Phalange offical: March 8 wants to overthrow STL but will fail


Phalange Party political bureau member Michel Khoury has reportedly told Now Lebanon that Jamil as-Sayyed’s Sunday press conference may have been postponed after being originally scheduled for August 31, because he was waiting to meet with Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Sayyed’s “morally and politically unrestrained” tone on Sunday was puzzling given Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s efforts to build bilateral relations with Syria, Khoury added about the former head of General Security.

During Sunday’s press conference, Sayyed said that “[PM Saad] Hariri should take a lie detector test to prove that he did not support or fund false witnesses [in the investigation of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri’s 2005 assassination] and should admit that he sold his father’s blood for four years in order to implement the New Middle East project,” a reference to US policy in the region.

Sayyed is one of the four generals detained in Lebanon from 2005 to 2009. In April 2009, the STL ordered his release due to insufficient evidence. In July 2010, the STL held a public hearing over Sayyed’s request for documents related to his imprisonment.

“Sayyed has lost some of his memory and his psychological state is getting worse,” MP Okab Sakr said today adding that the Sayyed’s state of mind has deteriorated since he lost power as head of General Security.

March 8 forces have devised a “roadmap … to overthrow the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) at any cost,” Khoury said, adding that such efforts would ultimately prove futile.



17 responses to “Phalange offical: March 8 wants to overthrow STL but will fail”

  1. Jean Haddad Avatar
    Jean Haddad

    It’s embarrassing the politic in Lebanon

    What’s his position al sayyed to meet with bashar. They all act as the president of the country.

    1. This is a confirmation of the h/a, syria link to Harriri’s assassination. Also, I might say this is a degradation of assad’s position as a president to meet with a lowly officer and further determination of assad’s bad taste in politics and government: A thug leading thugs. Why would you go back to syria if you weren’t an accomplice!!! This visit is to insure that no one deviate from the made-up lies, false covers and to maintain the “official” story line.

      1. George Haddad N.J Avatar
        George Haddad N.J

        Ali Syria cannot be trusted. Even when Hariri embraces them. They praise him in publich. then after meeting with Jamil Al Saadan, he turns around and attacks hariri. what a considence of events. People say look at hariri he confessed that he made a mistake. Well he’s trying to bury the past and improve on relationship. Yet these scumbags from HA, Syrian leadership and Iranians keep backstabbing him and lebanon in general. Now the monkey from iran is coming in Octobor and bringing weapon to the army. All he wants in return a guarrantee that the LAF will fight israel. Yes he wants more fronts against israel so he can look like a winner. while we baptise in blood and our country destroyed. Thank you HA for bringing such war and destructions on us. they wants to believe they’re fighting for lebanon. The Resistance of peace not war. ALl they want is war war war. Well you shall get one that will God willing wipe out HA and syria and iran off the map of the earth. Inshallahh.. Long Live Lebanon

    2. This is a confirmation of the h/a, syria link to Harriri’s assassination. Also, I might say this is a degradation of assad’s position as a president to meet with a lowly officer and further determination of assad’s bad taste in politics and government: A thug leading thugs. Why would you go back to syria if you weren’t an accomplice!!! This visit is to insure that no one deviate from the made-up lies, false covers and to maintain the “official” story line.

    3. Jean, well said and you know what every Lebanese act like he is the president its kinda funny.

    4. Jean, well said and you know what every Lebanese act like he is the president its kinda funny.

  2. Jean Haddad Avatar
    Jean Haddad

    It’s embarrassing the politic in Lebanon

    What’s his position al sayyed to meet with bashar. They all act as the president of the country.

