Jumblatt attacks Obama praises Iran


Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt attacked US president Barack Obama on Saturday and praised Iran and the recent visit to Lebanon of its president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during an interview with Iranian Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).

“US President Barack Obama’s policy of sowing discord among the Lebanese will fail,” Jumblatt said and added: Lebanese authorities must be vigilant to counter conspiracies, Jumblatt told IRNA.

Jumblatt also praised Iran by saying: “Iran has supported Lebanon in the most difficult times” and added that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Lebanon in October was very important.

“President Ahmadinejad believes that supporting Lebanon is a must, as any disorder in Lebanon’s political situation would have dangerous regional consequences,” Jumblatt added.

Addressing his ties with Iran, he said that he has restored his old relationship with it after a long period of separation, adding that his visit to Tehran will take place at the appropriate time.

The Iranian president paid a two-day official visit to Lebanon earlier in October, meeting with top Lebanese officials and also appearing at Hezbollah rallies. His visit was praised by Hezbollah and its its allies but criticized by the March 14 majority alliance.

Ever since Jumblatt turned his back to the March 14 alliance his popularity within his constituency has substantially dropped. One analyst who wanted to remain anonymous told Ya Libnan, that he spent 3 months in the Shouf mountains and the Metn region last summer interviewing many people and was surprised to find how much unpopular was jumblatt’s new position within his own constituency .

“Not even 1 in 10 that I spoke to defended Jumblatt’s new stance”, the analyst said adding:”Most of the people I spoke to still support March 14 alliance and are very critical of Hezbollah, specially after what it tried to do in May 2008 “.

In May 2008 the Iranian backed Hezbollah gunmen occupied the Western part of Beirut and tried but failed to occupy the Druze stronghold of Mt Lebanon.



26 responses to “Jumblatt attacks Obama praises Iran”

  1. joseph_phdmath Avatar

    junblat you are not credible and you could not be trusted no one values your opinion
    it does,nt matter what you say
    even the duruz community in lebanon they do,nt support you any more
    why bother and talk

  2.  Avatar

    junblat you are not credible and you could not be trusted no one values your opinion

    it does,nt matter what you say

    even the duruz community in lebanon they do,nt support you any more

    why bother and talk

  3. Why isn’t this man in an institution already? He clearly suffers from dementia.

    1. LebanesePatriot Avatar

      The people who suffer from dementia are those who roll out the red carpet to those who gave Israel the OKAY to destroy Lebanon just two years after it happend.

      The people who have dementia are those who visit Hafez Al-Assad’s funeral after their country was raped and pillaged by them.

    2. LebanesePatriot Avatar

      The people who suffer from dementia are those who roll out the red carpet to those who gave Israel the OKAY to destroy Lebanon just two years after it happend.

      The people who have dementia are those who visit Hafez Al-Assad’s funeral after their country was raped and pillaged by them.

  4.  Avatar

    Why isn’t this man in an institution already? He clearly suffers from dementia.

    1.  Avatar

      The people who suffer from dementia are those who roll out the red carpet to those who gave Israel the OKAY to destroy Lebanon just two years after it happend.

      The people who have dementia are those who visit Hafez Al-Assad’s funeral after their country was raped and pillaged by them.

  5. Looks like someone has a gun on your head, or lots of money if its the money well no surprise thats Lebanese government , you change your mind as soon as the Irainian president spoke to you. If its the gun on your head I feel sorry for you, your family and them .Lebanon will always be held hostage unless I am sooo sorry to say this another blood shed and we rid this yellow flag with a gun on it. HELP ME UNDERSTAND WHY DO WE NEED A RESISTANCE GROUP IN LEBANON.??????????????

  6. Looks like someone has a gun on your head, or lots of money if its the money well no surprise thats Lebanese government , you change your mind as soon as the Irainian president spoke to you. If its the gun on your head I feel sorry for you, your family and them .Lebanon will always be held hostage unless I am sooo sorry to say this another blood shed and we rid this yellow flag with a gun on it. HELP ME UNDERSTAND WHY DO WE NEED A RESISTANCE GROUP IN LEBANON.??????????????

