Saqr accuses Sayyed of being behind the Der Spiegel report


Lebanon First parliamentary bloc MP Oqab Saqr on Monday accused former General Security Department chief Maj. Gen. Jamil Sayyed of fabricating the story published by German magazine Der Spiegel last year about the alleged involvement of Hezbollah in former PM Rafik Hariri’s assassination.

The report at the time had quoted sources close to the international tribunal and said it had examined internal documents.

“What was published by the German Der Spiegel was fabricated by Jamil Sayyed,” Saqr said during a press conference.

“We don’t want an apology from Hezbollah but we want the Lebanese to know … who spread the rumor” to Der Spiegel, the lawmaker said.

Last week, Saqr accused Sayyed of dispatching a man to Premier Saad Hariri asking for $15 million in return for giving up his case. “The mediator who asked for a financial settlement for Sayyed was Mustafa Nasser,” the MP said during his press conference on Monday.

Saqr urged Hezbollah to beware and not to play with fire saying there were attempts to ignite Shiite-Sunni strife in the region, including Lebanon.

He also urged Nasrallah to “extend his arm” as Hariri has done and stop his “attempted coup” to avoid civil war.

Turning to the issue of false witnesses, Saqr said the March 14 forces want to know who fabricated them. Let Syrian authorities question Hussam Hussam, who is currently in Syria, to know who was behind him, the MP told Sayyed.

Sayyed along with 3 other generals was detained from 2005 to 2009 on suspicion of involvement in former PM Rafik Hariri’s murder. In April 2009, the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL ) ordered their release without charges due to insufficient evidence. STL prosecutor made it clear at the time they were set free that their release did not mean they are Innocent and that once more evidence is available they could be back in jail.

The Der Spiegel report was published on May, 23 , 2009 several weeks following the release of Sayyed from jail.

According to observers , if Saqr is correct in his accusations of Sayyed then this could point to a revival of the accusations against Syria of being behind Hariri’s murder

The observers believe that Sayyed , a close ally of the Syrian regime may have attempted in his disclosures to Der Spiegel to exonerate Syria from the accusation of being behind Hariri’s assassination.

The irony here is that Hezbollah tried to protect Sayyed from being summoned by the Lebanese judiciary.

Hezbollah issued a statement on Friday in which it called on the judiciary to revoke Attorney General Judge Said Mirza’s decision to summon Sayyed for questioning after Sayyed said on September 12 that “[Prime Minister Saad Hariri] should take a lie detector test to prove he did not support or fund false witnesses in the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL).” The former General Security chief also threatened to take his right “with his own hands” if Hariri did not give it to him.



35 responses to “Saqr accuses Sayyed of being behind the Der Spiegel report”

  1. emmm another conspiracy theory…. you know what …scrue this I will wait for the STL, ya3ni few more weeks and we will have a theory that some suicide bomber from Honolulu has killed Hariri and his mother is from Syria…..uffff

    1. I have a better one. Didn’t you know? Hariri committed suicide to rid us of the Syrians. Guess what? He succeeded! Now for the rest of the martyrs? Gibran, Qassir, Gemayel, Ido etc… they were kinda jealous so they committed suicide too.

  2.  Avatar

    emmm another conspiracy theory…. you know what …scrue this I will wait for the STL, ya3ni few more weeks and we will have a theory that some suicide bomber from Honolulu has killed Hariri and his mother is from Syria…..uffff

    1. I have a better one. Didn’t you know? Hariri committed suicide to rid us of the Syrians. Guess what? He succeeded! Now for the rest of the martyrs? Gibran, Qassir, Gemayel, Ido etc… they were kinda jealous so they committed suicide too.

    2. I have a better one. Didn’t you know? Hariri committed suicide to rid us of the Syrians. Guess what? He succeeded! Now for the rest of the martyrs? Gibran, Qassir, Gemayel, Ido etc… they were kinda jealous so they committed suicide too.

  3. The STL is doing its job!!so patience!!Why this anger,this fear,these attacks,these threats,these accusations and these issues??Some have taken the law in their hands and defy all!Some still think others are under their command and defy!!Where are they leading the country to,?Do they know?It s rather tragic!!

