Deal reached by March 14 over Palestinian rights


Lebanon’s Social Affairs Minister Selim Sayegh, also a member of the Phalange party, told Future News on Tuesday that a deal was reached on Monday during the meeting headed by Future bloc leader MP Fouad Siniora to grant Palestinian refugees in Lebanon appropriate labor compensation, as long as they do not burden the treasury of the Lebanese government.

“We also set a framework to regulate relations between the Lebanese government and the Commissioner General of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) because it did not exist previously,” Sayegh said.

He said that the draft proposal of the March 14 alliance reached on Monday was an achievement, voicing hope it would pass in the parliament’s Tuesday session.

An-Nahar newspaper also reported on Tuesday that the March 14 alliance parties managed to finalize a law proposal to grant Palestinian refugees in Lebanon certain rights.

The daily said that the proposal was formulated after an agreement with the Phalange party was reached; adding that talks also included the Free Patriotic Movement.

The issue of Palestinian rights sparked debate after MP Walid Jumblatt submitted a proposal to parliament on June 15 to grant Palestinian refugees in Lebanon civil rights and allow them to own property in Lebanon. The majority of Christian MPs voted against the bill.

The parliament is expected to tackle the matter during its Tuesday session.



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