Iranian TV series ‘The Christ’ canceled in Lebanon


During a press conference on Friday, Lebanon Information Minister Tarek Mitri announced that NBN and Al-Manar television stations decided to cancel an Iranian-produced television series about Jesus after a “dialogue with officials from the stations that started yesterday and finished in good spirits.”

On Friday the both stations announced that will stop airing the series due to complaints from Christian leaders and the public.

Mitri said various solutions had been proposed, but that the “most suitable solution was stopping the broadcast, and we reached an agreement today to that effect.” He added that the problem had been resolved without involving politics or legal recourse.

Pastor of the Maronite Catholic Church in Byblos(Jbeil), Bishop Beshara Raii has said the film series is based on the Gospel of Barnabas, a Gospel “not recognized at all by our church.”

Raii said that all the events in the television series contained “distortion to the Christian ideology.”

“It also denies the crucifixion of Jesus and shows Judas as being crucified instead of the Christ,” Raii complained.

He went on saying that the TV series claims that there is no resurrection of Christ.

“This is considered as the biggest insult to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church,” Raii argued.

“This series undermines the foundations of every religion and creates strife,” he thought.

Raii said his Church had contacted both NBN and Manar television channels and pleaded with them to halt broadcast of the series.

“The Christ,” nevertheless, was still being aired.

“While we don’t burn tires,” Raii stressed, “we won’t keep silent.”

Al Manar is the mouthpiece of Hezbollah, while NBN is the mouthpiece of Amal Movement . Both Shiite parties are backed by Iran



242 responses to “Iranian TV series ‘The Christ’ canceled in Lebanon”

  1. Walid Khouri Avatar
    Walid Khouri

    This goes to show you that the people behind the two TV stations DO NOT care about other religions in the region. They should have known better than air a show that insults the basic fundamentals of Christianity. I wonder what would they have done if some station portrays Ali as an usurper of power and that he and his sons deserved to die at the hands of the Sunnis. What a shame!!! Then they come around and proclaim tolerance to others. That region of the world will remain a failed state driven by sectarianism and myth will rule logic.

    Now I am gonna say something that will definitely give me plenty of thumbs down… What would happen if Israel airs a show about Jesus saying that he was nothing but a rabbi? I am sure everyone including the moslems will rise and attack Israel but I do not hear anyone defending the divinity of Jesus which is the CENTER of Christianity.

    1. hj mcmaster Avatar
      hj mcmaster

      Where were you when Mel Gibson made “The Passion”?

      1. Walid Khouri Avatar
        Walid Khouri

        I was with Mel directing the movie… 😛

    2. hj mcmaster Avatar
      hj mcmaster

      Where were you when Mel Gibson made “The Passion”?

    3. moustapha Avatar

      Hello Walid,

      Whats happened is the Manar/Nbn both Hizzy and Amal stations were airing this show. Im not understanding how or what you are trying to insinuate with your comments. And it seems like you are lumping and generalizing all the muslims. So please clarify for me what you are trying to say.

      With your second paragraph the beef will only be between the christians and the Jews, the muslims will simply boycott the airing of this show like they do with all the other shows with regards to Jesus’s shows or movies.

      We create uproars when it strictly an attack on Islam for example the drawings of the prophet with a bomb. The moslems share beliefs with the jews and christians with regards to all the prophets up until prophet Mohammed. Even though we share the same prophets we cant dictate how the Jews and Christians want to portray their prophets. But when a jewish or christian entity portrays Prophet mohammed it is obvious that isnt part of their belief its part of an opinion/observation and attack. So I dont know if thats what you were refering to. Hope it answers your question.

      1. Walid Khouri Avatar
        Walid Khouri

        All what I am trying to say is that religions should be respected. If a show is insulting to another sect we should not air it. As you say, “The moslems share beliefs with the jews and christians with regards to all the prophets” and I respect that but the problem for Christians (not for me as I am agnostic) is that the bible of Barnabas is heresy and it is the basis upon which Islam “views” Christ.

        The TV stations agreed to stop airing the show and I respect their willingness to accommodate the sensitivities of the issue. Then it’s over… Let’s not dwell on it.

      2. Walid Khouri Avatar
        Walid Khouri

        All what I am trying to say is that religions should be respected. If a show is insulting to another sect we should not air it. As you say, “The moslems share beliefs with the jews and christians with regards to all the prophets” and I respect that but the problem for Christians (not for me as I am agnostic) is that the bible of Barnabas is heresy and it is the basis upon which Islam “views” Christ.

        The TV stations agreed to stop airing the show and I respect their willingness to accommodate the sensitivities of the issue. Then it’s over… Let’s not dwell on it.

    4. moustapha Avatar

      Hello Walid,

      Whats happened is the Manar/Nbn both Hizzy and Amal stations were airing this show. Im not understanding how or what you are trying to insinuate with your comments. And it seems like you are lumping and generalizing all the muslims. So please clarify for me what you are trying to say.

      With your second paragraph the beef will only be between the christians and the Jews, the muslims will simply boycott the airing of this show like they do with all the other shows with regards to Jesus’s shows or movies.

      We create uproars when it strictly an attack on Islam for example the drawings of the prophet with a bomb. The moslems share beliefs with the jews and christians with regards to all the prophets up until prophet Mohammed. Even though we share the same prophets we cant dictate how the Jews and Christians want to portray their prophets. But when a jewish or christian entity portrays Prophet mohammed it is obvious that isnt part of their belief its part of an opinion/observation and attack. So I dont know if thats what you were refering to. Hope it answers your question.

    5. I have not posted in a long time, but this is a subject I wanted to comment on. The problem in Lebanon is that we have some many religions and each has its own sects. That problem is also an asset witch separates us from other countries in the region to a certain extent and gives us our unique culture and ways of life.

      To Muslims Jesus is a profit and Muslims believe that he was not crucified and was not resurrected either since he was not on the cross. The say that God changed Judas’s Face to look like Christ and would not allow him to be killed. They say that is the reason God was forced to send one more profit Mohammed to continue the message.

      Now if you believe that or not I really don’t care because your faith is yours alone.

      I don’t understand why two stations that aired it were not allowed. I also don’t understand why Christians even watched it if they don’t believe it and why people can’t be open minded if they watch even if just to see another point of view.

      Imagine if Muslims started complaining about Christians airing shows about Jesus being crucified. What would the bishops say at that point.

      The problem in Lebanon is that we don’t understand anything about our religions ( All religions in Lebanon ) and I think if the government made it mandatory to tech the basics about the origins of all religions to students in 3rd 4th and 5th grade in a educational and unbiased way simply as a history lesson of a sort we would be able to deal with these things no matter what religion we belong to.

    6. I have not posted in a long time, but this is a subject I wanted to comment on. The problem in Lebanon is that we have some many religions and each has its own sects. That problem is also an asset witch separates us from other countries in the region to a certain extent and gives us our unique culture and ways of life.

      To Muslims Jesus is a profit and Muslims believe that he was not crucified and was not resurrected either since he was not on the cross. The say that God changed Judas’s Face to look like Christ and would not allow him to be killed. They say that is the reason God was forced to send one more profit Mohammed to continue the message.

      Now if you believe that or not I really don’t care because your faith is yours alone.

      I don’t understand why two stations that aired it were not allowed. I also don’t understand why Christians even watched it if they don’t believe it and why people can’t be open minded if they watch even if just to see another point of view.

      Imagine if Muslims started complaining about Christians airing shows about Jesus being crucified. What would the bishops say at that point.

      The problem in Lebanon is that we don’t understand anything about our religions ( All religions in Lebanon ) and I think if the government made it mandatory to tech the basics about the origins of all religions to students in 3rd 4th and 5th grade in a educational and unbiased way simply as a history lesson of a sort we would be able to deal with these things no matter what religion we belong to.

    7. Prophet Avatar

      Walid, With all the thumbs up you got, you should start promoting more tolerance on both side of the Isle now. You know that both sides are using this incident to inflame emotions. The Movie was taken off the air, and that should be the end of the story

      1. Walid Khouri Avatar
        Walid Khouri

        That’s what I said… I am gonna use the thumbs up to run for President 😛

  2. Lebster Avatar

    Seriously… Is this really the time to upset other sects in Lebanon??? Is HA trying to shift the focus somewhere else?

  3. All i have to say is that i am not surprised one bit. NBN and manare are propaganda machines and junk outlets equivalent to fox. this is just a snap shot of what to come if these hoodlums take over the country for good. In general, if christians were not part of lebanon, then lebanon will be a piece of shit like other arab counries (in my humble opinion). so instead of insultng christians, we should show them some respect.

  4. All i have to say is that i am not surprised one bit. NBN and manare are propaganda machines and junk outlets equivalent to fox. this is just a snap shot of what to come if these hoodlums take over the country for good. In general, if christians were not part of lebanon, then lebanon will be a piece of shit like other arab counries (in my humble opinion). so instead of insultng christians, we should show them some respect.

  5. VOICE OF TRUTH Avatar

    what do you expect to come from ahmedinajad’s iran except fanaticism and lack of respect for other people’s rights and religions?

    the way ahmedinajad’s regime is oppressing his own people should give us an indication as to how other religions are respected and safeguarded in post khomeini iran.

    my question is : how did this movie pass through the official media commission and end up airing on h/a and amal tv stations unnoticed without any censure????????

    1. Walid Khouri Avatar
      Walid Khouri

      Ask Aoun 😀

  6. christian martyr Avatar
    christian martyr

    hezebolah and its iranian sponsorer have nothing else better to than spark wars and hate amongst people… how would you like it if we tossed words around in your quran? wouldnt you be on the streets having a cry you uncivil pathetic bastards! shame on you! you ‘act’ as though your good and holy, where is the goodness in that? your race will never learn diplomacy civilness and unity this why so many christians hate you and rather spit on you! this is why christians rather the jews over you because of your ridiculous actions and dirty acts against our people!

    AND to al manar and nbn tv have your laugh now but your days are yet to come…


    1. This is very sad as I was always taught to respect others’ religion.

      I think this is very disrespectful and that if christians ran something about Muhammad, the violent protest would erupt.

      @Christian martyr, dont be fooled, the jews dont like you either…they think Jesus in the incarnation of the devil and that you are an infidel to them too….

      I have heard it time and time again from fellow jews here…

      1. wilypagan Avatar

        You never have anything good to say about the Jewish people. Did one of the chosen people do something to you?

      2. wilypagan Avatar

        You never have anything good to say about the Jewish people. Did one of the chosen people do something to you?

      3. Actually Wilypagan, you are sadly mistaken, I LOVE Norman finklestein, Noam chomsky, I even dated a jew back when I was younger and we are still very good friends to this day….

        I am just stating that from a religious standpoint, to every religion, the others are considered infidels or devil worshippers or whatever….

        I have never had anything against jews… my messiah was Jewish….I am againt zionism…big difference

      4. wilypagan the problem with the zionist agenda is that it intertwined very intelligently i may add that any attack against israel was an attack against judaism which is absolutely misleading but it has worked very well in the world.

        bush did that as well and implemented the zionist agenda by repeating the phrase “fight for freedom” so many times which is also in the jewish protocols of the higher elders of zion plus, he said on many times that an attack aginst republicans was anti-democratic.

        judaism does not equal zionism. even einstein himself wrote a letter somplaining to the president himself that the US shouldnt support israel.

      5. thumbs up Tony! I forgot about that Einstein letter! goes to show you that many many jews do NOT support Israel or what is stands for!

    2. This is very sad as I was always taught to respect others’ religion.

      I think this is very disrespectful and that if christians ran something about Muhammad, the violent protest would erupt.

      @Christian martyr, dont be fooled, the jews dont like you either…they think Jesus in the incarnation of the devil and that you are an infidel to them too….

      I have heard it time and time again from fellow jews here…

  7. christian martyr Avatar
    christian martyr

    hezebolah and its iranian sponsorer have nothing else better to than spark wars and hate amongst people… how would you like it if we tossed words around in your quran? wouldnt you be on the streets having a cry you uncivil pathetic bastards! shame on you! you ‘act’ as though your good and holy, where is the goodness in that? your race will never learn diplomacy civilness and unity this why so many christians hate you and rather spit on you! this is why christians rather the jews over you because of your ridiculous actions and dirty acts against our people!

    AND to al manar and nbn tv have your laugh now but your days are yet to come…


  8. The Resistance Avatar
    The Resistance

    Just want to make a point of what ignorance is,so moslems are not allowed to show a movie that shows what there quran and religon believes,fine we should be offended according to the ignorance,and right away we hear what do u except from HA and iranian always politcs,first of all they stopped airing it and none of you gave them credit for that,now back to my point,should muslims be offended when the christians show movies that crucify christ and go against what islam believes,dont muslims have the same argument?

    1. Walid Khouri Avatar
      Walid Khouri

      The only person who should be crucified is YOU, The Resistance…

      May be we should show a movie telling what we believe as well that the last religious figure on earth is Jesus and everyone who came afterward was a horny charlatan who went against his own religion marrying so many women that we all lost count? How do you feel now moron?

    2. Walid Khouri Avatar
      Walid Khouri

      The only person who should be crucified is YOU, The Resistance…

      May be we should show a movie telling what we believe as well that the last religious figure on earth is Jesus and everyone who came afterward was a horny charlatan who went against his own religion marrying so many women that we all lost count? How do you feel now moron?

      1. The Resistance Avatar
        The Resistance


        We are praciticing what we beleive,you dont have to be insulting..

      2. The Resistance Avatar
        The Resistance


        We are praciticing what we beleive,you dont have to be insulting..

    3. Resistance,

      1- this movie is not about muslims, it is about christ. it will be equivalent to christians making a movie about mohamad and saying things about him that you wouldn’t like.

      2- they don’t deserve credit for removing it fromthe air, because they were forced to do that. so ma ijit min 7isin el akhale3.

      3- muslims shouldn’t be offended when christians show a moviwe about jesus because inthese movies they never mention muhamad or islam at all

      4 i can’t beleive you are that dumb to equate those two things.

    4. Resistance,

      1- this movie is not about muslims, it is about christ. it will be equivalent to christians making a movie about mohamad and saying things about him that you wouldn’t like.

      2- they don’t deserve credit for removing it fromthe air, because they were forced to do that. so ma ijit min 7isin el akhale3.

      3- muslims shouldn’t be offended when christians show a moviwe about jesus because inthese movies they never mention muhamad or islam at all

      4 i can’t beleive you are that dumb to equate those two things.

