Fatfat: Hezbollah is in trouble


March 14 MP Ahmad Fatfat said on Wednesday during an interview with Future TV that Hezbollah is “in trouble ….and that is why we find Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s speeches so tense.”

Last month, Nasrallah called for boycotting the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL ) and ending cooperation with its investigators.

Commenting on the cabinet meeting and the possibility of preventing a vote over the issue of the false witnesses he said:

“Not securing a quorum means a withdrawal of ministers [from the cabinet], which is a democratic conduct.”

Fatfat also told Future News that March 14 ministers will attend Wednesday’s cabinet session, which is expected to address the issue of “false witnesses.”

He also said that the March 8 coalition is calling for transferring the issue of “false witnesses” to the Judicial Council in an attempt to obstruct the STL.

March 14 leaders have said that the regular judiciary should handle the matter.

The cabinet will discuss on Wednesday the issue of witnesses who gave unreliable testimonies to the investigation of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri’s 2005 assassination.



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