Geagea slams Hezbollah’s Qassem over LF and STL remarks


The Lebanese Forces (LF) called on Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem to submit his information ( if any ) to the judiciary, according to a statement issued by the LF on Friday.

Qassem said on Thursday that he has information on the LF armament.

If such false accusations reoccur, the party will have to resort to the judiciary, the statement added.

Speaking to reporters in Maarab after his meeting with U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Maura Connelly , Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Friday lamented that “a prominent dignitary such as Sheikh Qassem proclaimed totally false and baseless information suggesting that the LF was stockpiling weapons.”

Geagea asked Qassem to “submit his information, if there is any, to the relevant judicial authorities.”

Asked about the possibility of “confronting a new May 7,” Geagea said: “The State is the side to confront (such a possibility) and not us, because it (the state) is responsible for civil peace and the security of citizens, and this question shouldn’t be addressed to us, because the parties concerned are the ministries of interior and defense.”

this was in reference to the May 7 , 2008 event when gunmen of a Hezbollah-led alliance occupied the Sunni part of Beirut and tried but failed to occupy the Druze stronghold of Mt Lebanon . More Hezbollah gunmen were reportedly killed during the event than in the 2006 war with Israel.


Geagea also slammed Qassem over the latter’s remarks that the article on funding the Special Tribunal for Lebanon will not be passed in Cabinet, stressing that “the STL was established under U.N. Security Council Resolution 1757 and the successive governments, including the current one, have been committed to Security Council’s resolutions, including the aforementioned.”

The LF leader ruled out that the government might soon be toppled by Hezbollah and its allies, noting that the other camp ( March 8) was “incapable” of taking such a step.

Geagea said that “there is no proof” that the STL was targeting Hezbollah, calling on the Lebanese people and politicians to read the biographies of STL’s key officials – its president Antonio Cassesse, Prosecutor Danielle Bellemare, Pre-Trial Judge Daniel Fransen and others.

Asked about the possibility of sectarian violence in Lebanon should the STL accuse members of Hezbollah of murdering former PM Rafik Hariri, Geagea said: “Why? I don’t understand the link between the two things.”


Geagea wondered if Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem was “revealing what ‘would’ happen or what he ‘wants’ to happen” when he warned of sectarian violence in Lebanon over STL’s anticipated indictment.

On Saturday Phalange party MP and former minister Elie Marouni told Free Lebanon radio that “Syria is waiting for sedition in Lebanon to re-occupy the country.”

“ Syria still has the intention of returning to Lebanon,” Marouni stressed



6 responses to “Geagea slams Hezbollah’s Qassem over LF and STL remarks”

  1. josephphd Avatar

    this stl was created by the united nations who represent 165 countries in the world 8 billions peopel thier goal to bring about peace and stability in lebanon and help stop all those crimes commited aginst the lebaneese people
    why would such a world power organization target some groups or parties or militias ?
    that is not what they do and it is not thier assigned job ; their duty to bring about the truth of whoever commit crimes againt lebaneese and bring them to justice
    now if the stl idicte ha their decisision is based on thier investigation and their final is issued by the un how does that make the lebaneese people responsible for the indictement ?
    the sunni and duruz and christian they are not in charge of the un ha if you have an issue with stl you should take it to them directley

  2. josephphd Avatar

    this stl was created by the united nations who represent 165 countries in the world 8 billions peopel thier goal to bring about peace and stability in lebanon and help stop all those crimes commited aginst the lebaneese people
    why would such a world power organization target some groups or parties or militias ?
    that is not what they do and it is not thier assigned job ; their duty to bring about the truth of whoever commit crimes againt lebaneese and bring them to justice
    now if the stl idicte ha their decisision is based on thier investigation and their final is issued by the un how does that make the lebaneese people responsible for the indictement ?
    the sunni and duruz and christian they are not in charge of the un ha if you have an issue with stl you should take it to them directley

  3.  Avatar

    this stl was created by the united nations who represent 165 countries in the world 8 billions peopel thier goal to bring about peace and stability in lebanon and help stop all those crimes commited aginst the lebaneese people

    why would such a world power organization target some groups or parties or militias ?

    that is not what they do and it is not thier assigned job ; their duty to bring about the truth of whoever commit crimes againt lebaneese and bring them to justice

    now if the stl idicte ha their decisision is based on thier investigation and their final is issued by the un how does that make the lebaneese people responsible for the indictement that is stupid and non sence

    the sunni and duruz and christian they are not the un stupid ha(dough!!!)

    are you ever have some common sense ignorant pcosht

  4. josephphd Avatar

    dear geogea
    why worry about quassim what he says he is an outlaw he is not the leglal power in the state just tell him yes you are getting one tons of weapons evryday and when they disarm you will
    if they have the right to have arms why should,nt you
    and if the state want to enforce the law it should be enforced on all lebaneese regardless of religion or group or side

  5. josephphd Avatar

    dear geogea
    why worry about quassim what he says he is an outlaw he is not the leglal power in the state just tell him yes you are getting one tons of weapons evryday and when they disarm you will
    if they have the right to have arms why should,nt you
    and if the state want to enforce the law it should be enforced on all lebaneese regardless of religion or group or side

  6.  Avatar

    dear geogea

    why worry about quassim what he says he is an outlaw he is not the leglal power in the state just tell him yes you are getting one tons of weapons evryday and when they disarm you will

    if they have the right to have arms why should,nt you

    and if the state want to enforce the law it should be enforced on all lebaneese regardless of religion or group or side

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