    5. The Resistance Avatar
      The Resistance

      Classy Ali,

      Wow what an educated answer..not even worth prove your true colors with out me speaking,but i wish u were as much of a man behind the screen,as you are in person,and come to the south and tell us how you really feel,than i will respect you,until than keep hiding behind a key board…later cousin

    6. The Resistance Avatar
      The Resistance

      Classy Ali,

      Wow what an educated answer..not even worth prove your true colors with out me speaking,but i wish u were as much of a man behind the screen,as you are in person,and come to the south and tell us how you really feel,than i will respect you,until than keep hiding behind a key board…later cousin

  9. George Haddad N.J Avatar
    George Haddad N.J

    And they say we’re not here to spread Waliat Al Faqih. Maybe this has not directly related to it. But these acts indirectly trying to change the face of religion in order to promote it.

    The Iranians are hypocrites and so is Hezbollah and Amal. If LBC was to prodcast something that insults their prophet they would burn the station and kill people for it. But no we’re expected to stay passive and say nothing.

    I like to hear the Devout Christian CATHY about this..

    I like to see Tony A criticizing them too even though he’s not a christian. I like to See Aoun, Franjiah the dogs of hezbollah to say something to them. But they’re always quick to criticize the patriarch and every christians symbol while being interviewed by the mouthpiece of the devil AL Manar TV.

    1. christian martyr Avatar
      christian martyr

      well said brother george!

    2. christian martyr Avatar
      christian martyr

      well said brother george!

    3. George, I am against this and think this is despicable and has no result but to incite more division between religions.

      at least they removed it.

      waliyat al fakih has nothing to do with religious extremism.

      Just like catholics follow the pope as the word of God on Earth and infalliable, the shias follow their leader.

      Resistance, you are a complete moron.

      1. George Haddad N.J Avatar
        George Haddad N.J

        Cathy the bottom line here is Iran is interfering in many things. Even as recently the deputy of the president wanted to change the islamic religion to iranians. Many jumped on him but again the iranian influence is spreading like crazy and this is their whole idea of spreading their rules of religion and their beliefs. But also my idea to get you going and i did! Wink Wink!

      2. George Haddad N.J Avatar
        George Haddad N.J

        Cathy the bottom line here is Iran is interfering in many things. Even as recently the deputy of the president wanted to change the islamic religion to iranians. Many jumped on him but again the iranian influence is spreading like crazy and this is their whole idea of spreading their rules of religion and their beliefs. But also my idea to get you going and i did! Wink Wink!

      3. The Resistance Avatar
        The Resistance


        Wow calling me a complete moron,i just noticed that,didnt expect that from you,what did i say to deserve that…anyway i will not stoop to this level of insults,so not my style nor my families style..Thanks Cathy.

      4. resistance, my apologies..I only read your first post and I thought you were going on a rampage and insulting christianity.

        but I read the rest, and I apologize. I know you mean well.

      5. resistance, my apologies..I only read your first post and I thought you were going on a rampage and insulting christianity.

        but I read the rest, and I apologize. I know you mean well.

    4. George, I am against this and think this is despicable and has no result but to incite more division between religions.

      at least they removed it.

      waliyat al fakih has nothing to do with religious extremism.

      Just like catholics follow the pope as the word of God on Earth and infalliable, the shias follow their leader.

      Resistance, you are a complete moron.

    5. alawish Avatar

      Dude what’s your problem. Give them credit. They stopped airing it so no strife would be caused in lebanon. They were showing what islam believes. It’s not like they depicted Jesus as a horrible person. They showed him as REALLYYY GOODDDDD. In islam, Jesus is a major prophet. Anyway, it’s over. They stopped airing it so no more strife would be caused.

    6. alawish Avatar

      Dude what’s your problem. Give them credit. They stopped airing it so no strife would be caused in lebanon. They were showing what islam believes. It’s not like they depicted Jesus as a horrible person. They showed him as REALLYYY GOODDDDD. In islam, Jesus is a major prophet. Anyway, it’s over. They stopped airing it so no more strife would be caused.

  10. George Haddad N.J Avatar
    George Haddad N.J

    And they say we’re not here to spread Waliat Al Faqih. Maybe this has not directly related to it. But these acts indirectly trying to change the face of religion in order to promote it.

    The Iranians are hypocrites and so is Hezbollah and Amal. If LBC was to prodcast something that insults their prophet they would burn the station and kill people for it. But no we’re expected to stay passive and say nothing.

    I like to hear the Devout Christian CATHY about this..

    I like to see Tony A criticizing them too even though he’s not a christian. I like to See Aoun, Franjiah the dogs of hezbollah to say something to them. But they’re always quick to criticize the patriarch and every christians symbol while being interviewed by the mouthpiece of the devil AL Manar TV.

  11. The Resistance Avatar
    The Resistance

    Not one comment bout what i said except a minus ratings,thats why i dont comment on here,most of you are to amateuer for my level,but its my fault i tried to give you a educational response,but you cant create an educational response you can only present it…good day..

  12. The Resistance Avatar
    The Resistance

    Not one comment bout what i said except a minus ratings,thats why i dont comment on here,most of you are to amateuer for my level,but its my fault i tried to give you a educational response,but you cant create an educational response you can only present it…good day..

  13. The Resistance Avatar
    The Resistance


    Take it easy my man,they took it down,what else can they do,they are not allowed to make movies that portrays there religon,that makes them iranian and they want to spread islam,does LBC not put on a christian movie durning christmas,should muslims be offended,and should muslims say christians are trying to spread the word of christanity,,lol you guys are so ignorant that your funny,it really made me smile..good day,,,btw read a book it will help you write…good day george hope it gets better..

    1. The resistance,

      if you make a movie about Muhammad and how he spread islam then that represents your religion and thats fine

      but to make a movie about christ, even if you consider him a prophet, he still came before islam and before muhammad. we dont see you making movies about abraham and moses. as religion is a very touchy subject, it would be a bit reckless to make such movies, just like egyptians put a fatwa on zakaria boutros in egypt because he was, in his opinion, divulging things about muhammad from the a7adith that contradicted each other, etc.

      This was just done to spite christians and to try to prove that Islam’s version of christ if the right version because of some gospel that is not even recongized.

      This is why, the best attitude is KEL WA7AD 3ALA DINO OU ALLAH Y3INO.

      1. The Resistance Avatar
        The Resistance


        I agree with you,than should christians stop making movies bout Jesus during christimas,Easter,etc,cause maybe now you are offending muslims that dont belive one of there major prophets that is as equal as Prophet Muhamed was put on a cross and murdered, I like what you post Cathy actually your very level headed and the most eductated one on this forum,so please dont take this as an attack,just a debate.

      2. Resistance, I already answered you about christians making movies about christ.

        if you make movies about muhammad and how he spread islam then no one would say a word.

        thats why we should be able to make a movie about christ that represent christianity.

        I know you’re gonna say that this version of Jesus is part of Islam, but technically when you say the shahada, you dont say issa rassoul al allah you say Muhammad, so stick to making movies about him and not jesus since it touches our faith and its disrespectful just like you dont like us disrespecting Muhammad.

      3. Resistance, I already answered you about christians making movies about christ.

        if you make movies about muhammad and how he spread islam then no one would say a word.

        thats why we should be able to make a movie about christ that represent christianity.

        I know you’re gonna say that this version of Jesus is part of Islam, but technically when you say the shahada, you dont say issa rassoul al allah you say Muhammad, so stick to making movies about him and not jesus since it touches our faith and its disrespectful just like you dont like us disrespecting Muhammad.

      4. ya and one more thing Resistance, the gospel of barnabas were found in the 16th century!!!

        we stick to gospels found in the 1st-2nd century which tend more accurate, dont you think?

    2. The resistance,

      if you make a movie about Muhammad and how he spread islam then that represents your religion and thats fine

      but to make a movie about christ, even if you consider him a prophet, he still came before islam and before muhammad. we dont see you making movies about abraham and moses. as religion is a very touchy subject, it would be a bit reckless to make such movies, just like egyptians put a fatwa on zakaria boutros in egypt because he was, in his opinion, divulging things about muhammad from the a7adith that contradicted each other, etc.

      This was just done to spite christians and to try to prove that Islam’s version of christ if the right version because of some gospel that is not even recongized.

      This is why, the best attitude is KEL WA7AD 3ALA DINO OU ALLAH Y3INO.

    3. George Haddad N.J Avatar
      George Haddad N.J

      The Resistance i appreciate your answer really. But when the west make fun of arab and muslims in general. I personally would be angry with them. Unfortunately and however for many muslims they portrait the west as being all christians. Which is not true because there are lots who are anti-christ and some are atheists or non-believers. But even if a christian calls a muslim terrorist i take it personally because its not right and not fair. I do appreciate your weighted response and I know you mean well. But also when LBC criticized Syed Nassrallah or made fun of him on Basmat Al Watan what happened my friend? they nearly burned the station and hurt other people too. If you know about religion and they’re are many shiite scholars and know the mentality of christians toward this sensitive area? then why are you offending them? When you say we don’t believe Christ was cursified, then what if tell you that your prophet ali or Hussein do not exists and its all fabrications and lies and deceit to unite the shiites around one prophet? to us its an insult and your fellow hezoballah should know better. We don’t believe you guys should go around and beat yourself sensesily during the ashura. I think its pretty stupid but no one stopped you from doing it. we’re talking about respect of religion whether you believe it or not? But i thank you for your candid response and i do believe again you mean well. take care and peace!

      1. The Resistance Avatar
        The Resistance


        Thank you for your response,I actually agree with you,but first of all HA condemed hitting yourself during Ashura,that is no longer practiced by most shia,as I am against it….all im saying is depending what side of the border were on as far as religon we all can make arguments,i Just dont like how you guys make it political all the time,for god sakes this is something all muslims believe not just NBN or Al manar….so my issue is lets not politicize everything cause that may take away some sincere people that just showing a story of there religon,many people dont know what muslims belive,this is the first movie that came out bout jesus from a muslim view,use it for educational purposes instead of anything else…Take care

      2. The Resistance Avatar
        The Resistance


        Thank you for your response,I actually agree with you,but first of all HA condemed hitting yourself during Ashura,that is no longer practiced by most shia,as I am against it….all im saying is depending what side of the border were on as far as religon we all can make arguments,i Just dont like how you guys make it political all the time,for god sakes this is something all muslims believe not just NBN or Al manar….so my issue is lets not politicize everything cause that may take away some sincere people that just showing a story of there religon,many people dont know what muslims belive,this is the first movie that came out bout jesus from a muslim view,use it for educational purposes instead of anything else…Take care

      3. The resistance, I agree not to make this political.

        it is something that all muslims beleive and even saudi arabian tv’s had movies like that…so you’re right BUT because of the nature of the situation of politics and how they interfere with religion, I just think it was bad judgement on the part of the shia tv stations.

        I mean resistance, the truth is, you guys dont even agree with the sunnis on one version, you have muslims killing other muslims because they are not following the koran the way these nuts interpret it…..this is why everyone should be left to beleive what they want and their judgement is with God and no one else.

      4. The resistance, I agree not to make this political.

        it is something that all muslims beleive and even saudi arabian tv’s had movies like that…so you’re right BUT because of the nature of the situation of politics and how they interfere with religion, I just think it was bad judgement on the part of the shia tv stations.

        I mean resistance, the truth is, you guys dont even agree with the sunnis on one version, you have muslims killing other muslims because they are not following the koran the way these nuts interpret it…..this is why everyone should be left to beleive what they want and their judgement is with God and no one else.

    4. George Haddad N.J Avatar
      George Haddad N.J

      The Resistance i appreciate your answer really. But when the west make fun of arab and muslims in general. I personally would be angry with them. Unfortunately and however for many muslims they portrait the west as being all christians. Which is not true because there are lots who are anti-christ and some are atheists or non-believers. But even if a christian calls a muslim terrorist i take it personally because its not right and not fair. I do appreciate your weighted response and I know you mean well. But also when LBC criticized Syed Nassrallah or made fun of him on Basmat Al Watan what happened my friend? they nearly burned the station and hurt other people too. If you know about religion and they’re are many shiite scholars and know the mentality of christians toward this sensitive area? then why are you offending them? When you say we don’t believe Christ was cursified, then what if tell you that your prophet ali or Hussein do not exists and its all fabrications and lies and deceit to unite the shiites around one prophet? to us its an insult and your fellow hezoballah should know better. We don’t believe you guys should go around and beat yourself sensesily during the ashura. I think its pretty stupid but no one stopped you from doing it. we’re talking about respect of religion whether you believe it or not? But i thank you for your candid response and i do believe again you mean well. take care and peace!

  14. The Resistance Avatar
    The Resistance


    Are muslims not allowed to practice there religon and spread what they believe,just like christians?

    1. who is denying the muslims to practice their religion or is practicing islam means inslutling and belittling other faiths. you are either so dumb or high as a kite

    2. who is denying the muslims to practice their religion or is practicing islam means inslutling and belittling other faiths. you are either so dumb or high as a kite

  15. The Resistance Avatar
    The Resistance

    I’ll patiently wait for an educational answer to what I asked multiple times,chances are none of you will answer cause you cant without sounding insulting…

  16. The Resistance Avatar
    The Resistance

    I’ll patiently wait for an educational answer to what I asked multiple times,chances are none of you will answer cause you cant without sounding insulting…

  17. The Resistance Avatar
    The Resistance

    Islam does not believe Jesus was crucified thats what makes them Muslim and You Christian, they beleive Judes was made to look like jesus casue he betrayed Jesus and he was crucified while Jesus was risen to heaven…just incase you dont know what muslims believe

    1. Walid Khouri Avatar
      Walid Khouri

      OK you want an educated response? Here it comes: Historically there was a shunned priest (raheb el buhhayra) who plagiarized the books of Christians, and claimed it was written by Barnabas. That priest is the same one who educated Mohammed who used to stop at his house during his travels when he was working for his wife. He instilled in his mind the new principles of Christianity (according to him) and that train of thought died with the priest and unfortunately was resurrected by Islam.

      Do not forget that up until now some people reading the Quran literally still believe that Earth is flat (a concept taken from Christianity as well). Also, the Christians used to imprison every scientist who rightly so said that Earth revolves around the sun until recently and that Byzantine priests burnt the Library of Alexandria and set us backwardly years in Science and technology.

      The religious books should convey a spiritual message ONLY and NOT to be taken literally as the word of God. Think about it! According to Genesis (written by the Hebrews) that Adam and Eve had TWO Sons. Where on earth did they find women to marry since there was ONLY their mother? Sick isn’t it.

      My opinion is insulting others will only bring you back insults… Touching the divinity of the Christ and his resurrection is important to Christians. I dare those stations go after the Alaouites who believe that Ali is a reincarnation of God. But the Syrians will show you the door…

      I rest my case…

      1. good response Walid!

      2. good response Walid!

      3. The Resistance Avatar
        The Resistance


        Thank you,but do you think the movie was insulting,than islam must be insulting,they made a film on there beliefs my man,whats the problem,im honestly baffeled by it,so walid muslims should not be offended by christians showing movies of the way jesus died even though they dont believe it,we have never said one word bout ur christmas movies etc,to much sensetivity in Lebanon,anyway Thanks for your response,but u did not rest your case cause all you gave me was a history lesson,and totally disreguarded my question bout muslims and there view of Jesus and are we not allowed to express our views as you do on a everyday bases,on LBC,MTV etc,i understand they are christian networks,but NBN and Al manar are muslim,i hope you understand..take care.

