France, UK , US warn against meddling with UN tribunal


The United States, Britain, France and others warned on Monday against interference with a U.N. tribunal investigating the 2005 murder of Lebanese prime minister Rafik al-Hariri.

The remarks during a U.N. Security Council meeting on the Israel-Palestinian crisis came after Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is believed to have raised his concerns about the tribunal with Saudi King Abdullah in Riyadh.

U.S. Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Brooke Anderson told council members Washington fully supported U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s determination to press ahead with the tribunal, despite fears of violence.

“Efforts to discredit, hinder or delay the tribunal’s work should not be tolerated, and those who engage in them do not have the interests of Lebanon or justice at heart,” Anderson told the 15-nation council.

British Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant echoed Anderson’s comments.

“We are concerned about increasing rhetoric aimed at undermining the special tribunal for Lebanon,” he said. “This tribunal should be allowed to continue its work unimpeded.”

French Ambassador Gerard Araud made similar remarks, saying Paris was “concerned by the present tensions, in particular with respect to the special tribunal for Lebanon.” Russian envoy Vitaly Churkin said there should be “no politicization” of the tribunal’s work.

A council diplomat told Reuters on condition of anonymity that the comments were clearly aimed at both Syria and the Lebanese militant organization Hezbollah.


Hezbollah, part of Lebanon’s national unity government, has denounced the U.N.-backed court as a tool of U.S. and Israeli policy and called on Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, Rafik’s son, to repudiate the tribunal.

Asked about his concerns regarding the tribunal, Israel’s new U.N. Ambassador Meron Reuben told Reuters in an interview the Jewish state hoped to “avoid spillover of Lebanese politics into Israeli territory.”

Israel fought a one-month war against Hezbollah in 2006 after a group of the Iranian-backed militants crossed the Lebanese border and seized two Israeli soldiers.

Syria, initially implicated by U.N. investigators in the bombing that killed Hariri, has always viewed the tribunal as politically motivated. Syrian officials say any indictments of Hezbollah would be considered to be targeting Syria too.

Syrian U.N. Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari addressed the council as well, even though Syria is not a member. He made no comment about the tribunal.

Syria has denied involvement in Hariri’s assassination but was forced to end its three-decade military presence in Lebanon following an international outcry.

Fears of violence have intensified since rumors of the impending indictments began to circulate. Pro-Syrian politician Suleiman Franjieh warned last month of sectarian war in Lebanon if the tribunal indicted Hezbollah members.

It was the Lebanese government that originally requested the establishment of the U.N. court and agreed to pay almost half its costs. But political winds have shifted in Beirut.

Current Prime Minister al-Hariri has mended relations with Damascus. In a turnaround, he has said he was wrong to accuse Syria of killing his father and that accusations against Damascus had been politically motivated.




12 responses to “France, UK , US warn against meddling with UN tribunal”

  1. Better meddling with UN than with France, UK or US.

    Hep Ban, how do you like your chawarma?

    1. derito2000 Avatar

      Shaken not stirred

      1. derito2000,
        My tailor is rich.

  2. Better meddling with UN than with France, UK or US.

    Hep Ban, how do you like your chawarma?

    1.  Avatar

      Shaken not stirred

      1. derito2000,
        My tailor is rich.

    2.  Avatar

      Shaken not stirred

  3. enough major western powers bullshit talks and crocodile tears, the situation on the ground has gone far beyond the mere meddling with stl , the lebanese government with all its institutions and the whole country as a matter of fact is being currently subjected to a gradual coup d’etat.

    so we are sending this message to all the major powers around the world; if you really care about lebanon, you have only two paths ahead of you to choose from:

    1- bring your armadas and all the military might you can send to achieve the task of reestablishing justice, law and order in lebanon and execute literally all the national and international resolutions starting with the taef agreement till now, since the lebanese government and its institutions miserably failed to do so.

    2- or else, tell your supporters in lebanon or what is left of them to leave the governing of the country to the pro syrian and the pro iranian folks and watch events unfold passively hopefully without the bloodshed and the destruction of the entire country.

    1. derito2000 Avatar

      dude, no one cares man, all of these countries u mention have problems of their own. Besides, Lebanon has proven to be quick sand to whoever tries to get involved. Every country that tried to have a role one way or another, since the 75 war started, has taken it on the chin from the Lebanese or their lovely neighbors the Syrians. So its time for an internal solution, and I’m not sure what will it take to convince EVRYONE that NO ONE from the outside has the Lebanese best interest at heart. Nothing scratches your skin better than your own nail.

    2. derito2000 Avatar

      dude, no one cares man, all of these countries u mention have problems of their own. Besides, Lebanon has proven to be quick sand to whoever tries to get involved. Every country that tried to have a role one way or another, since the 75 war started, has taken it on the chin from the Lebanese or their lovely neighbors the Syrians. So its time for an internal solution, and I’m not sure what will it take to convince EVRYONE that NO ONE from the outside has the Lebanese best interest at heart. Nothing scratches your skin better than your own nail.

  4.  Avatar

    enough major western powers bullshit talks and crocodile tears, the situation on the ground has gone far beyond the mere meddling with stl , the lebanese government with all its institutions and the whole country as a matter of fact is being currently subjected to a gradual coup d’etat.

    so we are sending this message to all the major powers around the world; if you really care about lebanon, you have only two paths ahead of you to choose from:

    1- bring your armadas and all the military might you can send to achieve the task of reestablishing justice, law and order in lebanon and execute literally all the national and international resolutions starting with the taef agreement till now, since the lebanese government and its institutions miserably failed to do so.

    2- or else, tell your supporters in lebanon or what is left of them to leave the governing of the country to the pro syrian and the pro iranian folks and watch events unfold passively hopefully without the bloodshed and the destruction of the entire country.

    1.  Avatar

      dude, no one cares man, all of these countries u mention have problems of their own. Besides, Lebanon has proven to be quick sand to whoever tries to get involved. Every country that tried to have a role one way or another, since the 75 war started, has taken it on the chin from the Lebanese or their lovely neighbors the Syrians. So its time for an internal solution, and I’m not sure what will it take to convince EVRYONE that NO ONE from the outside has the Lebanese best interest at heart. Nothing scratches your skin better than your own nail.

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