Sakr: Sayyed lost some of his memory


March 14 MP Okab Sakr said during an interview with the March 14 alliance website published on Sunday that former head of Lebanon’s General Security Directorate Jamil as-Sayyed’s allegations are illogical.

During a press conference on Sunday, Sayyed said that “ Prime Minister Saad Hariri should take a lie detector test to prove that he did not support or fund false witnesses in the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL)] and should admit that he sold his father’s blood for four years in order to implement the New Middle East project,” a reference to US policy in the region.

Sayyed is one of the four generals detained in Lebanon from 2005 to 2009. In April 2009, the STL ordered his release due to insufficient evidence. In July 2010, the STL held a public hearing over Sayyed’s request for documents related to his imprisonment.

“Sayyed has lost some of his memory and his psychological state is getting worse,” Sakr added, saying that the former’s state of mind has deteriorated since he lost power as head of General Security.

The MP added that Sayyed’s history does not permit him to speak of integrity and chastity. Sayyed wants to turn his personal problems into a public problem, Sakr also said.

He added that he agrees with Sayyed’s statement that there is no real government in Lebanon, saying that the latter would have been summoned for questioning or possibly even arrested over his threatening comments if there was a real government.

“Sayyed’s statements do not [reflect Syrian] President Bashar al-Assad and Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s positions,” the MP said, adding that the statements are politically insignificant.

$15 million

Sakr told New TV on Sunday that Sayyed requested a $15 million settlement from Prime Minister Saad Hariri to drop his lawsuit against Lebanese and Syrian public figures.

Sayyed in December 2009 filed a lawsuit in Damascus against a number of Syrian and Lebanese officials, accusing them of slander, falsifying testimonies and depriving him of his freedom.

Sakr quoted Hariri as saying that he “rejects such cheap settlements.”

Meanwhile, the MP told MTV on Sunday that “Sayyed falsified the facts,” adding that the latter’s history is dark.

Sark also called on Sayyed to apologize to those he offended before asking for apologies.

Sayyed’s attack

Sayyed on Sunday launched a vehement attack against Prime Minister Saad Hariri for saying it was a mistake to accuse Syria of involvement in his father’s assassination.

“After all you have done to Syria, (Syrian President) Bashar Assad hugged you rather than hanging you to death,” Sayyed said during a press conference addressing Hariri.

“It’s not enough for Hariri to admit that he erred, he has to pay the price of his mistakes,” sayyed told reporters about Hariri’s latest statement to pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat.

“At a certain stage we made mistakes and accused Syria of assassinating the martyred premier. This was a political accusation, and this political accusation has finished,” Hariri told the newspaper earlier in the week.

Accusations against Syria were not political, they were crimes of slander that require trial, according to the former general.

He also slammed the premier’s supporters for denying there were false witnesses in Hariri’s murder case, saying all those who have lied during an investigation are called false witnesses although “they are nonexistent for the Hariri team.”

Sayyed said the tribunal doesn’t want to prosecute the false witnesses because “big heads would roll.”

“I swear to you Saad Hariri that I would take my rights with my own hands someday if you don’t give them back to me,” he vowed.

According tom observers Hariri did not say Syria did not kill his dad , all he said that the accusations against Syria were premature and political. No one yet knows who will be indicted . STL prosecutor Daniel Bellemare confirmed during an interview last month that all the rumors about the indictments are strictly speculation , since he has not drafted the indictments as of Aug 31, 2010



26 responses to “Sakr: Sayyed lost some of his memory”

  1. Jamil el Sayed ,Emile Lahoud, and the Gurad of presidential Guard , Hamdan need all to be tried and hanged ,for collaborating with the Syrian and executing Ghasi kenaan order, for kidnapping Lebanses opposing the Lahoud regime and Syria Assad and shipping them to Yarze and Mazze for torture. For extortion money and money they got from the Dirty Mafia in Lebanon running the prostitution rings.

    Was a big mistake the Ceadr revolution didn’t achieve little what the French revolution did, the people should have captured Lahoud ,Hamdan and Sayed and hang them downtown as the Louise 16 and his wife Marie Antoinette were guillotined , or as Mussolini was hanged or Chchauchesku in Romania, Quick trial and hang them high, those Three are the scummest of the traitors that Lick the Syrian shoes without any shame and still do.Let’s hope we can see a day that end up with executing all Lahoud gangs that was in power!!!!

    1. Tarie AL Fanarie Avatar
      Tarie AL Fanarie

      I totally agree with you Guss. well said Bro..

    2. Tarie AL Fanarie Avatar
      Tarie AL Fanarie

      I totally agree with you Guss. well said Bro..