      4. The Resistance Avatar
        The Resistance


        Thank you,but do you think the movie was insulting,than islam must be insulting,they made a film on there beliefs my man,whats the problem,im honestly baffeled by it,so walid muslims should not be offended by christians showing movies of the way jesus died even though they dont believe it,we have never said one word bout ur christmas movies etc,to much sensetivity in Lebanon,anyway Thanks for your response,but u did not rest your case cause all you gave me was a history lesson,and totally disreguarded my question bout muslims and there view of Jesus and are we not allowed to express our views as you do on a everyday bases,on LBC,MTV etc,i understand they are christian networks,but NBN and Al manar are muslim,i hope you understand..take care.

      5. George Haddad N.J Avatar
        George Haddad N.J

        Great response Walid thank you. But I think The Resistance means well in his own ways and he is not extremists judging from his responses. Anyway its best for everyone to respect each other religion and have an open mind regarding and be sensitive to their beliefs and convictions.

        take care everyone!

      6. George Haddad N.J Avatar
        George Haddad N.J

        Great response Walid thank you. But I think The Resistance means well in his own ways and he is not extremists judging from his responses. Anyway its best for everyone to respect each other religion and have an open mind regarding and be sensitive to their beliefs and convictions.

        take care everyone!

      7. lek resistance, I understand your point bass lets be honest here, when you make a movie based on the gospel of barnabas, not the koran, you are trying to say that even in their books, Jesus was not crucified. it is not to show what muslims beleive. you and I both know that.

        plus it is misleading to the viewers who need to look at history and why certain gospels were dismissed. as I mentionned this gospel was found much later and cannot be more historically correct than 4 gospels and other texts that all say the same thing and appeared less than a hundred years after jesus lived.

        but anyways, I will not go into a religion discussion because it never accomplishes anything.

      8. Walid Khouri Avatar
        Walid Khouri

        It is one thing to believe what you want and another to broadcast your message destroying in the process the core of Christianity of the divinity, the crucifixion and ultimately (for Christians) the victory over death through resurrection of the Christ.

        I am not telling you to believe or not to believe, but the Christians do not believe in the prophet Mohammed. What if they make a movie about him portraying him as a self delusional maniac?

        When people insulted the late Fadlallah, I was FIRST to defend him and yell at them for desecrating a religious authority. I believe, ALL religious beliefs and religious figures (priests, etc…) should be revered AND protected from slander.

        That’s ALL…

        AND THAT my friend is coming from me, an agnostic…

      9. Walid Khouri Avatar
        Walid Khouri

        It is one thing to believe what you want and another to broadcast your message destroying in the process the core of Christianity of the divinity, the crucifixion and ultimately (for Christians) the victory over death through resurrection of the Christ.

        I am not telling you to believe or not to believe, but the Christians do not believe in the prophet Mohammed. What if they make a movie about him portraying him as a self delusional maniac?

        When people insulted the late Fadlallah, I was FIRST to defend him and yell at them for desecrating a religious authority. I believe, ALL religious beliefs and religious figures (priests, etc…) should be revered AND protected from slander.

        That’s ALL…

        AND THAT my friend is coming from me, an agnostic…

    2. Walid Khouri Avatar
      Walid Khouri

      OK you want an educated response? Here it comes: Historically there was a shunned priest (raheb el buhhayra) who plagiarized the books of Christians, and claimed it was written by Barnabas. That priest is the same one who educated Mohammed who used to stop at his house during his travels when he was working for his wife. He instilled in his mind the new principles of Christianity (according to him) and that train of thought died with the priest and unfortunately was resurrected by Islam.

      Do not forget that up until now some people reading the Quran literally still believe that Earth is flat (a concept taken from Christianity as well). Also, the Christians used to imprison every scientist who rightly so said that Earth revolves around the sun until recently and that Byzantine priests burnt the Library of Alexandria and set us backwardly years in Science and technology.

      The religious books should convey a spiritual message ONLY and NOT to be taken literally as the word of God. Think about it! According to Genesis (written by the Hebrews) that Adam and Eve had TWO Sons. Where on earth did they find women to marry since there was ONLY their mother? Sick isn’t it.

      My opinion is insulting others will only bring you back insults… Touching the divinity of the Christ and his resurrection is important to Christians. I dare those stations go after the Alaouites who believe that Ali is a reincarnation of God. But the Syrians will show you the door…

      I rest my case…

    3. yeah… well muhammad married a 9-yr old girl and jesus didn’t.

    4. yeah… well muhammad married a 9-yr old girl and jesus didn’t.

    5. VOICE OF TRUTH Avatar

      ya resistance

      there are a lot of passages in the koran that praise christianity and there are other passages that are offensive to christian beliefs.

      some of them label christians as infidels (kuffars) and moushrikine (islamic attribute to christians who believe in the trinity) etc…

      but you never find anything comparable in christianity simply because jesus came 600 years before mohammad .

      so when we discuss the topic of christian islamic relations,

      the bible along with the new testament don’t

      raise any issues good or bad concerning islam.

      thus most christian countries dont have any problems, ideologically


      assimilating with

      and tolerating other religions.

      on the other hand,

      islamic communities have to make a choice as to wether they want to coexist with communities from

      other religious background

      and to what degree they would be willing to tone down and deemphasize the negative

      ideological and religious rhetoric

      pertaining to these other

      religions like christianity.

  18. The Resistance Avatar
    The Resistance

    Islam does not believe Jesus was crucified thats what makes them Muslim and You Christian, they beleive Judes was made to look like jesus casue he betrayed Jesus and he was crucified while Jesus was risen to heaven…just incase you dont know what muslims believe

  19. The Resistance Avatar
    The Resistance

    Thanks George,

    I came here with good intentions,i really did,and george you were the only one who came at me with respect,totally shocked,but impressed, totally shocked that Cathy called me a moron,and Walid called our prophet a blasphimist name, I dont think i came at anyone but with respect,i am not used to being spoken to this way,especially when i have shown great respect and made a valid point,,Anyway George Thank you for proving me wrong,and Cathy Thank you for dissapointing me,I honestly had great respect for you…but your as extreme as the rest…Take care all of you…and thanks for your insights..

    1. Resistance, look at my post up there, I apologized…I had only read your first post and misunderstood your intentions. Again I am sorry. I do understand your point of view.

    2. Resistance, look at my post up there, I apologized…I had only read your first post and misunderstood your intentions. Again I am sorry. I do understand your point of view.

    3. George Haddad N.J Avatar
      George Haddad N.J

      The Resistance you’re welcome and i admit i am extreme when it comes to lebanon enemies whether they’re from inside or outside. I do not tolerate any sect or religion or party hurting lebanon. If Geagea is dealing with israel or anybody else then I am all against them. But also if Hezbollah dealing with Syria and iran to hurt lebanon even though they don’t believe it. Then i am against them. I know there are many haters of hezbollah as much as supporters too. But the fact is hezbollah is taking charge and people do not believe them one damn bit about not killing hariri and many others. Nassrallah with all due respect have not shown otherwise. On top he keeps bringing up the civil strife where to remind lebanon of the pains of May 2008 events. These things are not being said by concidence they’re planned to plant seeds of fear among people. His goal to make people move on away from it. I know no matter what we say I am not going to convince you and vice versa. But in the end we feel that we need to clear these issues and until hezbollah and the responsible party like Syria admit to these crimes and ask for foriginess at least. then people will not move on and they will always hate hezbollah especially if the STL shows many solid proofs that hezbollah and Syria were behind it. Then you kick walls and threatens all you like to prove otherwise, its not going to change people minds about you. And whenever they have the oppt. hate to say to go at you then they will. I may have wild imagination but let’s say next war even though I believe hezbollah is pretty strong and it can withstand israeli bombardement for a while. But to put it simply lets’ say israel weakens hezbollah a lot and israel this time comes up victorious. What will happen to the resistance? don’t you think those lebanese who are waiting for it to be weak will attempt at every level to finish it off. I for one do not want the resistance to be finished. But i want it to be responsibile toward Lebanon and not follow iran and syria. THe same goes for any israeli supporters out there to be patriots toward lebanon not toward israel and we all know what happens to their supporters anyway.

      Let us leave in peace with no arms race and we can get those lands if they belong to us peacefully now we can than ever before.

    4. George Haddad N.J Avatar
      George Haddad N.J

      The Resistance you’re welcome and i admit i am extreme when it comes to lebanon enemies whether they’re from inside or outside. I do not tolerate any sect or religion or party hurting lebanon. If Geagea is dealing with israel or anybody else then I am all against them. But also if Hezbollah dealing with Syria and iran to hurt lebanon even though they don’t believe it. Then i am against them. I know there are many haters of hezbollah as much as supporters too. But the fact is hezbollah is taking charge and people do not believe them one damn bit about not killing hariri and many others. Nassrallah with all due respect have not shown otherwise. On top he keeps bringing up the civil strife where to remind lebanon of the pains of May 2008 events. These things are not being said by concidence they’re planned to plant seeds of fear among people. His goal to make people move on away from it. I know no matter what we say I am not going to convince you and vice versa. But in the end we feel that we need to clear these issues and until hezbollah and the responsible party like Syria admit to these crimes and ask for foriginess at least. then people will not move on and they will always hate hezbollah especially if the STL shows many solid proofs that hezbollah and Syria were behind it. Then you kick walls and threatens all you like to prove otherwise, its not going to change people minds about you. And whenever they have the oppt. hate to say to go at you then they will. I may have wild imagination but let’s say next war even though I believe hezbollah is pretty strong and it can withstand israeli bombardement for a while. But to put it simply lets’ say israel weakens hezbollah a lot and israel this time comes up victorious. What will happen to the resistance? don’t you think those lebanese who are waiting for it to be weak will attempt at every level to finish it off. I for one do not want the resistance to be finished. But i want it to be responsibile toward Lebanon and not follow iran and syria. THe same goes for any israeli supporters out there to be patriots toward lebanon not toward israel and we all know what happens to their supporters anyway.

      Let us leave in peace with no arms race and we can get those lands if they belong to us peacefully now we can than ever before.

  20. The Resistance Avatar
    The Resistance


    Its ok everyone here acts on emotion,so im used to it,just one more comment,if NBN and Al manar wanted to distort peoples feelings and there beleifs,than why did they stop airing it,one day after it started,dont they get some credit for removing it,by right it passed commisons to be aired,so if they wanted to do all these things you guys think they wanna do,than it would make sense to keep it on the air to accomplish there goals,anyway i beleive they deserve credit for removing it and beins sensetive to peoples views…

    1. ya resistance hek I agree with you and I said it least they stopped airing it, that’s what’s important.

      I dont think that this has to do with anything political and I think some are overreacting in regards to Iran’s political implication in this…

      BUT like I said, I just think it was bad judgement to even air it in the first place as tensions are already high in lebanon….

    2. ya resistance hek I agree with you and I said it least they stopped airing it, that’s what’s important.

      I dont think that this has to do with anything political and I think some are overreacting in regards to Iran’s political implication in this…

      BUT like I said, I just think it was bad judgement to even air it in the first place as tensions are already high in lebanon….

  21. The Resistance Avatar
    The Resistance


    Its ok everyone here acts on emotion,so im used to it,just one more comment,if NBN and Al manar wanted to distort peoples feelings and there beleifs,than why did they stop airing it,one day after it started,dont they get some credit for removing it,by right it passed commisons to be aired,so if they wanted to do all these things you guys think they wanna do,than it would make sense to keep it on the air to accomplish there goals,anyway i beleive they deserve credit for removing it and beins sensetive to peoples views…

  22. Leb-Syrian Avatar

    How offensive. They have no regard to other religions. That is not how real muslims show unity. That is just how real thugs act. If it was a youtube video id say these ppl are over reacting but its on a tv station, that is broadcasted into family homes that can misguide christian children about their religion, which was probably the point of the whole series.

  23. The Resistance Avatar
    The Resistance

    My point is we all have an argument,but we all dont agree,George as far as HA goes so complicated ,all I have to say who benefits by killing harriri,syria lost its foot hold in Lebanon after his death,and he was put in power by the syrians and he did everynting they asked from him,HA was removed of the US terror list in 2001 after condeming 9/11 thanks to Harriri,so he was there western connection,and on the other side you got Israel I do beleive it was them for one reason,look at Lebanon today,and how lebanon was before the Harriri died,sometimes we dont need facts,tribunals or evidence,sometimes common sense can be blinding…

    1. moustapha Avatar

      Hariri didnt work for Syria he had the backing of the KSA. But he abided by the fact that the regional powers had given Syria the full control over the country. Until the point of Lahoud who they wanted to force upon the people his rule and at the same time wanted Hariri to be foreced to work with him. At the same time they didnt want to let him resign. So yes Hariri did well for Hizballah but not because he was taking orders from syria but because he was the only politician to instill in us that a lebanese brother is a brother regardless of his confession.

    2. moustapha Avatar

      Hariri didnt work for Syria he had the backing of the KSA. But he abided by the fact that the regional powers had given Syria the full control over the country. Until the point of Lahoud who they wanted to force upon the people his rule and at the same time wanted Hariri to be foreced to work with him. At the same time they didnt want to let him resign. So yes Hariri did well for Hizballah but not because he was taking orders from syria but because he was the only politician to instill in us that a lebanese brother is a brother regardless of his confession.

  24. Resistance, HA is still on the terrorist list as far as the US is concerned.

    where did you hear that it was removed?

    otherwise, you do make good points.

    1. The Resistance Avatar
      The Resistance


      Hezbollah was put on the terror list in 1997, that would be 14 years after the marine baracks bombing which landed them on the list,whiche tells me if it took 14 years than there must be some doubt if they should be on the list,than 9/11 happened,Sayed was the first one to condemn this,so harriri came to the US and in 2002 they were removed off the list,the jewish lobby took it to AIPAC and AIPAC took it to the supreme court,and in 2003 they were put back on the list,so i hope that helps more thing if there is so much back and forth on weather they should be terrorists it should make people wonder,do they really beielve they are terrorist or are they trying to appease the israleie state…

      1. oh thanks for the info Resistance…did not know this…but of course I am not at all surprised…I get offended when people here call them terrorists because in their head and because of flagrant ignorance, they equate them with al-qaeda…they really do not know the difference..hence I have canadians who ask me if I have to wear a veil when I go to lebanon…

        it really irritates me!!

      2. oh thanks for the info Resistance…did not know this…but of course I am not at all surprised…I get offended when people here call them terrorists because in their head and because of flagrant ignorance, they equate them with al-qaeda…they really do not know the difference..hence I have canadians who ask me if I have to wear a veil when I go to lebanon…

        it really irritates me!!

