Hariri meets Jumblatt


Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri held talks with Progressive Socialist party leader MP Walid Jumblatt at the Center House, in the presence of ministers Ghazi Aridi, Akram Shehayeb and Wael Abu Faour as well as the premier’s adviser Nader Hariri, according to local reports.

The talks reportedly tackled the current political developments.

PM’s aide, Ghattas Khoury, said during an interview earlier on Friday that the relationship between Hariri and Jumblatt has not been severed despite the latter’s positions.

The PSP leader split from March 14 in 2009, following which he reconciled with past political rivals including Hezbollah, Iran and Syria.  Jumblatt’s  move was heavily criticized by his PSP supporters and members of the Druze community and many started to compare him to MP Michel Aoun