  7.  Avatar

    Looks like someone has a gun on your head, or lots of money if its the money well no surprise thats Lebanese government , you change your mind as soon as the Irainian president spoke to you. If its the gun on your head I feel sorry for you, your family and them .Lebanon will always be held hostage unless I am sooo sorry to say this another blood shed and we rid this yellow flag with a gun on it. HELP ME UNDERSTAND WHY DO WE NEED A RESISTANCE GROUP IN LEBANON.??????????????

  8. Joumblat is the most paradoxical political figure in Lebanon. One day he can be a staunch leftist and launches strong verbal attacks against the imperialist powers and the next we find him in US drinking tea with the most conservative US neocon members.

  9. Joumblat is the most paradoxical political figure in Lebanon. One day he can be a staunch leftist and launches strong verbal attacks against the imperialist powers and the next we find him in US drinking tea with the most conservative US neocon members.

  10.  Avatar

    Joumblat is the most paradoxical political figure in Lebanon. One day he can be a staunch leftist and launches strong verbal attacks against the imperialist powers and the next we find him in US drinking tea with the most conservative US neocon members.

  11. Jumblatt is the most Paradoxical political figure in Lebanon. One day he claims to be a leftist and starts launching strong verbal attacks on the imperialist powers and the next day we find him sitting in Washington drinking tea with the most conservative neocon members.

  12. Jumblatt is the most Paradoxical political figure in Lebanon. One day he claims to be a leftist and starts launching strong verbal attacks on the imperialist powers and the next day we find him sitting in Washington drinking tea with the most conservative neocon members.

  13.  Avatar

    Jumblatt is the most Paradoxical political figure in Lebanon. One day he claims to be a leftist and starts launching strong verbal attacks on the imperialist powers and the next day we find him sitting in Washington drinking tea with the most conservative neocon members.

  14. Right now he,s trying to please his ,¨new allies¨ and to gain their confidence after the ¨long period of separation¨!!!!

  15. Right now he,s trying to please his ,¨new allies¨ and to gain their confidence after the ¨long period of separation¨!!!!

  16.  Avatar

    Right now he,s trying to please his ,¨new allies¨ and to gain their confidence after the ¨long period of separation¨!!!!

  17. PROPHET.T Avatar

    “Jumblat” has become a new term. It is longer just a name. I’m just waiting for someone to come up with an accurate definition for the term “Jumblat” .One thing is for sure; everyone wants him on his side. He’s better close to you, than against you. When he is close, you can keep an eye on him, when he’s against you, He can be devastating.
    I NEVER trusted the guy, don’t trust him now, and won’t trust him in the future.
    Just for the fun of it; let’s have a contest to see who comes up with the most accurate definition of the new term ‘ JUMBLAT” Please keep it civil, no insults necessary.
    BTW, My 6 year old, calls him Einstein.

  18. PROPHET.T Avatar

    “Jumblat” has become a new term. It is longer just a name. I’m just waiting for someone to come up with an accurate definition for the term “Jumblat” .One thing is for sure; everyone wants him on his side. He’s better close to you, than against you. When he is close, you can keep an eye on him, when he’s against you, He can be devastating.
    I NEVER trusted the guy, don’t trust him now, and won’t trust him in the future.
    Just for the fun of it; let’s have a contest to see who comes up with the most accurate definition of the new term ‘ JUMBLAT” Please keep it civil, no insults necessary.
    BTW, My 6 year old, calls him Einstein.

  19. PROPHET.T Avatar

    “Jumblat” has become a new term. It is longer just a name. I’m just waiting for someone to come up with an accurate definition for the term “Jumblat” .One thing is for sure; everyone wants him on his side. He’s better close to you, than against you. When he is close, you can keep an eye on him, when he’s against you, He can be devastating.

    I NEVER trusted the guy, don’t trust him now, and won’t trust him in the future.

    Just for the fun of it; let’s have a contest to see who comes up with the most accurate definition of the new term ‘ JUMBLAT” Please keep it civil, no insults necessary.

    1.  Avatar

      Prophet, we need to be in contact.

      The Zionists are trying to influence this site and I’m on moderation for revealing info.

  20. Who you think yourself Joumblatt, you hardly represent a 120,000 Druze,one day in USA one day In Syria and other in Iran, wahed Mzabzab , malla masater he zouaama kella

  21.  Avatar

    Who you think yourself Joumblatt, you hardly represent a 120,000 Druze,one day in USA one day In Syria and other in Iran, wahed Mzabzab , malla masater he zouaama kella

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