye. Am not saying they have no right to be anywhere ,but let’s face it, a Christian in Nabatiye will not feel great, as we have no common marriages between the various religious ( not significant at all).Unless United the Christian will fail to save the invasion, I dont mention the Sunni as really they dont count as opposing power , we all saw how Hizbollah occupy them in 2 hours in 2008 ,and what the army did ?helped Hizbollah to burn the future TV.Do we have an army really? we have yet to see since 1943 any achievement ,other than cashing their cheques ,feeding their bellies, bully weak innocent people on the street , and when the gangs shoot they run away . If we had an army we wll not be where we are my friend

  4. My friend ,the Lebanese army institution is a failure since the beginning of its establishment with few exception , the habit of the Chief of the army to seek to be president should end, Camille Chamoun wanted to legislate that.Chehab worked closely with Syria ,Lahoud was Syrian in a sense ,his father was counted always as a Baathist the General Lahoud, and now Suleiman, the army always cooperated with Syria , and have many affiliation inside its ranks.SSNP had so much member inside from 1948 to 1960 and they tried 2 failed coup d’etat. In 1973 with the PLO fights with the army ,many moslem refused order, one of the pilot bombed the coast of ramle el baida instead of positions of PLO in the camps. IN 1976 the army split and Lebanese Arab Army headed by Ahmad el Khatib killed many innocent Christian Soldiers in the barracks while they were asleep.IN 1990 the army headed by Aoun bombed without pity the Christian area with the excuse of figthe LF.Kleiaat was reduced to rubble and Aoun used amunation from Syria to continue the fight and he lost but weakened the christian and caused devastation.
    Country that doesn’t learn from mistake will be doomed as we are now. Suleiman I believe want Karami and Syria back so he can have more power, as it is now ,he’s squeezed to oppose Hizbollah and Syria and can’t handle a job that need a lot of guts and balls. he knows well the army is controlled by the Shiite ( Francois Haj killed and Wisam Eid because hizbollah and Syria are inside the army).They dont want Francois Haj in the army after Nahr el Bared.Going with Syria is easier ,but this time is no Lahoud, Hizbollah going to move to take the country slowly and prepare the country to be Iranian Satelite for the big day that he think is going to see it in his life , conquering Jerusalem.He’s going to buy the Christian land ( 22 buliding in Jdeidaet el metn to be bult by Hizbollah), just ask why Hezbollah want to be in Jdeidet el metn ? is like saying Christian to build 22 buildings in Nabatiye. Am not saying they have no right to be anywhere ,but let’s face it, a Christian in Nabatiye will not feel great, as we have no common marriages between the various religious ( not significant at all).Unless United the Christian will fail to save the invasion, I dont mention the Sunni as really they dont count as opposing power , we all saw how Hizbollah occupy them in 2 hours in 2008 ,and what the army did ?helped Hizbollah to burn the future TV.Do we have an army really? we have yet to see since 1943 any achievement ,other than cashing their cheques ,feeding their bellies, bully weak innocent people on the street , and when the gangs shoot they run away . If we had an army we wll not be where we are my friend

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