      3. wilypagan Avatar

        You’ll be wearing a veil soon enough, if the clowns who pass for leaders in your country don’t disarm the Hizzy thugs.

      4. wilypagan Avatar

        You’ll be wearing a veil soon enough, if the clowns who pass for leaders in your country don’t disarm the Hizzy thugs.

    2. The Resistance Avatar
      The Resistance


      Hezbollah was put on the terror list in 1997, that would be 14 years after the marine baracks bombing which landed them on the list,whiche tells me if it took 14 years than there must be some doubt if they should be on the list,than 9/11 happened,Sayed was the first one to condemn this,so harriri came to the US and in 2002 they were removed off the list,the jewish lobby took it to AIPAC and AIPAC took it to the supreme court,and in 2003 they were put back on the list,so i hope that helps more thing if there is so much back and forth on weather they should be terrorists it should make people wonder,do they really beielve they are terrorist or are they trying to appease the israleie state…

    3. Leb-Syrian Avatar

      Keep up with your comments and defending “your ally Israel” and you’ll be wearing a yarmulke soon! Mazeltov!

      1. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        Freakin iphone i just gave myself a negative lmao

      2. leb-syrian wilypagan is most likely already wearing one which is not insulting. he’s trying to talk down to us by the veil thing as if its an insult cos hes an idiot.

        human beings on this different have diffeent paths in their lives and they choose to do whatever they want. only in the west do they criticise anybody who is not wearing the same as them whereas in the middle east, we are very tolerant and more democratic than israel ever dreams to be.

        thats what my canadian wife loves about lebanon. she goes shoppin gin her tank tops and right next to her are veiled women shopping and she loves it.

        so wilypagan an insult to you is hopefully soon you guys will stop acting like monkeys and advance a little to human development but then again hitler already mentally damaged you guys that you have no ideas whats right or wrong do you?

  25. The Resistance Avatar
    The Resistance

    I live in the west,and I always tell people how Lebanese are different than everyone else,wallahi im so proud,i always tell chaldeans who are iraqi christians here,how we in Lebanon are religously equal and our differences are politcs,we have shia and christians on one side agaisnt sunnie and christians on the other,I love that our diff our politics and not religous,cause politcs changes,religon doesnt.

  26. prophet Avatar

    I’m shocked by many of the comments I’ve been reading here, and by the sectarian debate taking place here. Many of you have sounded so open minded intellectual. Where ever you live, whether in the west, Europe, the middle east, This movie and the debate , seem to have brought out the sectarian feeling many have inherited from the sick sectarian Lebanese society and it’s political structure. I can’t see how a movie( I have not seen , and most likely won’t see anyway) can threaten any religion or offend so many young intellectuals that I have followed , disagreed with at times, yet respected. I hope one day we can practice what we preach. Obviously Open mindedness is a very relative issue too. I hope my screen name won’t offend you either. I just hate organized religion all together. Excuse my anger.

  27. prophet Avatar

    I’m shocked by many of the comments I’ve been reading here, and by the sectarian debate taking place here. Many of you have sounded so open minded intellectual. Where ever you live, whether in the west, Europe, the middle east, This movie and the debate , seem to have brought out the sectarian feeling many have inherited from the sick sectarian Lebanese society and it’s political structure. I can’t see how a movie( I have not seen , and most likely won’t see anyway) can threaten any religion or offend so many young intellectuals that I have followed , disagreed with at times, yet respected. I hope one day we can practice what we preach. Obviously Open mindedness is a very relative issue too. I hope my screen name won’t offend you either. I just hate organized religion all together. Excuse my anger.

  28. Constantin Avatar

    Instead of making a movie about the life of Jesus Christ whom they think and pretend that they know, Muslims should make a movie about Mohammad and tell the people the real life of Mohammad as per the AHADITH and the SIRAT.

    Jesus in the Quran, as far as I am concerned, is the most spiritual prophet that muslims have in their book. The Quran admits that Jesus’ birth was miraculous, he was born in a God worshipping family, lived without sin and made all sorts of miracles including raising the dead, all these characteristics that do not apply to any other prophet in the Quran including Muhammad.

    So please my fellow muslims produce a movie about the life of YOUR exclusive prophet, whom you label “ASHRAF AL-KHOLK” (THE MOST HONORABLE OF HUMANS). Please let the whole world know, how he was born, who were his parents (atheists), how he was raised (atheist), how many women he married (13 as far as I know) and how many he fornicated with (countless), how many wars he did and how many tribes he fought, how he treated his ennemies and those who did not believe in him (how did he treat the men after the Qureish victory – he cut their legs and arms and threw them in the desert to die slowly, while Jesus Christ said “LOVE YOUR ENNEMIES”. Please show us how spiritual was your prophet Muhammad, show us the good values that Mohammad brought to humanity.

    Don’t show us YOUR version of Jesus Christ’s life. YOUR version does not count to us because Islam came 600+ years after Christ. YOUR believe in Jesus Christ is an insult to all Christians, because for us Jesus Christ lived, was crucified and died and rose from death to save humanity from its inherited sinful life. For us Jesus Christ is God incarnate. He is the perfect human too who is the only link between the sinful humanity and God. Whoever believes in him will be saved because he paid the price of our sins on the cross. Jesus said: I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.

    With Muhammad is there any concept of Salvation anyways? or it is “ALLAH OU AALAM” as Muhammad himself said!

    I understand this movie is done by muslims to muslims, fine let them air it in a muslim country like Iran or Saudi Arabia, not in Lebanon/Syria/Jordan/Palestine or Egypt because it could cause a serious social rift with the existing Christian populations.

    1. The Resistance Avatar
      The Resistance


      The movie your looking for is called The Message,and whether you like the Prophet or dont,for Islam to be the last religon to be brought down after Chrisianity and Judiasm and to have the most followers in the world,I would think the man gets credit for spreading the word,imagine today a man came down to spread a new religon,how many people would actually follow him,so in tht aspect he is devine,he spread islam to the point that it became the largest religon in the world….just an observation,im a man that gives credit when its deserved.

      1. prophet Avatar

        What do you think I’m here for?just don’t resist me. jk

      2. prophet Avatar

        What do you think I’m here for?just don’t resist me. jk

    2. The Resistance Avatar
      The Resistance


      The movie your looking for is called The Message,and whether you like the Prophet or dont,for Islam to be the last religon to be brought down after Chrisianity and Judiasm and to have the most followers in the world,I would think the man gets credit for spreading the word,imagine today a man came down to spread a new religon,how many people would actually follow him,so in tht aspect he is devine,he spread islam to the point that it became the largest religon in the world….just an observation,im a man that gives credit when its deserved.

    3. Constantin, this is exactly what we dont need…

      you dont need to insult others’ religion to make a point just like we do not want anyone insulting ours…

    4. Constantin your a man of conviction and I salute your courage to affim your believe. We need more man of conviction not less…

      On note we need to respect other whom don’t agreed with us. My question to you cathy do you believe that the movie respect the believe of christian…?

      1. No Marc, please refer to my earlier posts in which I clearly stated exaclty what constantine said minus the insults to their prophet.

        I said that they should do a movie about Muhammad since he is their main prophet and he spread islam. not Jesus, because Jesus came before Islam and it is insulting to our faith…

        this is as far as the movie is concerned…I also stated that it was “bad judgement that the tv stations aired them in the first place but that at least they agreed to stop showing it”

      2. No Marc, please refer to my earlier posts in which I clearly stated exaclty what constantine said minus the insults to their prophet.

        I said that they should do a movie about Muhammad since he is their main prophet and he spread islam. not Jesus, because Jesus came before Islam and it is insulting to our faith…

        this is as far as the movie is concerned…I also stated that it was “bad judgement that the tv stations aired them in the first place but that at least they agreed to stop showing it”

    5. Constantin your a man of conviction and I salute your courage to affim your believe. We need more man of conviction not less…

      On note we need to respect other whom don’t agreed with us. My question to you cathy do you believe that the movie respect the believe of christian…?

  29. Constantin Avatar

    Instead of making a movie about the life of Jesus Christ whom they think and pretend that they know, Muslims should make a movie about Mohammad and tell the people the real life of Mohammad as per the AHADITH and the SIRAT.

    Jesus in the Quran, as far as I am concerned, is the most spiritual prophet that muslims have in their book. The Quran admits that Jesus’ birth was miraculous, he was born in a God worshipping family, lived without sin and made all sorts of miracles including raising the dead, all these characteristics that do not apply to any other prophet in the Quran including Muhammad.

    So please my fellow muslims produce a movie about the life of YOUR exclusive prophet, whom you label “ASHRAF AL-KHOLK” (THE MOST HONORABLE OF HUMANS). Please let the whole world know, how he was born, who were his parents (atheists), how he was raised (atheist), how many women he married (13 as far as I know) and how many he fornicated with (countless), how many wars he did and how many tribes he fought, how he treated his ennemies and those who did not believe in him (how did he treat the men after the Qureish victory – he cut their legs and arms and threw them in the desert to die slowly, while Jesus Christ said “LOVE YOUR ENNEMIES”. Please show us how spiritual was your prophet Muhammad, show us the good values that Mohammad brought to humanity.

    Don’t show us YOUR version of Jesus Christ’s life. YOUR version does not count to us because Islam came 600+ years after Christ. YOUR believe in Jesus Christ is an insult to all Christians, because for us Jesus Christ lived, was crucified and died and rose from death to save humanity from its inherited sinful life. For us Jesus Christ is God incarnate. He is the perfect human too who is the only link between the sinful humanity and God. Whoever believes in him will be saved because he paid the price of our sins on the cross. Jesus said: I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.

    With Muhammad is there any concept of Salvation anyways? or it is “ALLAH OU AALAM” as Muhammad himself said!

    I understand this movie is done by muslims to muslims, fine let them air it in a muslim country like Iran or Saudi Arabia, not in Lebanon/Syria/Jordan/Palestine or Egypt because it could cause a serious social rift with the existing Christian populations.

  30. Constantin Avatar

    Trust me the intention is not to insult any muslim by my comment but I feel the need sometimes to tell it as it is, just facts. Is my information wrong about the prophet of Islam? Ok I don’t deny what The resistance is saying that it is the fastest growing religion, so what? All of us know the political reasons behind this prolifiration, nothing spiritual about it.

    Let’s exchange facts and ideas freely in a civilized manner. No insults intended, and I apologize to whom they felt insulted.

    1. prophet Avatar


      Yes, your comments are insulting to Islam. You are making the same mistake that you thought the movie makers had made by producing this movie

      1. Constantin Avatar

        Sorry Prophet and I apologized above, but how can we discuss things honestly if we want to keep hiding the truth and be a hippocrite? We Arabs are the ultimate hippocrites, we say something and we believe something else. I cannot be a hippocrite, I would rather tell exactly how I feel and think and have an HONEST discussion with you, rather than lying to you and be a hippocrite with you.

        I do not discuss these ideas face to face with my muslim friends, by fear of loosing them or having them angry, except with one that I am very close to.

        But on this forum, why not say the things that we believe in, let’s learn to be truthful with each other.

        Would you rather have me be a hippocrite with you rather than honest? I personally would rather deal with someone honest than a hippocrite.

        Please accept my sincere apologies.

      2. Constantin Avatar

        Sorry Prophet and I apologized above, but how can we discuss things honestly if we want to keep hiding the truth and be a hippocrite? We Arabs are the ultimate hippocrites, we say something and we believe something else. I cannot be a hippocrite, I would rather tell exactly how I feel and think and have an HONEST discussion with you, rather than lying to you and be a hippocrite with you.

        I do not discuss these ideas face to face with my muslim friends, by fear of loosing them or having them angry, except with one that I am very close to.

        But on this forum, why not say the things that we believe in, let’s learn to be truthful with each other.

        Would you rather have me be a hippocrite with you rather than honest? I personally would rather deal with someone honest than a hippocrite.

        Please accept my sincere apologies.

      3. I understand Prophet that you are upset with Constantin. From what he is saying below he is someone who wants to exchange on fact.

        In many muslim country we cannot worship our religion because it is outlawed.

        My question to you my friend in humanity, do you agreed…

      4. I understand Prophet that you are upset with Constantin. From what he is saying below he is someone who wants to exchange on fact.

        In many muslim country we cannot worship our religion because it is outlawed.

        My question to you my friend in humanity, do you agreed…

      5. moustapha Avatar

        No constantin and marc..

        constantin is not putting out facts.. he is putting out opinions on the history of islam based on a few muslims who have converted to christianity. I have had the debate with him and his knowledge of our prophet is based on these shows he watches about muslims converting to christians.. which you would think could be insulting to muslims..

        Please its so obvious that it is a direct insult as apposed to putting facts when you say things about him fornicating and chopping off legs and hands.. Utter lies and you are just trying to sugar coat hurtful statements that you your self uphold to feel better about your own confession. If you truely believe Christianity is better then islam that is your perogative.. so you should be able to find your answers to why christianity suits you better by just refering to christian scriptures as apposed to insulting other religons or beliefs.

        Constantin you can’t say it openly to your muslim friends because you know you have no solid proof.. cause if you did then that wouldnt stop you from pretending to respect your muslims friends confession and getting them to turn away from their false beliefs (in your point of view not us muslims)

        Very disapointing. 3ayb.

      6. moustapha Avatar

        No constantin and marc..

        constantin is not putting out facts.. he is putting out opinions on the history of islam based on a few muslims who have converted to christianity. I have had the debate with him and his knowledge of our prophet is based on these shows he watches about muslims converting to christians.. which you would think could be insulting to muslims..

        Please its so obvious that it is a direct insult as apposed to putting facts when you say things about him fornicating and chopping off legs and hands.. Utter lies and you are just trying to sugar coat hurtful statements that you your self uphold to feel better about your own confession. If you truely believe Christianity is better then islam that is your perogative.. so you should be able to find your answers to why christianity suits you better by just refering to christian scriptures as apposed to insulting other religons or beliefs.

        Constantin you can’t say it openly to your muslim friends because you know you have no solid proof.. cause if you did then that wouldnt stop you from pretending to respect your muslims friends confession and getting them to turn away from their false beliefs (in your point of view not us muslims)

        Very disapointing. 3ayb.

    2. Prophet Avatar


      THANKS, I was not seeking an apology from you at all. I just wanted to bring it to your attention that some times we in the heat of the moment make similar mistakes to the ones we blame others for doing. I usually don’t like to discuss religion issues because of the sensitivity there. If you read my earlier posting , you’d know where I stand on this subject. I just can’t see how any movie can threaten any religion at all. All these religions have been around for hundreds and thousands of years. They are too strong. They are embedded in the minds and hearts of the followers, faithful or not. Organized religion, are all, unfortunately, politicized by the institutions that control them. They all manipulate people with fear and hatred and own- self righteous views. A movie can revolt someone’s emotions regardless of how faithful He or She is. Why is that? well, Organized Religious institutions are good at playing on peoples fears and emotions, AND ESPECIALLY IN THE MIDDLE EAST. That is wrong.

