STL will collapse without Lebanon funding, says Wahab


Former minister Wiam Wahhab said Friday during a speech that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) will collapse if the Lebanese government withdraws its funding, according to National News Agency (NNA).

Wahab added that the government must defuse impending strife for the sake of Lebanon’s people.

his comment comes after Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said last July that the STL will indict some of his party members and warned that the tribunal is an “Israeli project” aimed at inciting a domestic strife.

“There are still attempts to exploit the reprehensible assassination [of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in 2005],” Wahab said.

STL was formed by the UN to try the killers of Lebanon’s former PM Rafik Hariri and related assassinations of anti-Syrian leaders

Wahab a staunch ally of Syria and Hezbollah has been actively campaigning against the STL.

In an interview with NBN TV last Sunday he said that the March 8 coalition will exert pressure the government does not take a stance concerning (STL) and its pending indictment. He also called for withdrawing all STL’s Lebanese judges.

Ali Hussein a political analyst told Ya Libnan last Sunday: “Both Hezbollah and Syria use Wahab on regular basis to do their dirty work….whatever he has been saying ever since 2004 has always been reflecting the thinking of the Syrian and Hezbollah leadership.”

According to observers the only thing that STL should not worry about is funding , since Hariri had many friends and all the friendly countries are willing to chip in to know who killed him.



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