  4.  Avatar

    The STL is doing its job!!so patience!!Why this anger,this fear,these attacks,these threats,these accusations and these issues??Some have taken the law in their hands and defy all!Some still think others are under their command and defy!!Where are they leading the country to,?Do they know?It s rather tragic!!

  5. Abousteif Avatar

    Great young political figure in the Scene. Very impressed with him. I have seen him interview twice over the weekend debating with Hizbo politic and he really is very eloquent, well spoken, and intelligent.

  6.  Avatar

    Great young political figure in the Scene. Very impressed with him. I have seen him interview twice over the weekend debating with Hizbo politic and he really is very eloquent, well spoken, and intelligent.

  7. It looks to me that people who normally support hezbollah are avoiding the site much due to not having an answer to the armed gangs who roamed Beirut streets and Airport trying to protect a gang member like them. These are terrorists from Dahia who claims the gov’t never protected them in the past. But yet who can protect the govt and the lebanese from them too? Its same gangs of Arafat PLO who have used the South to attack israel and take over Lebanon. So when true lebanese militia tried to stop them. hezbollah calling them traitors now. Amazing those people who claims their weapons to protect Lebanon instead its protecting thugs and gangs who didn’t just kill hariri and took many good people with him and after him. They’re trying to intimidate anyone who accuses them of the crime. If you’re not guilty, then please stop attacking institutions, lebanese people and let’s all calm down. You can have a barking dogs like Jamil Syyed go around and threatens people. then you say to March 14th you’re being provcative and inciting civil strife by being sectarian.
    You’re coward and I hope your day comes soon inshallah.
    Prophet i told you about your gangs and you avoiding posting here because you’re afraid of backlash. You’re a coward and you’re waiting it until things calm down. If you think gemeyal and geagea are traitors? are you proud of your boys acting like thugs and taking over areas with black cars with no licence plates? they’re like gangs and anyone protect these gangs I have no respect for. If you protect them then you’re as evil as them.

    1. PROPHET.T Avatar

      No George, I’m not avoiding the debate. I am, however avoiding you and the debate with you since the day you called me a NAZI and a Zionist. And now you call me a coward. Thank you very much. I won’t call you names, nor would I discuss anything with you. I will post and give my opinion on the situation when it gets worse.

    2. PROPHET.T Avatar

      No George, I’m not avoiding the debate. I am, however avoiding you and the debate with you since the day you called me a NAZI and a Zionist. And now you call me a coward. Thank you very much. I won’t call you names, nor would I discuss anything with you. I will post and give my opinion on the situation when it gets worse.

    3. Abousteif Avatar

      George(im sure its Goerge Haddad NJ 🙂 hows it goin?) You have to read Prophets reply to my question I addressed him with. Il 7a2 7a2. Ya3ne before you judge someone which i don’t quite agree with but anyways before you do like i said read his response to my comment.

      With reagrds to the subject matter I do agree with you in the sense that.. NOTHING from what has happened in these few days are acceptable and only does a disjustice to the Hizzy’s image because it claims to be for Lebanon bess not one action is Patriotic nor is it showing a spec of commitment to the basic rule of Law.


      1. PROPHET.T Avatar

        BTW Abuosteif,
        I’ve been cleaning up after the tornado that hit us last Thursday. My neighborhood is a mess. Trees fell everywhere. We had power outage for 2 days, and we have yet to get cable back. It reminded me of the days when we power outage in Lebanon. In absence of TV, I’ve been playing the role of story teller for my girls. I think my girls are bored with my stories too. My late father was a better story teller than I have been. lol

        I didn’t read much news since Friday.
        My only source of news is internet at work, only when I get the chance…. Thank God I ‘m not watching news, lol

        1. Abousteif Avatar

          Oh shoooot sorry to hear that bro?! Didn’t know that a natural disaster was taking place on the east coast.. Shoot. So hamdillah you and the family are doing fine? hope no one got hurt.. b3eed il shar?

          By the way.. MASHALLAH! i didn’t know you were the Prophet with 2 Angels! hahaha.. How old are they.. wont ask their names since it is a public site bess Allahy khalilak yahon ou inshallah ib yikbaro bi 3izak.