      I look forward to debating you on other issues.

      I’ll conclude with two quotes by Gibran: “I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit.” And: “Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking

      1. Prophet Avatar


        I read your comment /question after I posted. No I don’t agree. I think people should be able to practice what ever faith they believe in anywhere they live.. I refer you to the above posting and I rest my case.

      2. Prophet Avatar


        I read your comment /question after I posted. No I don’t agree. I think people should be able to practice what ever faith they believe in anywhere they live.. I refer you to the above posting and I rest my case.

      3. Constantin Avatar

        Thank you Prophet for your reply and your quote from Gibran. Me too I look forward on exchanging with you in the future, we won’t talk religion 🙂 .

        As for Moustapha, I knew you were going to comment: First let me tell all of you that this Iranian movie does not at all affect me personally or insult me, because my faith is big enough and rooted enough not to be affected by a movie. Second, I want to compare standards here: when a cartoonist in Danemark just drew a picture of “supposedly” Mohammad with a bomb on his turban in a newspaper, the whole islamic world stood up and even in Beirut people went to Ashrafieh and burnt the Danish embassy and many other cars and broke windows, etc…., On the other hand we Christians no matter how much a movie (or any other media) is going to insult Jesus Christ, we will never destroy other peoples property and get “revenge” and act violently as muslims do. In Lebanon we got a civilized reaction from church authorities on this movie, nothing else. God does not need human “armies” to defend him or his prophets.

        Moustapha, when you say I am stating my opinion and not facts, Did I tell wrong information about Muhammad’s life ? I heard it from so many people, yeah ex-muslims, why would they lie?

        Trust me, Moustapha, I do not want to get into a religious argument and debate with you and make you write pages as in the other time.

        Our God is merciful, loving and wants us to love every human in this world not only Christians. In Islam, your God wants you to love only muslims in this world and fight the Kuffar and do jihad and kill all the infidels if you can for the sake of Islam. How could this be the will of God who created us all?

        Please do accept my apologies if I hurt your feelings (never meant to), but unfortunately the more I learn about your religion, the more I am astonished about it.

        As I posted above, I would like to be honest as much as possible and not be a hyppocrite in my postings, but agree discussing religion is very sensitive. I rest my case (after more than an hour of typing and editing….loll).

      4. moustapha Avatar

        Dear Constantin,

        My response to your comment was not about how we perceive the reaction of the muslims who reacted to the sad pethetic attempt of freedom of insulting others the denmark cartoonist made. If you ask me I agree that there shouldnt have been such a reaction from the muslims. But that wasnt what I am commenting about. and so lets stick to the point.

        Nice try YET AGAIN on shifting the subject to try to portray that christanity is better then Islam LOL! Its a joke you keep going in the same circle. And then you say I apologize if you are insulted. Dude what you aren’t understanding is you are belittiling yourself and your faith by trying to prove your faith is better through stating false infromation and lies about my belief, and supoprting it with actions of people who share my confession.

        I could name 10000000 of things christains have done and or do.. But I will not lower myself to that level because simply my knowledge of my faith from reading and studying is enough to give me a clear conscience on my choice of faith. And me not attacking your faith with lies to get back at you proves that i am practicing what our prophet(jesus) has preached more then you are.

        You take every chance you have to spread information you get from no reliable sources. Are these converts to Christianity lying.. well with all due respect either they are ingorantly spreading falsehoods or they are intentionally spreading lies. You choose. But it ain’t working bro.. day by day more people who are from the WEST are reverting to Islam and they are better muslims then the ones born because they have a true knowledge of Islam and not just born with to believe their parents religon.

        Forgive me, but with all due respect, one thing for sure is you are ignorantly accepting everything you hear from them as apposed to doing your own studies. And igonrantly spreading the misinformation. There is a saying which is: “ignorance is bliss”


    3. Prophet Avatar


      THANKS, I was not seeking an apology from you at all. I just wanted to bring it to your attention that some times we in the heat of the moment make similar mistakes to the ones we blame others for doing. I usually don’t like to discuss religion issues because of the sensitivity there. If you read my earlier posting , you’d know where I stand on this subject. I just can’t see how any movie can threaten any religion at all. All these religions have been around for hundreds and thousands of years. They are too strong. They are embedded in the minds and hearts of the followers, faithful or not. Organized religion, are all, unfortunately, politicized by the institutions that control them. They all manipulate people with fear and hatred and own- self righteous views. A movie can revolt someone’s emotions regardless of how faithful He or She is. Why is that? well, Organized Religious institutions are good at playing on peoples fears and emotions, AND ESPECIALLY IN THE MIDDLE EAST. That is wrong.

      I look forward to debating you on other issues.

      I’ll conclude with two quotes by Gibran: “I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit.” And: “Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking

  31. Constantin Avatar

    Trust me the intention is not to insult any muslim by my comment but I feel the need sometimes to tell it as it is, just facts. Is my information wrong about the prophet of Islam? Ok I don’t deny what The resistance is saying that it is the fastest growing religion, so what? All of us know the political reasons behind this prolifiration, nothing spiritual about it.

    Let’s exchange facts and ideas freely in a civilized manner. No insults intended, and I apologize to whom they felt insulted.

  32. Cathy, I agree with you. But let us always defend our believe.. Thats all Im saying.

    It is sometime difficult to do that without offending other believe…

    1. Im all for defending our beleifs Marc but the problem as you just said “It is sometime difficult to do that without offending other believe…” and that goes both ways unfortunatly.

    2. Im all for defending our beleifs Marc but the problem as you just said “It is sometime difficult to do that without offending other believe…” and that goes both ways unfortunatly.

  33. Cathy, I agree with you. But let us always defend our believe.. Thats all Im saying.

    It is sometime difficult to do that without offending other believe…

  34. I think most of you have good points and needless to say we all need to respect each other religion whether believe in their ways or not. Its good we have discussion here so we can air out our differences and reach some peacefull conclusions. I think its fair to say including myself that I do not know fully well the muslim religion but i have lots of respects and affection for many muslims i have meet thru my lifetime. What they believe is their choice and as long as they don’t hurt anyone. The same for us christians we cannot overstep our boundaries when trying to portraying the islami religion or insulting their prophet. Now let’s get along and kiss and make up and let’s change the subject for now.

    Let’s talk about sex for example? just kidding! you all take care!

  35. I think most of you have good points and needless to say we all need to respect each other religion whether believe in their ways or not. Its good we have discussion here so we can air out our differences and reach some peacefull conclusions. I think its fair to say including myself that I do not know fully well the muslim religion but i have lots of respects and affection for many muslims i have meet thru my lifetime. What they believe is their choice and as long as they don’t hurt anyone. The same for us christians we cannot overstep our boundaries when trying to portraying the islami religion or insulting their prophet. Now let’s get along and kiss and make up and let’s change the subject for now.

    Let’s talk about sex for example? just kidding! you all take care!

  36. People believe in different religions and have different beliefs and this should be respected!Religion is a very sensitive and how and what they believe is their right!No one has the right to impose how and what he believes!The world is already plunged in conflicting ideologies and why make or present films that offend,deny or distort the beliefs and foundations of a religion!All religions should be respected!What is needed is tolerance to settle in men s hearts so that peace and love reign !!

    1. I totally agree with you Fauzia. You’re a wise woman and we need more people like you posting here and spreading the message. That’s why i watch Spongbob it never talks about religion Lol.

      Peace on Earth and goodwill to all.

    2. I totally agree with you Fauzia. You’re a wise woman and we need more people like you posting here and spreading the message. That’s why i watch Spongbob it never talks about religion Lol.

      Peace on Earth and goodwill to all.

  37. People believe in different religions and have different beliefs and this should be respected!Religion is a very sensitive and how and what they believe is their right!No one has the right to impose how and what he believes!The world is already plunged in conflicting ideologies and why make or present films that offend,deny or distort the beliefs and foundations of a religion!All religions should be respected!What is needed is tolerance to settle in men s hearts so that peace and love reign !!

  38. Jean Haddad Avatar
    Jean Haddad

    I wasn’t aware of jesus Tv series till this article.

    We should acted like Abu Dhabi when they banned sex and the city 2 as it insults Muslims.

  39. Jean Haddad Avatar
    Jean Haddad

    I wasn’t aware of jesus Tv series till this article.

    We should acted like Abu Dhabi when they banned sex and the city 2 as it insults Muslims.

  40. The Resistance Avatar
    The Resistance

    If I wanted to I can go through the bible,the history of church and priests,and make some factual statements that will make ur hair rise,as you believe u can do with islam and the history of islam,my point is whats that gonna accomplish,Cathy thats the open mind i got accustomed to,I like what you said,and just to make one more thing clear,i would marry a girl that has my politcal views,vs.a girl that has my religous views and not my political views,lol…i honestly mean that.

    1. We are not attacking the messager but we have difference on the message that both religion bring to the world. One can disagree with one believe without going into a destructive or netigative attitude…

    2. We are not attacking the messager but we have difference on the message that both religion bring to the world. One can disagree with one believe without going into a destructive or netigative attitude…

    3. Resistance I read your posts and you don’t seem to be unreasonable or extremists person. I can see you have open mind about many things and you seem to take insults well. I think you should call yourself The Tolerance Lol.

      Well I see many people here jumped the Gun and i think if we christians can simply criticize your actions but not go out in the streets and destroy property. That shows tolerance. But we also expect that from our fellow muslims if we did something they don’t like not to go out and burn tires and attack property. this is in the case of Basmat Al Watan and also in the case of nitwit writer who write bad things about Prophet mohamed. No one in lebanon would dare say something bad about Prophet Muhammed yet the christians population in beirut was attacked and also the scared places. I saw on TV several Wise Sheiks who were trying to push the people back and advising them to go home and not attack people. So you guys did something we didn’t like but no one was attacked personally. We expect the same tolerance from you also in case we did something we didn’t understand or aware it would hurt the muslim religion. But I am with bro and i no you mean no harm. I am all for peacefull co-existance between religion no matter even with Budha too. I frankly find it more peaceful than any religion no offense intended toward anyone.

      Take care and peace.

    4. Resistance I read your posts and you don’t seem to be unreasonable or extremists person. I can see you have open mind about many things and you seem to take insults well. I think you should call yourself The Tolerance Lol.

      Well I see many people here jumped the Gun and i think if we christians can simply criticize your actions but not go out in the streets and destroy property. That shows tolerance. But we also expect that from our fellow muslims if we did something they don’t like not to go out and burn tires and attack property. this is in the case of Basmat Al Watan and also in the case of nitwit writer who write bad things about Prophet mohamed. No one in lebanon would dare say something bad about Prophet Muhammed yet the christians population in beirut was attacked and also the scared places. I saw on TV several Wise Sheiks who were trying to push the people back and advising them to go home and not attack people. So you guys did something we didn’t like but no one was attacked personally. We expect the same tolerance from you also in case we did something we didn’t understand or aware it would hurt the muslim religion. But I am with bro and i no you mean no harm. I am all for peacefull co-existance between religion no matter even with Budha too. I frankly find it more peaceful than any religion no offense intended toward anyone.

      Take care and peace.

  41. The Resistance Avatar
    The Resistance

    If I wanted to I can go through the bible,the history of church and priests,and make some factual statements that will make ur hair rise,as you believe u can do with islam and the history of islam,my point is whats that gonna accomplish,Cathy thats the open mind i got accustomed to,I like what you said,and just to make one more thing clear,i would marry a girl that has my politcal views,vs.a girl that has my religous views and not my political views,lol…i honestly mean that.

  42. Hey Toni A. where are you? We need your opinion on this controversy.

    1. Rafik don’t you have an opinion, or you need help…. Don,t take it personal…Cheers

    2. Rafik don’t you have an opinion, or you need help…. Don,t take it personal…Cheers

  43. Hey Toni A. where are you? We need your opinion on this controversy.

  44. rafik i’m just laughing hysterically at how a cancelled show becomes a civil war.

    the muslims issued a death threat to the dutch cartoonist who simply used the freedom of speech doctrine to say whats on his mind. well, the man is still being attacked to this day.

    the muslims on the other hand think its okay to not respect certain christians by putting on their interpretation of the christ.

    is god laughing at all of you? for sure.

    tolerance to everybody and lets respect all. religion is a very sensitive subject. it has been a good tool for many to find thir strengths from it by relying on it and for others it has been their salvation from wrong paths taken in their lives.

    all interpretations should be accepted and to see a cancelled show become a hot topic is very laughable.

    i actually see people getting all bothered.

    its a show, it got cancelled let’s move on please and actually respect why it got cancelled without the complications.

    there are starving people on this planet and abused children. i wish many of you would put half of your emotions to worthwhile causes instead of gettin hot and bothered over a show.

    just my opinion as i continue laughing at the simple mind set of some people.

    when i read the article my initial reaction was oh, okay thats cool it got cancelled. very nice how everybody reached an amicable decision and repected one another. seriously thats all i wanted to write and then the amount of posts over this subject was actually baffling.

    for anybody to get a minus marking over this is absolutely embarrasing. its a no brainer. the show got cancelled? okay whats next on the menu.

    1. Tony, great post!

    2. Tony, great post!

    3. Dear tony you make sens to a point, there is more involve here. The show is a pretext to talk with our fellow muslim. To exchange in transparency our dearest believe. To try to understand one & other.

      In conclusion let see ourself as human before Muslim or Christian…

      Peace to all and nice exchanging with you again Toni..

    4. Dear tony you make sens to a point, there is more involve here. The show is a pretext to talk with our fellow muslim. To exchange in transparency our dearest believe. To try to understand one & other.

      In conclusion let see ourself as human before Muslim or Christian…

      Peace to all and nice exchanging with you again Toni..

  45. rafik i’m just laughing hysterically at how a cancelled show becomes a civil war.

    the muslims issued a death threat to the dutch cartoonist who simply used the freedom of speech doctrine to say whats on his mind. well, the man is still being attacked to this day.

    the muslims on the other hand think its okay to not respect certain christians by putting on their interpretation of the christ.

    is god laughing at all of you? for sure.

    tolerance to everybody and lets respect all. religion is a very sensitive subject. it has been a good tool for many to find thir strengths from it by relying on it and for others it has been their salvation from wrong paths taken in their lives.

    all interpretations should be accepted and to see a cancelled show become a hot topic is very laughable.

    i actually see people getting all bothered.

    its a show, it got cancelled let’s move on please and actually respect why it got cancelled without the complications.

    there are starving people on this planet and abused children. i wish many of you would put half of your emotions to worthwhile causes instead of gettin hot and bothered over a show.

    just my opinion as i continue laughing at the simple mind set of some people.

    when i read the article my initial reaction was oh, okay thats cool it got cancelled. very nice how everybody reached an amicable decision and repected one another. seriously thats all i wanted to write and then the amount of posts over this subject was actually baffling.

    for anybody to get a minus marking over this is absolutely embarrasing. its a no brainer. the show got cancelled? okay whats next on the menu.

