Abbas rejects US military link to peace process


During an interview with the London based Arabic newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has spoken against the US military help to Israel in exchange for a moratorium on the construction of Jewish settlements on West Bank of the Jordan River.

” Let their aid be carried out far removed from the Palestinian peace negotiations and not be used as a pretext for giving more weaponry to Israel,” Abbas said.

Abbas , however he admitted that the US is Israel’s ally and Palestine could not do anything about it it.

“The United States is an ally of Israel and we cannot prevent that,” Abbas said

Earlier, the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton came up with the offer of additional $3 billion worth of advanced F-35 fighter aircraft and security guarantees in exchange for 90-day West Bank building moratorium.

The US aim is to bring Abbas back to the negotiating table with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Direct peace negotiations resumed on September 2 but collapsed three weeks later with the expiry of a 10-month Israeli ban on West Bank settlement building.



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