          1. PROPHET.T Avatar

            Thank you Bro Abousteif, I’ve been blessed with 3 angels; 15, 9 and 6 year old. It is not easy living in a house full of women. It’s like Vegas; the game is always against you, lolHow about you? Any little ones yet?…

        2. Abousteif Avatar

          In that case I will call you CHarlie from time to time hahaha..! Allahy Khalilak yahon. Wow! 3 kids and the eldest is 15 mashallah! I am told that a well brought up daughter can ask the All-Mighty on the day of judgment to forgive her parents. 🙂 Mashallah you will have extra points with this track bro!! hahaha..

          I just got married this summer 🙂 so just trying to enjoy our time together before we take on the world and try to make it a better place 🙂 A lot of people are saying NOOO don’t wait… bess I have too much going on with work and Uni( school 😛 ) and being a newly wed is not easy LOL soo i just say to them “Allah Karim” hehehe..

      2. PROPHET.T Avatar

        BTW Abuosteif,
        I’ve been cleaning up after the tornado that hit us last Thursday. My neighborhood is a mess. Trees fell everywhere. We had power outage for 2 days, and we have yet to get cable back. It reminded me of the days when we power outage in Lebanon. In absence of TV, I’ve been playing the role of story teller for my girls. I think my girls are bored with my stories too. My late father was a better story teller than I have been. lol

        I didn’t read much news since Friday.
        My only source of news is internet at work, only when I get the chance…. Thank God I ‘m not watching news, lol

      3. PROPHET.T Avatar

        Will I have extra point’s bro?lol
        I think I’ll have few more, bro. I will need as many points as I can get. lol
        Congratulation bro, you’ve just entered the cage (golden one. lol) now.
        Alef mabrook YA AAREESSS (I hope you read it correctly .lol)
        Don’t rush anything Bro, Allah Karim. Every thing will happen when it’s meant to happen.

        1. Abousteif Avatar

          LOOOOOOOL!! hahaha! Allahy barik fik khaye. No worries i read it correctly 😛 Inshallah Allah yisma3 minak. And yessss ofcourse in your case mish extra points extra points with stars and happy faces kaman LOL ya3ne spread the points around since you’ve already made it HAHAHA ou ba3dein your a prophet so you don’t need the extra points! LOL!

          Allahy yughfurlna znoubna kilna 3ala 2ad niyatna khaye Prophet.


      4. PROPHET.T Avatar

        Will I have extra point’s bro?lol
        I think I’ll have few more, bro. I will need as many points as I can get. lol
        Congratulation bro, you’ve just entered the cage (golden one. lol) now.
        Alef mabrook YA AAREESSS (I hope you read it correctly .lol)
        Don’t rush anything Bro, Allah Karim. Every thing will happen when it’s meant to happen.

      5. PROPHET.T Avatar

        Will I have extra point’s bro?lol
        I think I’ll have few more, bro. I will need as many points as I can get. lol
        Congratulation bro, you’ve just entered the cage (golden one. lol) now.
        Alef mabrook YA AAREESSS (I hope you read it correctly .lol)
        Don’t rush anything Bro, Allah Karim. Every thing will happen when it’s meant to happen.

  8.  Avatar

    It looks to me that people who normally support hezbollah are avoiding the site much due to not having an answer to the armed gangs who roamed Beirut streets and Airport trying to protect a gang member like them. These are terrorists from Dahia who claims the gov’t never protected them in the past. But yet who can protect the govt and the lebanese from them too? Its same gangs of Arafat PLO who have used the South to attack israel and take over Lebanon. So when true lebanese militia tried to stop them. hezbollah calling them traitors now. Amazing those people who claims their weapons to protect Lebanon instead its protecting thugs and gangs who didn’t just kill hariri and took many good people with him and after him. They’re trying to intimidate anyone who accuses them of the crime. If you’re not guilty, then please stop attacking institutions, lebanese people and let’s all calm down. You can have a barking dogs like Jamil Syyed go around and threatens people. then you say to March 14th you’re being provcative and inciting civil strife by being sectarian.

    You’re coward and I hope your day comes soon inshallah.