  2. Jamil el Sayed ,Emile Lahoud, and the Gurad of presidential Guard , Hamdan need all to be tried and hanged ,for collaborating with the Syrian and executing Ghasi kenaan order, for kidnapping Lebanses opposing the Lahoud regime and Syria Assad and shipping them to Yarze and Mazze for torture. For extortion money and money they got from the Dirty Mafia in Lebanon running the prostitution rings.

    Was a big mistake the Ceadr revolution didn’t achieve little what the French revolution did, the people should have captured Lahoud ,Hamdan and Sayed and hang them downtown as the Louise 16 and his wife Marie Antoinette were guillotined , or as Mussolini was hanged or Chchauchesku in Romania, Quick trial and hang them high, those Three are the scummest of the traitors that Lick the Syrian shoes without any shame and still do.Let’s hope we can see a day that end up with executing all Lahoud gangs that was in power!!!!

  3. The Syrian orchestra is back to play the symphony in Lebanon, the revenge time of the Syrian, Hariri did a big mistake and knee down and bend his neck to the butcher /Assassin in Damascus .

    Assad if you read the book of Patrick Seale about his father with the title “ASSAD” you know well is an unforgiven family,just to give you an example what Riffaat Assad did in 1980 in Hama, as the book say, there was a Famous Sunni family that back in 1920 executed a Alawite person in the midle of the street , so in 1980 when Rifaat attacked Hama, he went after the Sunni family descendant and execute them all in the same street were they executed the Alawite person .They will be no forgiveness for Hariri from Damascus to the words he used in the Cedar revolution about Assad, same applies to Walid Joumblat,you think Assad is going to fogive Joumbllat for calling him the butcher of Damascus .Assad want their head but for now there is international court but eventually and he will let them go both but this time not a big bang like he did with Rafik Hariri or Mouaad , when the world is busy with something else.

    Today Jamil al Amil or Sayed ,( nothign about him that IS Sayed ) open the fire ON hariri and before him Nasrallah , Aoun also opened fire and Erslan today, and before that the mentally retarded Wahab We are set for a big show, unless Hariri take a preemptive move and use his French / Saudi connection, the Syrian Tatars are coming back to use their terror again , they are or they think that the wind is blowing in their favor, set yourself guys for a big show when the international court issue their preliminary judgment , we just saw the introduction in Bourj el Haidar!!!! orchastrated by the Syrians, the evil doers!!!!

  4. The Syrian orchestra is back to play the symphony in Lebanon, the revenge time of the Syrian, Hariri did a big mistake and knee down and bend his neck to the butcher /Assassin in Damascus .

    Assad if you read the book of Patrick Seale about his father with the title “ASSAD” you know well is an unforgiven family,just to give you an example what Riffaat Assad did in 1980 in Hama, as the book say, there was a Famous Sunni family that back in 1920 executed a Alawite person in the midle of the street , so in 1980 when Rifaat attacked Hama, he went after the Sunni family descendant and execute them all in the same street were they executed the Alawite person .They will be no forgiveness for Hariri from Damascus to the words he used in the Cedar revolution about Assad, same applies to Walid Joumblat,you think Assad is going to fogive Joumbllat for calling him the butcher of Damascus .Assad want their head but for now there is international court but eventually and he will let them go both but this time not a big bang like he did with Rafik Hariri or Mouaad , when the world is busy with something else.

    Today Jamil al Amil or Sayed ,( nothign about him that IS Sayed ) open the fire ON hariri and before him Nasrallah , Aoun also opened fire and Erslan today, and before that the mentally retarded Wahab We are set for a big show, unless Hariri take a preemptive move and use his French / Saudi connection, the Syrian Tatars are coming back to use their terror again , they are or they think that the wind is blowing in their favor, set yourself guys for a big show when the international court issue their preliminary judgment , we just saw the introduction in Bourj el Haidar!!!! orchastrated by the Syrians, the evil doers!!!!

  5. read Annahar article for today fot the man i respect the most Ali Hamade in the title “should be a limit for concessions”, same what I said above ,it will not work bending your head to Nasrallah and Assad, they , when you show weakness with a bastard and a tyrant you are speeding your end . Bravo Ali Hamede.

    Lebanon will not rest until all Hizbollah arms are collected , unlees this is done, Hizbollah will execute the big plan and make Lebanon a stone age country worst than the Iran, as Iran have a better educated elite and population that the Shiite community in Lebanon are way behind !!!! their follow Iranian Shiite, plus the Iranian they don;t have the tribal Arab blood ,much more civilized in many ways

  6. read Annahar article for today fot the man i respect the most Ali Hamade in the title “should be a limit for concessions”, same what I said above ,it will not work bending your head to Nasrallah and Assad, they , when you show weakness with a bastard and a tyrant you are speeding your end . Bravo Ali Hamede.

