Hezbollah, Jamaa Islamiya condemn LBC’s ‘Kalam An-Nas’ talk show


Hezbollah issued a statement to condemn Thursday’s ‘Kalam An-Nas’ talk show with Marcel Ghanem on the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation (LBC).

The statement read:

“We at Hezbollah categorically condemn the ugly act of incitement as perpetrated byLBC, and we deem it to be a contribution and intentional propagation of sedition in Lebanon by the administration of this television station, particularly between Shiite and Sunni Muslims. We also regard it as an abuse of public freedom in Lebanon. ”

Hezbollah called on the” Lebanese judiciary and relevant authorities including the Ministry of Information and the National Media Council to act responsibly in front of this real media crime that was committed last Thursday, and repeated again through a rerun of the episode, thus showing that the television station’s deed was premeditated,” the statement concluded.

Similarly Jamaa Islamiya also condemned the episode, saying that it provoked sectarian sentiments and encouraged strife.

In a statement the group said that the episode encouraged the resorting to arms and deliberately tarnished the history and current reality of the northern city of Tripoli.

Information Minister Tarek Mitri phoned LBC’s chairman Pierre Daher after receiving several calls expressing surprise over the content of the episode.

Daher said he understood the reactions and voiced his readiness to shorten the airing period of the upcoming “Kalam An-Nas” episodes, tackling the same topic.

Ghanem hosted a group of youth from the Alawite, Sunni, Shiite and Christian communities and asked questions such as: “Will you face Hezbollah if it decided to react using arms over the indictment?”

He also aired testimonies of victims of clashes between pro-government and Hezbollah gunmen in May 2008.

Tension escalated in Lebanon following reports that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon will soon issue its indictment into the 2005 assassination of Lebanon’s former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Last July, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that the tribunal is “an Israeli project” that will indict Hezbollah members. Nasrallah accused Israel of being behind Hariri’s assassination but refused to provide the evidence to STL to support his claim.

There are concerns that should the court indict Hezbollah members, it could lead to clashes similar to those of the May 7, 2008 Events when the Iranian backed Shiite militants occupied the Sunni part of Beirut and tried but failed to occupy the Druze stronghold of Mt Lebanon



18 responses to “Hezbollah, Jamaa Islamiya condemn LBC’s ‘Kalam An-Nas’ talk show”

  1. failed to occupy the druze stronghold yes ha was defeated hahahahaha

  2. failed to occupy the druze stronghold yes ha was defeated hahahahaha

  3. actually the iranian party members were cut to pieces in the Chouf beyond recognition,ignorant of history ,they don;t know the Druze fighters yet!!

  4.  Avatar

    actually the iranian party members were cut to pieces in the Chouf beyond recognition,ignorant of history ,they don;t know the Druze fighters yet!!

  5. I watched the program, don’t know what the big deal about showing really what happened and the truth, why we need to lie always , as when I study history back my time in 1974, we were told that 2 boys playing with Gille,one Druze and one Chrsitian in Chouf caused the massacres of 1860.

    1. Hannibal Avatar

      That story was fabricated Guss. I have proof and authentic records from a British attache about the real story. It actually started with a Maronite rebellion by poor peasants against rich overlords. When the Druze overlords heard that the poor Maronite peasants overrun the Turkish soldiers and the crooks of the rich, they with the Turks grabbed this opportunity and told the Druze that this was a Christian war against the Druze. The Turks asked the Christians of the mountains to give up their weapons (pretty much like the Syrians recently did by taking everybody’s weapons and leaving HA with the weapons) for the protection from the Turks, and then they left the flood gates open and the Christians were massacred in cold blood. Soon after Shia, and Sunnis from the South and Damascus joined the fray and started attacking and killing men women children elderlies and monks AND nuns. I have the proof and I can show it to anyone willing to read. I will scan it and post it on the Internet if needs be. THAT IS the root of the problem of Lebanon. That was BEFORE the zionists took Palestine in the 1800s. I am listing the fact so someone does not foolishly say it was a zionist project. Now THAT WAS A REAL Christian HOLOCAUST at the hand of Druze, Moslems and Turks instigated by the Turks BECAUSE the Maronites were printing Arabic script and starting to raise Arabism in defiance. I do believe that a public apology and retribution is due to the Christian communities. If that were to happen it will begin to heal old wounds and sectarianism will start retreating from our hearts and souls.

      1. Thanks Hannibal for the historical fact, I was esposed to the book in Lebanese university, “Chouhod el Aayan fi Jabal Libnan” you are absolutely right , actually the turk took all the gun from the Hasbaya Greek orthodox maianly and asked them to go to the fortress and they will protect them, At night the turk let the Druze in and 3000 women ( pregnants,men and kids) were slaughtered , their scream reach villages on the other side to Syria , after that Zahle and Dir el kamar were burned and as you mention who ever escaped the Druze slaughter got caught with the Shiites who finish them ot took the women and raped them or sold them to slavery, this history must have been taught by the government after the independence instead of lying so the history doesn’t repeat, instead they kept lying and people kept the history and talk about the 1860 massacres in Lebanon and Syria, similar massacres happened when Joumblat the father died , but all what you hear is Geagea is a criminal , who ordered the killing of the 300 or more Christians all elderly because of Journalist death? if no one it will actaully more scary as it means you are living with true barbarians in the country .Let’s not open old wound as forgiveness is the start and the patriarch did the reconciliation with Joumblatt, but did it really end and there is no guarantee it happens again, all the signs say it will, 2008 the Shiite attack on the Druze and Sunni, and so on , my opinion the religion in Lebanon need to be kept in mosque and churches and khilwet forever and go to a secular country ,but this is far away, you just see a head of Mullah state talking about the Mehdi and the Christ , another idiot who think himself is a prophet!!!

