Fired Iranian FM: Dismissal was undiplomatic, un-Islamic, offensive


Iran’s former foreign minister indirectly criticized the president Sunday for abruptly firing him last week during the middle of an official visit to Africa, saying his dismissal was “undiplomatic , un-Islamic and offensive” and caught him unaware.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced the decision to fire Manouchehr Mottaki while he was on a diplomatic mission to Senegal. He appointed nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi as acting foreign minister.

Mottaki added his criticism to an outcry by parliament members who rival Ahmadinejad from within his own conservative camp. He told Iran’s Mehr new agency that he was “never informed” about the dismissal before or while on his trip.

On Saturday, Mohammad Reza Rahimi, Iran’s first vice president, claimed during a farewell ceremony for Mottaki that he knew he was going to be replaced ahead of his Africa trip. Mottaki did not attend the ceremony and said Sunday he was not informed about it. He called the process “ridiculous.”

He said he met Ahmadinejad before leaving for Africa but nobody told him he was about to be dismissed.

There was more criticism of Ahmadinejad in parliament on Sunday, after an outcry last week.

Ali Larijani, parliament speaker and a close ally of Mottaki, said during a speech in an open session of parliament that he appreciated Mottaki’s service.

“The right way was that the change should have happened with prudence and observing dignity and not during the visit,” Larijani said.

Ali Motahari, one of the lawmakers opposed to Ahmadinejad, told Khabaronline news website Sunday that Mottaki learned about his dismissal from Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade.

“The President (Ahmadinejad) did not have such a right. I hope he will have convincing response for this,” he said. AP



4 responses to “Fired Iranian FM: Dismissal was undiplomatic, un-Islamic, offensive”

  1. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Can an ousted Arab foreign minster criticize his president for firing him? I think not.Unless he gets arrested soon, then I’ll bite my own

  2. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Can an ousted Arab foreign minster criticize his president for firing him? I think not.Unless he gets arrested soon, then I’ll bite my own

  3. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Ya habibi, Ya Jnoubi,
    Assasinations and phisical elimination ,aside from being wrong, have never been proven effective in altering political landscape much .They do nothing but add fuel to fire. Most of the time, they do the opposite of what is intended.
    I usually don’t read what this kid says, because I don’t believe He is capable of saying anything useful anyway.He inherited a legacy that most Lebanese,and especially Christians, want to forget.He is also a son to a father He didn’t get the chance to meet. If he is angry, it is well understood.
    Rememeber, Riad Asulleh,Kamal Jummblt, Hassan Khaled,Rashid Karami,Bashir Gemayle, Dany Chamoun, Abbas Mousai, Hariri, Mughnieh,and others who died through physical elimination;None of those assassination proved effective.
    What ever “gain”( to those who do it) that might come out of Assassination is always a short term gain,and short lived.
    This whole mentality needs to go away;Being Jnubei yourself, should be a good reason for you ,to stand against violence. We should always stand firm to defend and resist fearlessly, but not advocate unnecessary violence.At the end of the day,all lebanese have no choice but to find a way of getting along
    Even the disapearance of Mussa Sader, turned out to be counter productive to those who did it; It has energized the shiia community,and continues to do so.You know, that was not on the mind of those who arranged the disappearance or the assassination of Mussa Sader.
    I’m not evaluating any of those people I mentioned here, I ‘m giving few examples of major cases of assassinations that took place in Lebanon..Don’t allow your animosity( it’s your right to dislike or like anyway) toward people to wish them death. We all have our destiny in life.
    Wishful thinking have no place in politics or in life period.
    I’m totally against physical eliminations of political opponents.It is wrong, and it only backfires .And some times it makes heroes out of people who are not even effective in their lives.

  4. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Ya habibi, Ya Jnoubi,
    assasinations and phisical elimination ,aside from being wrong, have never been proven effective in altering political views .They do nothing but add full to the fire.
    Rememeber, Riad Asulleh,Kamal Jummblt, Hassan Khaled,Rashd Karami,Bashir Gemayle, Dany Chamoun, Abbas Mousai, and others who died through physical assassination;None of those assassination proved effective. I
    I’m totally against physical eliminations of political opponents.It is wrong, and it only backfire .

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