  46. marc how about making the same show not involving the christ? its really very simple. i can easily make the same plot involving normal people and add a love story of a mixed couple in love and the social rejections they face and by the end of the movie both villages have accepted one another by learning about each other through the love of this couple. THE END.

  47. marc how about making the same show not involving the christ? its really very simple. i can easily make the same plot involving normal people and add a love story of a mixed couple in love and the social rejections they face and by the end of the movie both villages have accepted one another by learning about each other through the love of this couple. THE END.


    well this should settle all those that think this was a political move by iran and HA.

    the movie had 2 endings, the one from the christian bible and the one from the quran.

    and it was shown in western film festivals.

    1. Prophet Avatar


      It’s Very interesting. Two different ending?

      It’s made to please Lebanese society. Someone must have told the producer that the only True Muslims and Christians in the world are those who live in Lebanon, though they are the least faithful. And they have exclusive access to God. Dam, they think they own God.

      1. Two ending will never be enough to please the Lebanese society. There should be 18 endings one for every sects, they should also have alternative endings for the Kuffar,Extremists, Terrorists, Gays and Lesbians.

    2. Prophet Avatar


      It’s Very interesting. Two different ending?

      It’s made to please Lebanese society. Someone must have told the producer that the only True Muslims and Christians in the world are those who live in Lebanon, though they are the least faithful. And they have exclusive access to God. Dam, they think they own God.

  49. Dear Marc I have an opinion but religion to some peole is such a touchy subject that you try to avoid it but being a Biology major I can only think from scientific point of view, almost 1000,000 milion years ago people like us existed and worshipped all kinds of Gods and 1800 BC Abraham found our Monolitic God almost 4000 years old, so where was God then, an absentee parent of ours, so each to his own, religions are different philosphies what your race or religion is you will be that whether Hindu, Budhist, Jew Christian Muslim or Pagan (long time ago) so it is not your fault nor your ancestors what you are.

    1. Nice Rafik, I appreciate your bilogical twist on a spiritual subject. My question has a human being what kind of revolution or evolution did religion brought to the world.

      Now we should sincerly stop and think what are the social innovation each religion brought that made the human society live in a more peaceful and more harmonious earth.

      If we can name one than we can says this is true evolution of mankind…

    2. Nice Rafik, I appreciate your bilogical twist on a spiritual subject. My question has a human being what kind of revolution or evolution did religion brought to the world.

      Now we should sincerly stop and think what are the social innovation each religion brought that made the human society live in a more peaceful and more harmonious earth.

      If we can name one than we can says this is true evolution of mankind…

  50. Dear Marc I have an opinion but religion to some peole is such a touchy subject that you try to avoid it but being a Biology major I can only think from scientific point of view, almost 1000,000 milion years ago people like us existed and worshipped all kinds of Gods and 1800 BC Abraham found our Monolitic God almost 4000 years old, so where was God then, an absentee parent of ours, so each to his own, religions are different philosphies what your race or religion is you will be that whether Hindu, Budhist, Jew Christian Muslim or Pagan (long time ago) so it is not your fault nor your ancestors what you are.

  51. ”The gospels seen through a very different lens’ is the brief summary of what “The Messiah” is all about. Never has there been an attempt to portray Jesus from a mutually Muslim and Christian perspective.

    The appearance of Jesus as prophet of God who is trapped within conspiracies to eradicate his message and to abolish his mission is the key plot in this twenty part series. The pronouncement of the coming of the final prophet of God after Jesus, the missing-link between Christianity and Islam is emphatically portrayed.

    In the final episode, the ascension of Jesus to heaven is the ultimate unifying code between Christians and Muslims alike. The story will depict this final turn of events and inevitably hearken the believers worldwide for the final appearance of the Apocalypse”

    I sitll think it was offensive but so was the last temptation of christ.

  52. ”The gospels seen through a very different lens’ is the brief summary of what “The Messiah” is all about. Never has there been an attempt to portray Jesus from a mutually Muslim and Christian perspective.

    The appearance of Jesus as prophet of God who is trapped within conspiracies to eradicate his message and to abolish his mission is the key plot in this twenty part series. The pronouncement of the coming of the final prophet of God after Jesus, the missing-link between Christianity and Islam is emphatically portrayed.

    In the final episode, the ascension of Jesus to heaven is the ultimate unifying code between Christians and Muslims alike. The story will depict this final turn of events and inevitably hearken the believers worldwide for the final appearance of the Apocalypse”

    I sitll think it was offensive but so was the last temptation of christ.

  53. Sorry 1000,000 year ago even though we had human shape from Apes and walking straigh almost 8000,000 years ago

  54. Sorry 1000,000 year ago even though we had human shape from Apes and walking straigh almost 8000,000 years ago

  55. Some people here should be ashamed of themselves effectively calling for “censorship”. Bloody hell man!! we need freedom of speech, we need liberal views in order to progress.

    IMO there is nothing wrong in showing your own point of view, no matter what it’s about, if others are offended, big deal, grow up a little.

    as for all the so called gods/ prophets, grow up people and think logically, there’s no such thing as god, because if there was, and he supposudly loves us all, he’d stop all this b.s. we live in. but he can’t. wanna know why?

    ’cause he doesn’t bloody exist!

    from one athiest lebanese

    1. Walid Khouri Avatar
      Walid Khouri


      You will get so many thumbs down that will make your head spin… lol

      That is my first prophesy that will come true. 🙂

    2. Walid Khouri Avatar
      Walid Khouri


      You will get so many thumbs down that will make your head spin… lol

      That is my first prophesy that will come true. 🙂

    3. Shadi do you wants us to believe in you.

      I based my belief on experience not baseless opinion that don’t matter faith mold you become has a man my friend don’t be upset if people believe in God.

      If you don’t believe in God then try to believe in human… That would us espacially in Lebanon…

    4. Shadi do you wants us to believe in you.

      I based my belief on experience not baseless opinion that don’t matter faith mold you become has a man my friend don’t be upset if people believe in God.

      If you don’t believe in God then try to believe in human… That would us espacially in Lebanon…

    5. shadi just like your parents raise you to the best of their abilities and set you free into the world to practice your free will, god has done the same for us.

      it is our own choices that have allowed for the events to be the way they are not god.

    6. shadi just like your parents raise you to the best of their abilities and set you free into the world to practice your free will, god has done the same for us.

      it is our own choices that have allowed for the events to be the way they are not god.

    7. Prophet Avatar

      Hey Shadi,

      Leave me out of it. I have not started my own religion yet. Just practicing, and copying Walid’s historic lessons. They might come handy when I launch my new religion. Lol,

      1. Walid Khouri Avatar
        Walid Khouri

        There was a bishop who told Napoleon Bonaparte, “we are tired of this Jesus story, we need another religion”

        Napoleon is known to have replied, “Would you volunteer to be crucified instead?”


  56. Some people here should be ashamed of themselves effectively calling for “censorship”. Bloody hell man!! we need freedom of speech, we need liberal views in order to progress.

    IMO there is nothing wrong in showing your own point of view, no matter what it’s about, if others are offended, big deal, grow up a little.

    as for all the so called gods/ prophets, grow up people and think logically, there’s no such thing as god, because if there was, and he supposudly loves us all, he’d stop all this b.s. we live in. but he can’t. wanna know why?

    ’cause he doesn’t bloody exist!

    from one athiest lebanese

  57. supposedly even.

    and one more thing, if you don’t like it, learn to use a remote control; change the channel people!!

  58. supposedly even.

    and one more thing, if you don’t like it, learn to use a remote control; change the channel people!!

  59. Prophet Avatar

    No worries,sectarian languge is in the Lebanese nature. No one is going to hold it against you.

  60. Prophet Avatar

    No worries,sectarian languge is in the Lebanese nature. No one is going to hold it against you.

  61. Walid Khouri Avatar
    Walid Khouri

    Patience my dear friend, patience 😉

  62. Walid Khouri Avatar
    Walid Khouri

    Patience my dear friend, patience 😉

  63. moustapha Avatar

    **Thought you might have missed my comment**

    Hello Walid,

    Whats happened is the Manar/Nbn both Hizzy and Amal stations were airing this show. Im not understanding how or what you are trying to insinuate with your comments. And it seems like you are lumping and generalizing all the muslims. So please clarify for me what you are trying to say.

    With your second paragraph the beef will only be between the christians and the Jews, the muslims will simply boycott the airing of this show like they do with all the other shows with regards to Jesus’s shows or movies.

    We create uproars when it strictly an attack on Islam for example the drawings of the prophet with a bomb. The moslems share beliefs with the jews and christians with regards to all the prophets up until prophet Mohammed. Even though we share the same prophets we cant dictate how the Jews and Christians want to portray their prophets. But when a jewish or christian entity portrays Prophet mohammed it is obvious that isnt part of their belief its part of an opinion/observation and attack. So I dont know if thats what you were refering to. Hope it answers your question.


    You dont believe in God.. good for you.

  64. moustapha Avatar

    **Thought you might have missed my comment**

    Hello Walid,

    Whats happened is the Manar/Nbn both Hizzy and Amal stations were airing this show. Im not understanding how or what you are trying to insinuate with your comments. And it seems like you are lumping and generalizing all the muslims. So please clarify for me what you are trying to say.

    With your second paragraph the beef will only be between the christians and the Jews, the muslims will simply boycott the airing of this show like they do with all the other shows with regards to Jesus’s shows or movies.

    We create uproars when it strictly an attack on Islam for example the drawings of the prophet with a bomb. The moslems share beliefs with the jews and christians with regards to all the prophets up until prophet Mohammed. Even though we share the same prophets we cant dictate how the Jews and Christians want to portray their prophets. But when a jewish or christian entity portrays Prophet mohammed it is obvious that isnt part of their belief its part of an opinion/observation and attack. So I dont know if thats what you were refering to. Hope it answers your question.


    You dont believe in God.. good for you.

  65. religion creates division, look at your passports people, wnd you might end up united. you all hold lebanese passports don’t you?

    I am not trying to convince anyone that my belief is right, nor am I attacking anyone else’s belief.

    however, we, as humans, MUST have the ability to free thinking and free speech, that’s the most basic principle.

    example, if all you people think that I’m a pr1ck for not believing in your gods/ prophets, then so what, call me what you like. IT DOESNT OFFEND ME OR UPSET ME. however if you get offended at my opinion, then it only shows narrow-mindedness.

    and for the record, I have a lot of respect for Jesus and Mohammed as they (in my belief) meant well, and tried their best to improve the world they lived in. however, IMO, I reckon had they known the effect that their respective faiths would have on humanity, they’d have kept it to themselves.

    1. I would never think of you as a prick because you don’t believe in God. This is not respectful of your believe my friend.

      The reason why I think this way is because of my believe in God. Which I choose freely to believe in. This believe help me in my relation with other Human being. Other who used their religious believe to impose on other should questions their source of believe…

      Peace Shadi

  66. Tony A, mate, I know my mum and dad did what they could for me, and then some. But how do you KNOW (not believe, but know) that your god has done the same for you??

    1. shadi its cos i believe my brother.

    2. shadi your mom and dad arent always with you but you know they love you and you led yourt life in their image.

      well thats what gods all about. we say love they neighbor and the lebanese say for sure basmin ay 3ayli hayda oo 2adey 3am ya3mool.

      so our love has conditions and god loves us unconditionally thus the daily tests my brother. some of us see those tests and others are blind.

  67. Tony A, mate, I know my mum and dad did what they could for me, and then some. But how do you KNOW (not believe, but know) that your god has done the same for you??

  68. Berytus Avatar

    Wow, there’s alot of criticism about religion. I think people need to be a bit more sensitive with regard to this area. Because just as we are all supposed to have ‘freedom of speech’ we should also learn to use that freedom with some respect, dignity and manners to people with opposing opinions.

    Also, on a more personal note, I don’t think religion should be blamed for the divisions. I think people should be blamed. We, the people, have corrupted religion over the years. That’s what I think.

    1. Leb-Syrian Avatar

      Dont get me wrong, I do believe in god, but I am the farthest thing from being religious. While I do believe that people are to blame for their own actions, I feel that religion puts us in the perfect recipe and environment for divisions. But for sure I agree with you when you say people have corrupted religion, but its expected, we are after all only human.

      1. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        Just to add to that, I always put religion in the same retrospect to someones job duties. People are given a job, and are told what to do, there are those that follow thier job description to the T, and will do everything by the book. There are those that will mostly get the job done, and will make up their own little rules and shortcuts along the way. And last but not least there are those bad people that will use their job to their own personal advantages and gains that will have a negative effect on others.

  69. thank you sebouh. i have always enjoyed your posts with ghassan karram. you seem to be very knowledgable in the topics he discusses.

    arent you friends with rabih hmaydani?

  70. Dear ignoramuses

    Few years ago Isreal’s Channel 2 aired a documentary about the non existance of Jesus christ. According to that documentary, Jesus was a Rabbai who lost the plot. The Vatican protested this but Isreal allowed the the channel to broadcast the second part and then the vatican did nothing.

    As for the Muslim TV stations showing their Holy Qurans interpretation of Jesus Christ and advertising weeks in advance that they will show it. No one bothered to ask them about the plot until they aired the show. Jesus Christ is viewed as the second most important prophet in Islam. If you are really interested in religious tolerance then you would hear our side of the story about a great religious and historic figure. Nevermind. Since both Al-Manar and NBN canceled the show it is clear who in Lebanon cares about unity, Tolerance and religion sensitivity.

  71. Walid Khouri Avatar
    Walid Khouri

    Folks, Friends and Foes,

    I started this debate and I would like for all of us to turn the page with a message from the Bible:

    “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. (Matthew 6:14-15)”.

    And another from the Quran:

    “Although the just requital for an injustice is an equivalent retribution, those who pardon and maintain righteousness are rewarded by GOD. He does not love the unjust. (Qur’an 42:40).”

    Let’s move on and peace to ALL.

    1. walid omg you guys are still debating such a silly issue? move on man lol 🙂

    2. Prophet Avatar


      I enjoy your history lesson Walid,

      Thank you

  72. Constantin Avatar

    Thanks Moustapha for your polite response (as usual). You say in your last comment “…my choice of faith.” Was it YOUR choice of faith really? Aren’t we all born in religions that we did not choose? But me I am so happy that I was born a Christian and re-born in Christ as an adult and know who Jesus Christ is for real, my GOD and my SAVIOR.