    Lebanon will not rest until all Hizbollah arms are collected , unlees this is done, Hizbollah will execute the big plan and make Lebanon a stone age country worst than the Iran, as Iran have a better educated elite and population that the Shiite community in Lebanon are way behind !!!! their follow Iranian Shiite, plus the Iranian they don;t have the tribal Arab blood ,much more civilized in many ways

  7. where is the Attorney General to arrest Sayyed for threatening a prime minister,seriously balad el Zaaran !!!

    1. Oh well he is very busy indeed, too many spies like flies you know I think the soliciters in lebanon are living their golden era. I dont believe that all these accused spies are guilty if they are their only crime would be that they dont know anyone powerful in Lebanon to cover up for them….

    2. Oh well he is very busy indeed, too many spies like flies you know I think the soliciters in lebanon are living their golden era. I dont believe that all these accused spies are guilty if they are their only crime would be that they dont know anyone powerful in Lebanon to cover up for them….

  8. where is the Attorney General to arrest Sayyed for threatening a prime minister,seriously balad el Zaaran !!!

  9. Jean Haddad Avatar
    Jean Haddad

    Guss, well Al Sayyed has said one sentence which is right. Hariri sold his fathers blood for the Mideast project by the US for the Israelis benefits. Saudi king has imposed the plan dragging Syria back into the Lebanese ring in the hope of cutting the logistics on HA. We don’t know anymore who to stand for? This time I won’t follow any leader. As HA is driven by Iran and Hariri is guided by Saudis on Lebanon account.

    1. I guess you are right , was too early for him to exonerate the Syrians ,not sure why he’s rushing, it sound like he wanted to corner Hizbollah after Bourj El Haidar clashes, but the Syrians didn’t fall for it and had their puppet al Sayed open fire on him, we know well the Syrians but apparently our politicians they don’t them or they are too hopeless

  10. If any lebanese politician was good toward his country and his own people we wouldn’t be forced to migrate to Australia or America extra…Why do we have to respect or follow any of them!!!

  11. If any lebanese politician was good toward his country and his own people we wouldn’t be forced to migrate to Australia or America extra…Why do we have to respect or follow any of them!!!

  12. Leborigine Avatar

    Just put a RETURN TO SENDER sticker on jamils back and place him on the border close to damascus!

  13. Leborigine Avatar

    Just put a RETURN TO SENDER sticker on jamils back and place him on the border close to damascus!

  14. All these figures that come out with their attacks ,threats and with the issue of¨¨ false witnesses ¨, divert the attention from the real issues!That is their job!They lose control and start insulting and accusing!Insulting shows the absence of good manners and taste!

  15. All these figures that come out with their attacks ,threats and with the issue of¨¨ false witnesses ¨, divert the attention from the real issues!That is their job!They lose control and start insulting and accusing!Insulting shows the absence of good manners and taste!

  16. george sokhn Avatar
    george sokhn

    what do u guys expect from balad el zaaran,from a balad controlled by a bunch of politician who never have any respect or never imply to law and order, they are only interested in being elected and getting paid from god knows where to serve other countries interest, what do expect from balad el zaaran, where most of its people get paid to practice their rights to elect those politicians, what do we expect from a balad dont offer the people the simple things like electricity, water,and along list if i want to mention will never end. we have the most nice balad on this earth, but to bad we have the worst location and the worst political system…..hoping one of these days will have a real balad…………………love lebanon

  17. george sokhn Avatar
    george sokhn

    what do u guys expect from balad el zaaran,from a balad controlled by a bunch of politician who never have any respect or never imply to law and order, they are only interested in being elected and getting paid from god knows where to serve other countries interest, what do expect from balad el zaaran, where most of its people get paid to practice their rights to elect those politicians, what do we expect from a balad dont offer the people the simple things like electricity, water,and along list if i want to mention will never end. we have the most nice balad on this earth, but to bad we have the worst location and the worst political system…..hoping one of these days will have a real balad…………………love lebanon

  18. I think the main problem we as Lebanese are too emotional when it comes to putting logic first.

    First of all, Saad Hariri’s move when it comes to WHAT YOU CALL BENDING TO SYRIA, is political and is a must do thing as a Prime Minister of Lebanon. Let me remind you guys with somethings about Syria:

    1. It is on your boarder, anything that gets imported by land needs to pass by Syria…. Syria is the only point of entry to Lebanon by LAND

    2. Syria is still able to execute any operation of military nature anytime and anywhere

    3. There is still no proof that Syria has assasinated R. HARIRI, and until it is proven otherwise our Prime Minister not Saad AL Hariri as an individual has a job to do which is maintain NORMAL relationships with our neighbours, wether we like it or not.

    And for God’s sake, do you think it is easy for Sheikh Saad to shake hands with Bashar El Assad, knowing he POSSIBLY could be related in some way to his Father’s assasination. All these sacrifices Saad and the Hariri family has done for LEBANON and we still question their loyalty because they did something we don’t a 100% like. I am sometimes truly ashamed to be a Lebanese because we have neither the political maturity nor the patience to Love our country as we should nor have the courtesy of giving people the benefit of doubt before starting to fire accusation at them.