    Prophet i told you about your gangs and you avoiding posting here because you’re afraid of backlash. You’re a coward and you’re waiting it until things calm down. If you think gemeyal and geagea are traitors? are you proud of your boys acting like thugs and taking over areas with black cars with no licence plates? they’re like gangs and anyone protect these gangs I have no respect for. If you protect them then you’re as evil as them.

    1. No George, I’m not avoiding the debate. I am, however avoiding you and the debate with you since the day you called me a NAZI and a Zionist. And now you call me a coward. Thank you very much. I won’t call you names, nor would I discuss anything with you. I will post and give my opinion on the situation when it gets worse.

    2.  Avatar

      George(im sure its Goerge Haddad NJ 🙂 hows it goin?) You have to read Prophets reply to my question I addressed him with. Il 7a2 7a2. Ya3ne before you judge someone which i don’t quite agree with but anyways before you do like i said read his response to my comment.

      With reagrds to the subject matter I do agree with you in the sense that.. NOTHING from what has happened in these few days are acceptable and only does a disjustice to the Hizzy’s image because it claims to be for Lebanon bess not one action is Patriotic nor is it showing a spec of commitment to the basic rule of Law.


      1. PROPHET.T Avatar

        BTW Abuosteif,
        I’ve been cleaning up after the tornado that hit us last Thursday. My neighborhood is a mess. Trees fell everywhere. We had power outage for 2 days, and we have yet to get cable back. It reminded me of the days when we power outage in Lebanon. In absence of TV, I’ve been playing the role of story teller for my girls. I think my girls are bored with my stories too. My late father was a better story teller than I have been. lol

        I didn’t read much news since Friday.
        My only source of news is internet at work, only when I get the chance…. Thank God I ‘m not watching news, lol

        1.  Avatar

          Oh shoooot sorry to hear that bro?! Didn’t know that a natural disaster was taking place on the east coast.. Shoot. So hamdillah you and the family are doing fine? hope no one got hurt.. b3eed il shar?

          By the way.. MASHALLAH! i didn’t know you were the Prophet with 2 Angels! hahaha.. How old are they.. wont ask their names since it is a public site bess Allahy khalilak yahon ou inshallah ib yikbaro bi 3izak.

          1. PROPHET.T Avatar

            Thank you Bro Abuosteif, I’ve been blessed with 3 angels; 15, 9 and 6 year old. It is not easy living in a house full of women. It’s like Vegas; the game is always against you, lolHow about you? Any little ones yet?…

        2.  Avatar

          In that case I will call you CHarlie from time to time hahaha..! Allahy Khalilak yahon. Wow! 3 kids and the eldest is 15 mashallah! I am told that a well brought up daughter can ask the All-Mighty on the day of judgment to forgive her parents. 🙂 Mashallah you will have extra points with this track bro!! hahaha..

          I just got married this summer 🙂 so just trying to enjoy our time together before we take on the world and try to make it a better place 🙂 A lot of people are saying NOOO don’t wait… bess I have too much going on with work and Uni( school 😛 ) and being a newly wed is not easy LOL soo i just say to them “Allah Karim” hehehe..

      2. PROPHET.T Avatar


        Will I have extra point’s bro?lol

        I think I’ll have few more, bro. I will need as many points as I can get. lol

        Congratulation bro, you’ve just entered the cage (golden one. lol) now.

        Alef mabrook YA AAREESSS (I hope you read it correctly .lol)

        Don’t rush anything Bro, Allah Karim. Every thing will happen when it’s meant to happen.

        1.  Avatar

          LOOOOOOOL!! hahaha! Allahy barik fik khaye. No worries i read it correctly 😛 Inshallah Allah yisma3 minak. And yessss ofcourse in your case mish extra points extra points with stars and happy faces kaman LOL ya3ne spread the points around since you’ve already made it HAHAHA ou ba3dein your a prophet so you don’t need the extra points! LOL!

          Allahy yughfurlna znoubna kilna 3ala 2ad niyatna khaye Prophet.


  9. Why doesn’t Saqr find out who was behind the false witnesses?

    1. How do you know you are an Arab, Arabian? Are you a J1 haplotype?

  10.  Avatar

    Why doesn’t Saqr find out who was behind the false witnesses?

    1. How do you know you are an Arab, Arabian? Are you a J1 haplotype?

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