      2. Thanks Hannibal for the historical fact, I was esposed to the book in Lebanese university, “Chouhod el Aayan fi Jabal Libnan” you are absolutely right , actually the turk took all the gun from the Hasbaya Greek orthodox maianly and asked them to go to the fortress and they will protect them, At night the turk let the Druze in and 3000 women ( pregnants,men and kids) were slaughtered , their scream reach villages on the other side to Syria , after that Zahle and Dir el kamar were burned and as you mention who ever escaped the Druze slaughter got caught with the Shiites who finish them ot took the women and raped them or sold them to slavery, this history must have been taught by the government after the independence instead of lying so the history doesn’t repeat, instead they kept lying and people kept the history and talk about the 1860 massacres in Lebanon and Syria, similar massacres happened when Joumblat the father died , but all what you hear is Geagea is a criminal , who ordered the killing of the 300 or more Christians all elderly because of Journalist death? if no one it will actaully more scary as it means you are living with true barbarians in the country .Let’s not open old wound as forgiveness is the start and the patriarch did the reconciliation with Joumblatt, but did it really end and there is no guarantee it happens again, all the signs say it will, 2008 the Shiite attack on the Druze and Sunni, and so on , my opinion the religion in Lebanon need to be kept in mosque and churches and khilwet forever and go to a secular country ,but this is far away, you just see a head of Mullah state talking about the Mehdi and the Christ , another idiot who think himself is a prophet!!!

  6. I watched the program, don’t know what the big deal about showing really what happened and the truth, why we need to lie always , as when I study history back my time in 1974, we were told that 2 boys playing with Gille,one Druze and one Chrsitian in Chouf caused the massacres of 1860.

  7.  Avatar

    I watched the program, don’t know what the big deal about showing really what happened and the truth, why we need to lie always , as when I study history back my time in 1974, we were told that 2 boys playing with Gille,one Druze and one Chrsitian in Chouf caused the massacres of 1860.

    1. That story was fabricated Guss. I have proof and authentic records from a British attache about the real story. It actually started with a Maronite rebellion by poor peasants against rich overlords. When the Druze overlords heard that the poor Maronite peasants overrun the Turkish soldiers and the crooks of the rich, they with the Turks grabbed this opportunity and told the Druze that this was a Christian war against the Druze. The Turks asked the Christians of the mountains to give up their weapons (pretty much like they recently did by taking everybody’s weapons and leaving HA with the weapons) for the protection from the Turks, and then they left the flood gates open and the Christians were massacred in cold blood. Soon after Shia, and Sunnis from the South and Damascus joined the fray and started attacking and killing men women children elderlies and monks AND nuns. I have the proof and I can show it to anyone willing to read. I will scan it and post it on the Internet if needs be. THAT IS the root of the problem of Lebanon. That was BEFORE the zionists took Palestine in the 1800s. I am listing the fact so someone does not foolishly say it was a zionist project. Now THAT WAS A REAL Christian HOLOCAUST at the hand of Druze, Moslems and Turks instigated by the Turks BECAUSE the Maronites were printing Arabic script and staring to raise Arabism in defiance. I do believe that a public apology and retribution is due to the Christian communities. If that were to happen it will begin to heal old wounds and sectarianism will start retreating from our hearts and souls.

      1.  Avatar

        Thanks Hannibal for the historical fact, I was esposed to the book in Lebanese university, “Chouhod el Aayan fi Jabal Libnan” you are absolutely right , actually the turk took all the gun from the Hasbaya Greek orthodox maianly and asked them to go to the fortress and they will protect them, At night the turk let the Druze in and 3000 women ( pregnants,men and kids) were slaughtered , their scream reach villages on the other side to Syria , after that Zahle and Dir el kamar were burned and as you mention who ever escaped the Druze slaughter got caught with the Shiites who finish them ot took the women and raped them or sold them to slavery, this history must have been taught by the government after the independence instead of lying so the history doesn’t repeat, instead they kept lying and people kept the history and talk about the 1860 massacres in Lebanon and Syria, similar massacres happened when Joumblat the father died , but all what you hear is Geagea is a criminal , who ordered the killing of the 300 or more Christians all elderly because of Journalist death? if no one it will actaully more scary as it means you are living with true barbarians in the country .Let’s not open old wound as forgiveness is the start and the patriarch did the reconciliation with Joumblatt, but did it really end and there is no guarantee it happens again, all the signs say it will, 2008 the Shiite attack on the Druze and Sunni, and so on , my opinion the religion in Lebanon need to be kept in mosque and churches and khilwet forever and go to a secular country ,but this is far away, you just see a head of Mullah state talking about the Mehdi and the Christ , another idiot who think himself is a prophet!!!

  8. joseph_phdmath1 Avatar

    lebanon is a democratic state people have the right of freedom of speach and freedom of press maybe if you ca,nt handle freedom pack your bags and go back to iran

  9. joseph_phdmath1 Avatar

    lebanon is a democratic state people have the right of freedom of speach and freedom of press maybe if you ca,nt handle freedom pack your bags and go back to iran

  10.  Avatar

    lebanon is a democratic state people have the right of freedom of speach and freedom of press maybe if you ca,nt handle freedom pack your bags and go back to iran

  11. You people are psychotic! This not history, this is His-story! Made up crap to suit your ignorance, prejudiced and racist beliefs. I apologize…….for dignifying any of this crap with a reply!

  12. You people are psychotic! This not history, this is His-story! Made up crap to suit your ignorance, prejudiced and racist beliefs. I apologize…….for dignifying any of this crap with a reply!

  13.  Avatar

    You people are psychotic! This not history, this is His-story! Made up crap to suit your ignorance, prejudiced and racist beliefs. I apologize…….for dignifying any of this crap with a reply!

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