    One more thing, for the ones who still have doubts…Sunni’s and Christians are supported internationally by Saudi, USA and France, the others are supported by Iran and Syria.

    Each party politically speaking is not a 100 percent independent in ALL their crucial decisions whether they like it or not. So if you want to accuse Hariri of doing what Saudi or America wants you can just say the same about HezBollah and Iran. Logically, each political party’s decision in our country should fall in place and be on track of what his supporters (countries) are planning for Lebanon and the Region, in other words in Lebanon don’t bother betting too much on your politicians as individuals but rather bet on them based on who they are alliged with to be in POWER

    The questions is…from a Saudi perspective: Do you rather to have the country controlled by HezbUallah or by Syria? I believe S. Hariri made the choice (Politically) for now

  19. I think the main problem we as Lebanese are too emotional when it comes to putting logic first.

    First of all, Saad Hariri’s move when it comes to WHAT YOU CALL BENDING TO SYRIA, is political and is a must do thing as a Prime Minister of Lebanon. Let me remind you guys with somethings about Syria:

    1. It is on your boarder, anything that gets imported by land needs to pass by Syria…. Syria is the only point of entry to Lebanon by LAND

    2. Syria is still able to execute any operation of military nature anytime and anywhere

    3. There is still no proof that Syria has assasinated R. HARIRI, and until it is proven otherwise our Prime Minister not Saad AL Hariri as an individual has a job to do which is maintain NORMAL relationships with our neighbours, wether we like it or not.

    And for God’s sake, do you think it is easy for Sheikh Saad to shake hands with Bashar El Assad, knowing he POSSIBLY could be related in some way to his Father’s assasination. All these sacrifices Saad and the Hariri family has done for LEBANON and we still question their loyalty because they did something we don’t a 100% like. I am sometimes truly ashamed to be a Lebanese because we have neither the political maturity nor the patience to Love our country as we should nor have the courtesy of giving people the benefit of doubt before starting to fire accusation at them.

    One more thing, for the ones who still have doubts…Sunni’s and Christians are supported internationally by Saudi, USA and France, the others are supported by Iran and Syria.

    Each party politically speaking is not a 100 percent independent in ALL their crucial decisions whether they like it or not. So if you want to accuse Hariri of doing what Saudi or America wants you can just say the same about HezBollah and Iran. Logically, each political party’s decision in our country should fall in place and be on track of what his supporters (countries) are planning for Lebanon and the Region, in other words in Lebanon don’t bother betting too much on your politicians as individuals but rather bet on them based on who they are alliged with to be in POWER

    The questions is…from a Saudi perspective: Do you rather to have the country controlled by HezbUallah or by Syria? I believe S. Hariri made the choice (Politically) for now

  20. I think the main problem we as Lebanese are too emotional when it comes to putting logic first.

    First of all, Saad Hariri’s move when it comes to WHAT YOU CALL BENDING TO SYRIA, is political and is a must do thing as a Prime Minister of Lebanon. Let me remind you guys with somethings about Syria:

    1. It is on your boarder, anything that gets imported by land needs to pass by Syria…. Syria is the only point of entry to Lebanon by LAND

    2. Syria is still able to execute any operation of military nature anytime and anywhere

    3. There is still no proof that Syria has assasinated R. HARIRI, and until it is proven otherwise our Prime Minister not Saad AL Hariri as an individual has a job to do which is maintain NORMAL relationships with our neighbours, wether we like it or not.

    And for God’s sake, do you think it is easy for Sheikh Saad to shake hands with Bashar El Assad, knowing he POSSIBLY could be related in some way to his Father’s assasination. All these sacrifices Saad and the Hariri family has done for LEBANON and we still question their loyalty because they did something we don’t a 100% like. I am sometimes truly ashamed to be a Lebanese because we have neither the political maturity nor the patience to Love our country as we should nor have the courtesy of giving people the benefit of doubt before starting to fire accusation at them.

    One more thing, for the ones who still have doubts…Sunni’s and Christians are supported internationally by Saudi, USA and France, the others are supported by Iran and Syria.

    Each party politically speaking is not a 100 percent independent in ALL their crucial decisions whether they like it or not. So if you want to accuse Hariri of doing what Saudi or America wants you can just say the same about HezBollah and Iran. Logically, each political party’s decision in our country should fall in place and be on track of what his supporters (countries) are planning for Lebanon and the Region, in other words in Lebanon don’t bother betting too much on your politicians as individuals but rather bet on them based on who they are alliged with to be in POWER

    The questions is…from a Saudi perspective: Do you rather to have the country controlled by HezbUallah or by Syria? I believe S. Hariri made the choice (Politically) for now

  21. couldnt be said better jad !

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