Lebanon PM cuts short U.S. visit amid crisis


Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri cut short his visit to the United States on Wednesday to fly home amid a government crisis, a Lebanese official in Washington told Reuters.

Hariri drove to Dulles international airport immediately after talks with U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House. The official said Hariri would likely meet Lebanese President Michel Suleiman on his return home.

He added that after meeting Obama, Hariri had telephone conversations with French and Qatari officials, among others. Reuters



  1. Go get em Tiger!

  2.  Avatar

    Go get em Tiger!

  3. josephphdman Avatar

    you have to think about it mr saad if you do,nt insist on justice now regardless of the price this assasination trend will never end and you will pay a much heavier price down the road you and the rest of the lebaneese

  4.  Avatar

    you have to think about it mr saad if you do,nt insist on justice now regardless of the price this assasination trend will never end and you will pay a much heavier price down the road you and the rest of the lebaneese

  5.  Avatar

    you have to think about it mr saad if you do,nt insist on justice now regardless of the price this assasination trend will never end and you will pay a much heavier price down the road you and the rest of the lebaneese

  6. leb_expatriate Avatar

    I think it’s time the fundamentalist movements opposed to Hezbollah start mobilizing. Send a maniac to kill a maniac.

    Hezbollah has ruined the country by its own hands.

    I urge all other Lebanese groups opposed to Hezbollah to start arming because only by doing so will Hezbollah be deterred using its weapons against us.

    It’s also time to start helping our Syrian brothers and sisters to topple their tyrannical regime. Only by toppling the regime in Syria might Lebanon get some peace.

    Time to rise people and rid ourselves of this tyranny.

    1. Sebouh80 Avatar

      This is in response to both leb_expatriate and josephphdman.

      Gentlemen, I totally respect your opinions, but you have to understand that calling the fundamentalist movements and other opposition groups to start arming will simply become “counterproductive” and will completely destroy this small beleaguered country, and will put our
      lives in extreme danger. Kindly, I urge all the people to use caution and please let us not get into emotions.

      The last thing Lebanon needs is another sectarian civil war.

      1. leb_expatriate Avatar

        Sorry dude logic doesn’t work with the likes of Hezbollah. They’re the ones using their arms to threaten the rest of the Lebanese people. They say these arms are only to fight Israel. What a load of crap if you ask me. Who gave them the right to monopolize the resistance anyway. The rest of the Lebanese people want to defend themselves against external threats as well and under this pretext they will arm.

        I say start sending the suicide bombers in to South Beirut, Nabatieh and where ever else these low life murderous Iranian stooges live.

        Blow them up to smithereens so the rest of the Lebanese people can finally get some peace and stability. I even go further by saying that all available means should be used to instigate an uprising in Syria. Topple this scum bag regime of (tutu I’m in Iran’s pocket) Assad.

        The Syrians should learn from the Tunisians on how to give it to their government that does crap all for them.

        Lets change the reality on the ground. Lets not give Hezbollah the satisfaction of toppling yet another elected government. Lets bring the war to them before they bring it to us. Lets give them a taste of their own medicine. Lets send them to Iran in body bags so Khamanie can weep over them.

        Enough is enough you bastards.

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          All well and good. You’ve got two choices now from what I gather. First leave whatever country you are expat in and come back to Lebanon because they need men at arms and second if you do not value your life or if you are one of those lunatics who think that there is reward in some ether state after you martyr yourself wear an explosive belt and carry on your threat and blow yourself to smithereens. However, I assure you there are no virgins waiting for you on the other side and if they do have virgins there is only frustration waiting for you as souls have no dicks.

  7.  Avatar

    I think it’s time the fundamentalist movements opposed to Hezbollah start mobilizing. Send a maniac to kill a maniac.

    Hezbollah has ruined the country by its own hands.

    I urge all other Lebanese groups opposed to Hezbollah to start arming because only by doing so will Hezbollah be deterred using its weapons against us.

    It’s also time to start helping our Syrian brothers and sisters to topple their tyrannical regime. Only by toppling the regime in Syria might Lebanon get some peace.

    Time to rise people and rid ourselves of this tyranny.

    1.  Avatar

      This is in response to both leb_expatriate and josephphdman.

      Gentlemen, I totally respect your opinions, but you have to understand that calling the fundamentalist movements and other opposition groups to start arming will simply become “counterproductive” and will completely destroy this small beleaguered country, and will put our
      lives in extreme danger. Kindly, I urge all the people to use caution and please let us not get into emotions.

      The last thing Lebanon needs is another sectarian civil war.

      1.  Avatar

        Sorry dude logic doesn’t work with the likes of Hezbollah. They’re the ones using their arms to threaten the rest of the Lebanese people. They say these arms are only to fight Israel. What a load of crap if you ask me. Who gave them the right to monopolize the resistance anyway. The rest of the Lebanese people want to defend themselves against external threats as well and under this pretext they will arm.

        I say start sending the suicide bombers in to South Beirut, Nabatieh and where ever else these low life murderous Iranian stooges live.

        Blow them up to smithereens so the rest of the Lebanese people can finally get some peace and stability. I even go further by saying that all available means should be used to instigate an uprising in Syria. Topple this scum bag regime of (tutu I’m in Iran’s pocket) Assad.

        The Syrians should learn from the Tunisians on how to give it to their government that does crap all for them.

        Lets change the reality on the ground. Lets not give Hezbollah the satisfaction of toppling yet another elected government. Lets bring the war to them before they bring it to us. Lets give them a taste of their own medicine. Lets send them to Iran in body bags so Khamanie can weep over them.

        Enough is enough you bastards.

        1. All well and good. You’ve got two choices now from what I gather. First leave whatever country you are expat in and come back to Lebanon because they need men at arms and second if you do not value your life or if you are one of those lunatics who think that there is reward in some ether state after you martyr yourself wear an explosive belt and carry on your threat and blow yourself to smithereens. However, I assure you there are no virgins waiting for you on the other side and if they do have virgins there is only frustration waiting for you as souls have no dicks.

  8. Wow this fellow looks like a ghost! That was probably taken in the USA when he heard his government went down the pooper and there was a possibility that Hizbullah henchmen will, be waiting for him at the airport.

  9. Wow this fellow looks like a ghost! That was probably taken in the USA when he heard his government went down the pooper and there was a possibility that Hizbullah henchmen will, be waiting for him at the airport.

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