  3. What’s boring with STL is that’s everybody know the goal & conclusion of the indictment.

  4. What’s boring with STL is that’s everybody know the goal & conclusion of the indictment.

  5. Truth will conquer ,justice will prevail and everything else will fail in the end!

  6. Truth will conquer ,justice will prevail and everything else will fail in the end!

  7. Fauzia, it’s cute, just cute.

  8. It is amazing this country,you have the Syrian singe or monkey al Sayed threatening the prime minister and can’t be touched because you have a sissy justice system in this country the is capable only on following the weak and innocent .Not sure why Hariri doesn’t order his arrest from who he’ s scared? in the mean time an ordinary Lebanese citizen who live in Australia and criticized the president for lack of freedom and dictatorship , was arrested after landing in Beirut him and other facebook friend and interrogated and accused of defaming the president. Immagine you have a security wasting their time following citizen on facebook in the mean time sitting and looking at the Syrian puppet like Sayyed ,Aoun and Nasralah threatening left and right and all the government can do is ask for their mercy.’Shi byikaref” after 35 years of ” wasakh ” to see that more Wasakh is on the way .Did anyone believe that Syria will leave us alone, trust me Syrian president sleep and wake up on how to screw Lebanon again, Israel is last of their worries, Assad family made peace with Israel since they sold the Golan in return of taking over the Syrian government.Israel and Syria are in accord to keep destroying Lebanon until it doesn’t exist ,they are two faces for the same coins.

  9. It is amazing this country,you have the Syrian singe or monkey al Sayed threatening the prime minister and can’t be touched because you have a sissy justice system in this country the is capable only on following the weak and innocent .Not sure why Hariri doesn’t order his arrest from who he’ s scared? in the mean time an ordinary Lebanese citizen who live in Australia and criticized the president for lack of freedom and dictatorship , was arrested after landing in Beirut him and other facebook friend and interrogated and accused of defaming the president. Immagine you have a security wasting their time following citizen on facebook in the mean time sitting and looking at the Syrian puppet like Sayyed ,Aoun and Nasralah threatening left and right and all the government can do is ask for their mercy.’Shi byikaref” after 35 years of ” wasakh ” to see that more Wasakh is on the way .Did anyone believe that Syria will leave us alone, trust me Syrian president sleep and wake up on how to screw Lebanon again, Israel is last of their worries, Assad family made peace with Israel since they sold the Golan in return of taking over the Syrian government.Israel and Syria are in accord to keep destroying Lebanon until it doesn’t exist ,they are two faces for the same coins.

  10. Once for all , Hizbollah must be told the STL is going to continue you like or not, same is Syria, these signals of weakness are so dangerous that the politicans like Hariri is sending , let them do whatever they please , what they can do more than take arms to the street , let them do it and let us see what the army will do, but we can’t live on pleasing Hizbollah and Syria, if the pleasing will continue one way or the other Hizbollah Syria will have their way. Do we have a value for our Martyrs or not, for what Ghassan Kasir, Tueini,Hamade (almost died) & Pierre Gemayel, Hariri died, and other honest people like them who didn’t have blood on their hand, they were noble people , freedom fighters,and we should never forget them, things are slipping. Do you know when Najjad comes next month how the country and th airpor road is going to look like, well guess !!!!

  11. Once for all , Hizbollah must be told the STL is going to continue you like or not, same is Syria, these signals of weakness are so dangerous that the politicans like Hariri is sending , let them do whatever they please , what they can do more than take arms to the street , let them do it and let us see what the army will do, but we can’t live on pleasing Hizbollah and Syria, if the pleasing will continue one way or the other Hizbollah Syria will have their way. Do we have a value for our Martyrs or not, for what Ghassan Kasir, Tueini,Hamade (almost died) & Pierre Gemayel, Hariri died, and other honest people like them who didn’t have blood on their hand, they were noble people , freedom fighters,and we should never forget them, things are slipping. Do you know when Najjad comes next month how the country and th airpor road is going to look like, well guess !!!!

  12. Guys Sayyed is just a bug, he ain’t worth the trouble. Do you think that anything he saud will have an impact on the STL or MARCH 14…!!! Don’t think so… plus releasing him from not having enough evidence doesn’t mean he is not a suspect, does it?

    However, if someday he turns out to be totally innocent, then I wouldn’t blame him as much for getting crazy about losing his power, reputation and 4 years of life…one has to sympathize with that too.

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