U.S.: Syria should respect Lebanon’s sovereignty


Commenting on the arrest warrants ordered by Syria against Lebanese and foreign nationals over former PM Rafik Hariri’s murder probe, U.S. State Department spokesman Philip Crowley, said “Syria and other countries should continue to respect Lebanon’s sovereignty.”

Crowley stressed his country’s support for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

“STL work is ongoing, and we believe it is the best path to end the era where political assassinations were tolerated,” Crowley said.

Last Sunday the Syrian judiciary reportedly issued 33 arrest warrants for judges, officers, politicians and journalists of Lebanese, Arab and other nationalities in the case brought by former Lebanese General Security chief Jamil as-Sayyed, according to a statement from Sayyed’s office.



7 responses to “U.S.: Syria should respect Lebanon’s sovereignty”

  1. Yeah, Syria & US & NATO.
    At least Syrians DOESN’T tackle you the way you did, that’s clumsy.
    Btw, stop believing, you bore lebanese people who at least have cried for Hariri because of the music ambiance.

  2. Yeah, Syria & US & NATO.
    At least Syrians DOESN’T tackle you the way you did, that’s clumsy.
    Btw, stop believing, you bore lebanese people who at least have cried for Hariri because of the music ambiance.

  3. josephphd Avatar

    dear crowley
    thank for your support for a democratic state of lebanon
    this is a civilized nation and highly educated people have lots in common with the us and they see in the us as adream land to visit one day
    its time for justice to be served for mp harriri
    and the united nation policies will prevail sooner or later likethey always have had
    god bless you and god bless america

    1. Cathy80 Avatar

      Joseph, you should also send the same message to your country Israel.

    2. Cathy80 Avatar

      Joseph, you should also send the same message to your country Israel.

  4.  Avatar

    dear crowley

    thank for your support for a democratic state of lebanon

    this is a civilized nation and highly educated people have lots in common with the us and they see in the us as adream land to visit one day

    its time for justice to be served for mp harriri

    and the united nation policies will prevail sooner or later likethey always have had

    god bless you and god bless america

    1.  Avatar

      Joseph, you should also send the same message to your country Israel.

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