    Also you say that you are applying the teachings of your prophet (Jesus), I know you are and I am very happy that you do, also knowing the little that I already know about you, you are so close to HIM that you just need to: ASK HIM to come into your life and take it over and to tell HIM that you believe in HIM as your savior (by being sincere) and you will see how your life will change. I say this from my personal experience and for this I am so zealous to “preach” about Jesus Christ, I cannot know what I know without sharing it with others. Moustapha, Jesus Christ is ALIVE, listening to you and to your prayers and watching over you, just ask him to help you and you will see how he will respond in one way or another.

    You and Prophet (the guy posting here) I feel you are so close that you need just to ask HIM for help.

    Don’t be fanatic in “not willing to ask because you do not need him”, just open your heart and mind and let fanaticism aside for just a while and see for yourself how you are going to change just by asking Jesus Christ for help.

    Some may think I am going too far in my posting. I don’t care any more, I am so confident in my belief that I want ohers, especially good hearted God loving people like you to know what I know.

    As for Islam, I am not going to discuss anything about it any more, but I would like to remind you that if Islam was so good, then why are you living in America enjoying all the freedoms a western society offers. In all muslim countries people are standing in line in front of the Canadian, US, French, German, Australian, etc… embassies to immigrate to these countries why? why don’t they stand in line to immigrate to Saudi Arabia or any Gulf country or Iran or Turkey becaue in the US they will not beat you up if you don’t pray, or if you eat in public in Ramadan, or if you ware shorts in summer, or if your wife is not (at least) head covered, but they would in most of the above countries. Living in a society with Christianity as its base for its social/political system is much more relaxing and serene than living under the Islamic Shariia, this is the reason why muslims want to immigrate in western countries. Look at Lebanon why all these Arabs come to Lebanon: To breath Freedom, which we have and they don’t.

    If I am ignorant about Islam (as you say) I really don’t care, I am curious about it and very credible people are talking about it and I am listening, that’s all.

    Finally, I agree there are many westerners becoming muslims. These do not know the truth about either Christianity or Islam. All they see is modest clothing, rituals on food, rituals on the way to pray, to eat, to wash, etc… all earthly matters (no spirituality whatsoever) and they get impressed by these rituals and become muslims, or they want to marry a loved one who is muslim. I am sure many of those also are reverting back to christianity as it is happening in Egypt these days, and they are facing huge administrative and political problems to go back to christianity. Needless to remind you, in Islam the reward of leaving Islam is: DEATH. So every muslim knows that if he leaves his faith, he is facing the death penalty.

    Please Moustapha continue to follow your prophet’s (Jesus) teachings and please please ask him to help you, HE WILL! He helped me! Remeber all the miracles he did, remember all the miracles that are happening up to this day all over the world in his name, remember!

    Let the Peace of Jesus Christ remain in your heart and mind!

    I give you a brotherly hug my friend!

    1. Tarie Al Fanarie Avatar
      Tarie Al Fanarie

      I am very impressed Constantin well written post. But I have to say I like Moustapha and I do not wish to offend anyone in regards to their religion. Everyone has a concept and different sets of beliefs and conviction about their religion. Anyway the station will not air contraversial movies like this or broadcast any issues of this sort. But let’s all forget it and put it behind us. And hope ya libnani comes up with new news so we can all go at different subject.

      Have a great weekend and God bless.

    2. Leb-Syrian Avatar

      Constanin, I quote what you say:

      As for Islam, I am not going to discuss anything about it any more, but I would like to remind you that if Islam was so good, then why are you living in America enjoying all the freedoms a western society offers. In all muslim countries people are standing in line in front of the Canadian, US, French, German, Australian, etc… embassies to immigrate to these countries why?

      But aren’t there many Christians from Lebanon that have left Lebanon for the west? You can’t solely base the reason for peoples leaving a country because of religion. My parents left Syria and Lebanon not for religious reasons, because in Syria and Lebanon, they were never religious, and never had any religious restraints that held them back from living the way they want. Their religious beliefs have not changed, but they came here for more opportunity. I just dont think its fair for you to generalize. Obviously, I understand if your talking about Saudi Arabia and places with Sharia law, but that is just mixed with politics,and its a way for men to control their woman (which i dont believe in) its not a religion. While yes I was born and am a sunni muslim by name and I do believe in god, but personally, I have never read more than 6 verses from the Quran,and my parents are fine with that. I just feel that religion is your personal unique connection with god, why live your life based on any book that is so old? at least 90% of my friends are not muslim,and my brothers wife is (still) catholic., but we never discuss religion, because I feel no 2 people (even from the same religion) will ever feel the same way in their beliefs. And there will always be disagreements, It is a sensitive subject and I dont think it should be discussed, let alone mocking or putting down someones religion. Just my 2 cents!

      1. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        And I think at the end of the day any civilized person regardless of race, religion, or culture only wants happiness, health, peace, and prosperity for their friends, family and loved ones. So we should just end this whole debate with that 🙂

      2. Leb-Syrian Avatar

        and please take notice on how I have not offended your religion in any way what so ever. And there are plenty things I can bring up with starting with how the Catholic church is run.,etc.., but I will not as thats not what Im here for and quite frankly Im not here to flex my religious muscles and I dont care. However I feel some of the things you said have offended me, even as a person who is not very religious..

    3. Leb-Syrian Avatar

      And again Tarie, GREAT POST! Short and sweet, how I should have kept mine maybe. LOL, but i talk too much.

      1. Constantin Avatar

        Thanks Tarie and Leb-Syrian!

        Leb-Syrian you’re a good man with common sense.

        I just want to be the most sincere possible in my postings and be myself, that is all. I understand that some of what I type may offend others, but never mean to, especially to good people like Moustapha, who I think he is a very decent man.

    4. moustapha Avatar

      Dear Constantin,

      I said it is “your choice” of Faith because there comes a point in your life when you have to decide whether what you have been taught is what you think is right. So after you reached your age of maturity you made that decision or began to research in order to decide this is my belief and i believe that this confession will better me as a person. And so to answer your question, yes, i chose my faith in God.

      When muslims migrate to US, Europe,,.. they dont migrate to a christian country.. Christianity is far from truely being practiced in the social structure of these countries. Adultry and fornication have never been so widley accepted and adopted as norms to daily livings, the divorce rate in America is for each marriage there is a divorce (%50 divorce rate!), Respect for family is non existant.. etc,.. i do not want to start a new debate about the negatives of the western countries but Im just making the point that if true christianity is upheld many of these issues wont be a problem but isnt the case.

      I would also like to point out that the islamic community here is from the most sophisticated, educated, contributing community in the USA and this is well known.

      With regards to our rituals they aren’t usually appealing to non-muslims as you claimed they were the reasons to bring in alot of people.. infact most people tend to turn away from islam due to the many rituals and they believe too much of their time will be taken if they need to wash five times a day before they pray.. let alone take 5 min to perform prayers 5 times a day,or give their money to someone who hasnt earned it. And with all due respect.. i find it humbling to return to my original fetus form and state while i bow:

      “I glorify the creator of everything”

      and I find it extremely spiritual.. you know its ramadan now, you should come by here in Southern California and I will give you a first hand experience of how spiritual Islam is =).

      dear brother.. the amount of people converting are an extreme significant amount.. and i promise you they are all highly literate and educated and did not blindly accept to uphold a faith for nothing. No one had a gun to their heads forced them to pray 5 times a day, fast from sunrise to sunset during the month of ramamdan, pay zakat, and most importantly believe that there is no God but one and that mohammed is his messenger.

      Constantin you are a good hearted person and I give you the benefit of the doubt.. I sincerely believe that you believe that your faith is the one that will save mankind from the hell fire.. but your approach is wrong and i explained why in my previous comment. For your sake, please take into consideration what i was saying about how negative painting a better picture of your faith through falisises of another affects yours. It realy does harm to you and your cause as apposed to support and better it.

      Much love to you my brother, and to Tarie Al Fanarie and Leb-Syrian.

      God bless you all and I pray that the blessings of this holy month will be upon us all.. for we all need food for our soul. Allah yihdeeneh ou yihdikon ou yihdeena jami3an 3alal 7ak, ou 3al sirat il mustakeem.. God is the all knowing and I pray that we be Judged on our intentions for hamdillah we all dont have any intentions but good ones hamdillah. Allah yi7meena jami3an min fitan il mujrimeen ou yib3ad wlad il 7aram 3ana.


      1. Constantin Avatar

        Thank you for the beautiful message Moustapha. By the way, Ramadan Kareem and Moubarak. The exercise of fasting is always good for the body and soul, no matter the religion. As for me, I wait for Ramadan to eat Kallage. All of us in the family its our treat in Ramadan.

        All the best to you and your family my brother! 🙂

        By the way, I do know that in the west the societies have their flows, but the laws and values are all based on christian values that leave the person the freedom to do whatever they want. If they do things that are against God’s will and morality and does not hurt anybody in society, its their choice. There are many who are also very God abiding people. So you find all sorts, because of the freedom that people enjoy. This freedom is lacking in Islamic societies and for this reason many intellectuals from Islamic countries emigrate to the West, to live free.

        Any ways enjoy California you lucky one. I am diametrically opposed to you on the American continent, with snowy winters, humid summers, colorful falls and hopeful springs, but going to Beirut next month for vacation, and may be take a one week trip to Egypt from there.

      2. moustapha Avatar

        I dont deny that bro, there are many many good and loving people some who are God abiding and some who aren’t. I was brought up to believe that “kil il 3alam fiyah khair ou barakeh” so i wasn’t in anyway belittling the good that manifests from the western society.

        =) i find it beautiful that you actually treat your selves in ramadan. Lets pray for each other in that we all find our selves close to him.

        Bess khayeh dont miss out on the 2atayif and knafehh!! Not sure if you can find that stuff where your at.. im guessing east coast or Canada hehe.. but man oh man its hard staying desciplined and being moderate with your choice of food and its amount lol!

        Inshallah bit rou7 3a lebanan ou you have the time of your life and you come back safe. I wish i can be there to kiss the land i am forced to be away from. It would have been nice to meet you there also =)

        Oh and have a blast in Egypt.. I heard the food is much much better in Lebanon =P but you will be in the country that holds the history behind moses’s time and what came before him. Absoulutely amazing!

        Peace brother.

  73. the series of the Christ was aired in Iran in 2008 , in Iran we can understand airing the show with 90 % of the population are Moslem Shiites,was aimed there because apparently many of the Iranians are converting to Christianity , not by thousands but is is happening , and it is fact ,but nothing is innocent in Lebanon about airing the show , the timing is calculated and was meant to distract the attention from Nasrallah total speech failure to change the tribunal course ,notice 2 stations at the same time , also to challenge the Christians-all of them religious and politicians including Aoun- , airing the show purpose is to show how weak the Christians became ( in the view of the Shiites not in our view, our strength is Jesus , and remember “the fire of hell will not be able to destroy the Church ” as the Christ said to peter when he revelad himself as the Messiah”) that the Moslem Shiites can do whatever they want to do without any challenge from the authorities ( hopeless president anyway) , to show that they are the de-facto rulers of the country ( for now ) and this applies for all religion , but as usual it is easy to show strength against the weakest for now which is the Christians. There is nothing really to comment , airing the series is just to insult the christian in general, is not something new , the Wahhabi s in Saudi Arabia insult the Christians on a daily basis , in their mosques everyday, I watched the 60 minutes interview with a very fanatic Wahhabi Sheik in Saudi and he didn’t hide anything , he called Christians ‘Kouffar” in the interview without blinking , he praised the martyrs of Sept 11 . Same things all over the area, Christians of Syria most of them left in the 40’s and 50’s ,name a Christian one Christian politican in Syria or Egypt ,Palestinians Christians were over 75,000 in Jerusalem and they are less than 4000 now , we Christians in the middle east we are caught between two religions that are set to destroy the Christianity by any means , The Moslem aim to be # 1 over the Christians in the world and the Jews working day and night to undermine the Christians religion foundations, we have to remember that both Jews and Moslem are cousins actually brothers from the same father different mother one from Sarah the other from hajar, we have to remember that the hews were treated better off then the Christians when the Moslem ruled to Spain .As Christians let’s not fool ourselves , the Moslem relgion is almaost a copy of the Jewish religion with +/- few things , both are very down to earth religion, both they believe that god is fighting with them , we believ that god gave us free will and he will judge us by our achievements and for jews and moslem everything is written from the beginning , as Christian we debate freely our religion and we don’t believe that god created dummies and puppet and set them as robot , our religion is based on free will ( forget the moslem hang up on the trinity , few of them understand that the Christians when they say son of god it means Jesus came from the spirit of god and unfortunetly they are stuck on the word itself and am not going to go there ) . Coming back to politic , Nasrallah knows well that liberating Israel is not going to happen in his life time, he have no capabilities to do that , and can’t count on Iran, the Iranian could open relation with Israel any time as the Shah did , just yesterday Najjad received many Hakhams from israel an ate with them , by the end they are persians ,different traditions than Arabs , actually most Iranaians hate Arabs and no way they accept to be called Arabs even thought it is the holy language of the Koran . So for Nasrallah easier dream is to rule Lebanon which he is now somehow , but to be the ultimate leader he need to move the Christians from his way , maybe this is the start !!!!! testing the ground how far the Christians will react to the series, that’s what I think , there is nothing innocent, it is a wake up call for all of us the Christians to know what are the intentions of Nasrallah, Nabih Berri and other , we need to remember that we didn’t allow Abu Ayyad to fulfill his dream when he said “Liberating Jounieh is before Jerusalem in 1976” so we have to make sure to prevent another dreamer from fulfilling the same dream, so far we prevented the Ottoman empire who ruled for 500 years from occupying our Churches even with they killed 250000 by starvation in 1916-18 , so Nasrallah / Berri shouldn’t be a worry at all , but we need to wake up and play the right politics and be ready for him anytime he decide to use his arms internally!!!!!!!!!!.

  74. George Najem Avatar
    George Najem

    GIBS58 well said and I appreciate you taking the time to write it. I totally agree with you. This is a test of Nassrallah to the christians in Lebanon. This time it was teaser next time he won’t tease. Aoun and S. Franjiah are under his wings and the hypocrityes do not dare say anything. After all they get paid to listen and do as he tells them too. I just can’t believe there are many followers who believes these people meaning AOun and franjiah. How could they allow themselves to follow such idiots like. People say why do you hate Nassrallah and his group. Its very simple its because they want to control Lebanon and kill whoever stands in their way. Hariri was in their way and many good people out there. He eliminated with syria assistance and blessings. Basically anyone who was against Syria is considered against hezbollah. Therefore they had to be eliminated and broken apart. That leads to feel like whoever wants to eliminate them we welcome them. Sorry to put it this way. But its becoming its either them or us? Us meaning the rest of the lebanese and that means all sects including shiites who do not tolerate hezbollah. method of treacheary and deceits.

    1. But George, how was it done on purpose by Nasrallah when the movie won an award in the italian film festival?

      apparently, we were not given enough details in this article here…

      the movie was actually praised in the west for opening inter-faith dialogue….

      I read that on wikipedia…

      the film and series apparently give the two perspectives on Jesus, christian and muslim….

      I think it was a lapse of judgement to show it as religious/political tensions in Leb are high but to go as far as saying this was a political conspiracy between HA and Iran is a bit far fetched in my opinion…

      1. Do you go by the award winner , or you have to go why Hizbollah is interested to air such series ? you know better that Europe has separated the church from the state over 150 years ago , but us we are far away from that by at least 25 years or never , it is ok if you have separation of the church and all religion from the state to air anything , but we are where we are, it seems you have also a short memory that the cartoon caricature in Danemark caused an outrage that reached Lebanon , the tried to pass to Achrafieh with the knifes and screamin Allah wa Akabar Ya keffar” , so how about we reverse the situation and we air some program on LBC contradicting with the Koran? please answer yourself my question, do you recall the LBC comedy that made fun 4 -5 years ago a little fun from Nasrallah, what Happened that night? , Hezbollah the so called organized and controlled party, let his gangsters go on motorcycles terrorize the residents of Ain -el roummaneh up to Antelias .

        MY friend it is not 1975 anymore where the moslem have to count to 10 before attacking us in religious matter , we had muscles back then , I ma not saying we were perfect as Christians but this is our land and we defend it by the means we got at that time , and now we are at the crossroad of becoming a Coptic Lebanese and Syrian or Iraqi Christians,do you want to be left with a country that no Christina is allowed to have a public job like Egypt? or you ARE TOTALLY ATTRACTED TO THE DECEIVING TALK OF NASRALLAH? if he was capable to walk ruthlessly on May 7 against his brother the Sunni, so think what he’s capable to for the non moslem , he’s a very pragmatic religious fanatic person , time will let you know ,hopefully we will keep part of this country for us to pray freely

      2. Notice also that it was aired by NBN and El Manar TV , sending the message to the Christians from 2 allies of Syria , and the meaning is , we are the one who have the power and the arms on the ground ,so be careful and don’t support the international court when the decision comes , that is the message, that’s why they stop it ,after they notice that only the church reacted and not the politicians as they were hoping to have , the airing of the program was used instead of the gun , it is message to the Patriarch Sfeir from Syria and to many other . Let’s pray as after 1840 ,1860 and 1918 always Jesus looked after us , and hes’ able to change things again in a blink of an eye but we need to repent first and stop running for power as someone is doing on the expense of all christians, we didn’t have arms back then in 1916 and we were saved from the hunger when France and England defeated the biggest corrupted ,and uncivilized empire which is the Ottoman empire, and again here we have to face the Tyrans internally backed by a dark regime in Iran who treat the women as an inferior species , and a loud mouth leader hidng in his dungeon and comes on TV every week threatening and shouting at everyone and claiming that he’s the chosen pure leader that god chose to tell all the truth from , let’s unite and pray that Jesus to unite all the Christians Leaders and all Christians confessions ,and me them realize the danger that is looming in the Horizon , danger that could be imminent or not far away , and deliver us from the evil that is planning to take us to death in a surprising move .Let’s pray for god to keep us safe from them as by airing this show they reveal their hidden agenda and the true face they have, and remember that the devils has many faces !!!! can be a lamb when it is needed and devouring wolf when he is in power!!!!.

      3. It is of the interest oh Hizbollah to have the Christians (excluding his allies the Aounist & Maradist) to arm themselves , and big possibility of airing the program about the Christ is to have them start arming themselves, just put thing together , Wiam Wahab the puppet of Syria saying last week in Syria that the Syrian army could come back to Lebanon if a civil war erupt, Nasrallah warning of bigger than 7 May, all this should make us realize who really killed Hariri!! and the other politicians . All this should make realize how important is the International court verdict and how much Syria ,Hezbollah and Iran are afraid from the implications if they are accused of the murder , if they will be it means they’re done politically and good bye to the what’s called Moukawama,all the achievements of the Mikawama will be forgotten and one thing will be remembered in history that they were the assassins of the PM who rebuilt the city of Beirut ( no matter what is said no one else was capable to rebuild the city) , the implications in the Arab world and abroad, they will be stamped and approved as a terrorist organization . A civil war is a plausible alternative for Hezbollah,Syria and Iran to distract the attention and have the international court back off under the pressure of Saudi Arabia and other asking them not to release the verdict. Do you realize how bad it is for Bashar and Nasrallah to be stamped as assassins. For me all the barking from the allies of Syria point out for at one thing , they ‘re guilty as charged , we all know who killed all Sunni leaders and all impoertant Christian leader, as for Kamal Joumblat not long time ago the son accused bluntly the Syrians .

      4. GIBS58, I think you are wayyyy overthinking this and going into conspiracies….

        why did manar and NBN air this? well maybe they were the only ones who heard about it, evidently because all of the west did hear about it and gave it awards.

        now to say that nasrallah is behind this and the bla bla you said about conspiracies wou arming wou maba3ref shou, please you are getting WAY ahead of yourself.


        if that was truly their motive (the one you are insinuating) then they would have never taken it off.

        ok so get over it and stop making bigger than what it really is.

      5. moustapha Avatar

        Dear gibs58,

        To be fair the Ottoman empire was not a ruthless one at all times and they had many contributions in Lebanon especially in beirut. I dont want to get in to a history lesson but “Yes” they lost their way and path but not based on nothing.. there were regional and global incidents taking place and WW1 was looming with the plans of colonizing and dividing in order to conquer with betrayals from here and there.

        The Churches that stand through out all these years bare witness of the respect that the moslem empires had for its right to exist and its right of its own followers to follow. That is something that no one can take away from the muslim empires that had created such an impcat.. that they always respected other religons and never took advantage of them.

        If you are talking about now there is not one islamic country that is following islam properly and you cant use Egypt as an example where the leader is a self picked tyrant who knows nothing about the fear of God. In kan whoeh or the rest of the dictators in the arab world.

        Lets be fair i have met many many christians from all the arab countries and all of them are doing well over above average.. there is no one stopping them from excelling and thriving financially while they practice their confession.

        WHat is happening now is not against the power of the christians or one sect of the muslims because once Hariri came in power the generation of one sect ruling went out of the door.. and patriotism was the main banner. So lets say it as it is..

        Yes there is one sect forcing itself upon its own followers and all the others.

        I hope that we can collectively say that we are weak as apposed to the christians are weak or the sunni’s or druze are weak.. because when the time comes for us to prevail we can say collectively we are all strong.

        Hamdillah for everything and inshallah we will as Lebanese over come our secterian boundaries while preserving each others right to believe in whatever way she/he choose to.


  75. VOICE OF TRUTH Avatar

    ya gibs58,

    i red your post and to some extent it is indicative on how a lot of the christians in lebanon feel regarding events happening around them specially in arab countries, how they feel threatened with internal divisions by plots from regional powers and their local sponsors and how these events will end up in the future undermining their resolve to stay in lebanon.

    but my question to you is this:

    those you perceive to be as the source of all lebanon’s problems are already getting ready to execute plan b and declaring it out loud; meanwhile, the pro lebanon and cedar revolution folks, too weak for action always reacting, are still stuck in the receiving end, trying to implement plan a; do you see anything in the near future that could change this situation around?????????????

  76. To be FAIR> Movies about Jesus should be based on the Bible certified by the Church to properly describe what Christianity is. (And vice versa)

    Not all Christians are really christians and not all muslims are really muslims. So people face it. This subject doesn’t need all this tense.

  77. Crucification & resurrection. What is the impossible about them?? Was GOD AFRAID of the crucification?? Is resurrection difficult to GOD ????

    Plz open your minds.

    1. Prophet Avatar


  78. I could’nt read all the comments,but i have to say my opinion. we should always respect others and they should too. imagine a christian tv broadcasting a film talking about christian point of view in prophet mohammad…no one will allow it… so why they have the right to insult our faith; why christians have to accept what other says, but the other way is “FORBIDDEN”. Don’t we all have to be treated equaly…

  79. Prophet Avatar

    I SAY NO TO ANY CENCORSHIP. Christian and Muslim institutions alike are close minded institutions. They never practice what they preach. They are both sensitive (to say it mildly) to any Criticisms or questioning of their doctrines. They both manipulate their faithful people through fear and threats. They play on people’s emotions. They are to powerful and always seeking more power. Look at Lebanon. It’s a perfect example of how people have been used by religion for political power. Wake up Lebanese.


  80. Prophet Avatar


  81. jadmalak Avatar

    Just to clarify few points for christians and some uneducated muslims about our perception of Jesus (Issa Ibno Maryam 3alyhe el salam):

    PS: When i say uneducated muslims i mean muslims who did not have the previlege of studying the Quaraan and El Sunna as they should have and yet manage to give some deep thoughts and ideas about Islam which is sometimes is misleading and untrue about Islam and the perception of muslims about Jesus. I hope the below clarification serves its purpose for both Christians and Muslims alike.

    I mean no offense to anyone in the below explanation and clarifications

    As muslims we beleive the below about Sayyedna Issa Ibno Maryam Al 3azra2 (peace be upon him and his virteous mother):

    1. Sayyedna Issa is a prohet just like Sayyedna Ibrahim,Yusuf and Mohammad 3alayhom el salam jamee3an, later on you will see in my explanation that saying that Sayyedna Issa is a prohet of Allah shows much more respect to him than what christians claim about him that he is the Son of Allah

    2. Since the prohecy of Sayyedna Issa (peace be upon him) is mentioned in the Quraan, as muslims we have to happily to believe in him, not beleiving in him is not beleiving in part of the Quaraan, and not beleiving in part of the Quraan is KUFUR which means you cannot be a muslims if you only beleive in part of the Quraan and disbeleive in some other parts, henceforth beleiving in Issa (peace be upon him) is part of being a Muslim

    3. Sayyedna Issa (peace be upon him) according to Islam has never been crusified as Allah lifted him to the heavens and hence he has never resurrected simply because he is alive in Heaven, meaning he never died to be resurrected in the first place.

    4. Sayyedna Issa has never made wine either, as wine is forbidden in Islam…you might wonder what is this guy talking about, well according to Muslims and Islam all prophets are muslims and preached the message of Islam, like prayer, Zakat, and most importanatly beleiving in the ONE ALLAH, meaning at the time of Sayyedna Issa the Shahada was Ashado an la Ilaha Illa Allah wa Ashado anna Issan Rasolo Allah, same at the time of Ibrahim just replace the name of sayyedna Ibrahim(3alyhe el salam) with the name of Issa and you will have the shahada to enter deen el islam at the time of Ibrahim same applies to the shahada at our times with prohet Mohammad (peace be upon him)

    In Islam we also do not beleive in the Thalooth as it is a Kufur as it is clearly mentioned in the Quraan and i quote:’ kad kafar alltheena kalo inna Allaha thaletho thalath….till the end of the verse’

    5. In islam we are not allowed to mention anything Good about prohet Mohammad or attibute a saying to Mohammad (peace be upon him) if it is not with proof that the description your given about Mohammad or the words your claiming to pass on his behalf as if he said it without a proof that is really there….WHY???? WELL it is desrespectfull to Islam and his prohet to say or claim something about Allah and/or his prophet without proof, the proof in this case will be either the Quraan itself of the Sunna…sometimes both. That is why i said earlier to Muslims we have more respect to Issa peace be upon him than christians, you see christians say Issa howa ibno Allah so they attributed to him something he is not and that according to Islam logic is disrespectfull to Issa (peace be upon him)…i hope you understood the logic

    What both Muslims and Christians agree on with regards to sayyedna Issa 3alyhe el salam:

    1. Mariam el 3azra2 3alyha el salam did not get pregnant with sayyedna issa as a result of intercourse with a male, she was a virgin when she conceived sayyedna Issa, Allah willed him to be in her whom and blown Roo7 el kodos in her whom and given sayyedna issa life. Does this make Allah his father a conceived by christians, absolutley not, i will come to explain it later.

    2. Sayyedna Issa did speak when he was just an infant

    3. Sayyedna Issa did suffer like all other prophets in preaching the word of Allah…some prophets were also tortured and killed before Sayyedna Issa…how come thet were not considered as the son(s) of Allah too, if we are to follow christian logic… i mean no disrespect it is just a rhetorical question…but bear with me

    Now the big question:

    Who’se creation was greater than Sayyedna Issa (3alyhe el salam)??

    I will answer you, it is Sayyedna ADAM (peace be upon him) why??

    Sayyedna Issa as i earlier mentioned and we agree as muslims with christians on this, that he was willed by Allah to have Virgin Merry conceive sayyedna Issa without intercourse and HE blew Roo7 el kodos and gave him life… so we all agree here that sayyedna Issa had a mother. His creation without any doubt was Great….. on the other hand Sayyedna Adam was created with a mother or father…he was made from TEEN (sand from all the parts of the world and mixed from the water of el Janna/heaven) and Roo7 el kodos was blown in him to give him life, Sayyiditna Hawwa2’s (Eve’s) creation was also greater that Sayyedna Issa (peace be upon him)as she was created from one of Adam’s ribbs. You don’t see muslims considering Adam (peace be upon him) as a GOD or a son of God nor his wife Hawwa2 (Eve) as a Godess or the wife of God, though their creation was much greater than the creation of Sayyedna Issa (peace be upon him) and also they had ek Roo7 blown in them by Allah.

    I hope all the above points are clear and please do understand that i meant no harm or disrespect to anyone’s feelings, Allahomma Ashado Anni Ballagit


    1. jadmalak Avatar

      in the paragraph before the last I meant to say that Sayedna ADAM was created WITHOUT a mother or a father. Sorrt for the typo error

  82. Leborigine Avatar

    Sorry guys, I have been reading these posts for the last few days and did not want to get involved. I am a Xtian for the Chouf area and have lived with Druze, and then when we thajjarna, we went to SHiyeh and lived with the Shiites for a few years until we finally moved to Kasleek. During that time i got to meet and make lifelong friends from all sects, and do you know what I realised, is that no one gives a damn about religion and should not be discussed. As a Xtian, I do not care what they air on NBN or manar and I personally think that the people who are going to be offended are the uneducated. Why should you let them get to you that easily. If you believe that Jesus is divine, then no matter what anyone says should affect that. That goes the same with my muslim and Druze bros, if Muhammed is divine, then no one will convince you otherwise.

    When I used to meet up with the guys we always greeted each other with religious insults, but deep down we knew it was only words. When we go to heaven, I am pretty sure Jesus, Muhammad or Ali are not going to burn us for a few words when they know that we are true believers in our hearts. Actions speak louder than words, so just ignore it and it will go away!

  83. Leborigine Avatar

    When I mentioned discussesd above, I meant trying to convince other people what is right and what is wrong.

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