Al Bayan: FPM official provided Israel information about Hezbollah


A Lebanese internal security source has reportedly told UAE’s al Bayan newspaper that the spying activity of FPM official retired Brigadier General Fayez Karam was mainly political and not security information , Lebanon Files has reported…

According to al Bayan sources Karam also provided Israel with specific information about Hezbollah .

Free Patriotic Movement leader General Michel Aoun is closely associated with Hezbollah

Karam and Aoun went into exile in France following Aoun’s defeat by the Syrian army in 1990 and both returned to Lebanon in May 2005 , 11 days following the withdrawal of the Syrian army from Lebanon.

The sources also reported that questioning continues and 2 or 3 more days may be required considering that Karam is a senior member of FPM.

The source denied that Karam was arrested at the airport as was reported on Wednesday .

Most of the leaks about Karam’s investigation are coming from the pro-Hezbollah/ Syrian media.

Hezbollah’s Al Manar reported that Karam has admitted to spying for the Mossad and unveiled that he began collaborating with Israel in the early 1990s.

The pro-Syrian newspaper As-Safir reported on Friday that the Intelligence branch of the Internal Security Forces (ISF) has been investigating Karam’s crimes since 2007.



15 responses to “Al Bayan: FPM official provided Israel information about Hezbollah”

  1. it would be absolutely hilarious and i welcome it if aoun is implicated and removed once and for all. after all, they exiled together and aoun looks like a rat.

  2. all this spying busniess is a fabrication by HA to delay the decision of the stl so they started there propagenda about spying and all the crap there is plenty of satalite system that israel directed on HA what a person can do with all the tec come on

  3. joey your comment is dumb. sorry bro. the guy admitted his faults. how can that be HA fabrication. i guess the next thing you’ll say is that the traffic jam in beirut is HA’s fault as well.

  4. joey your comment is dumb. sorry bro. the guy admitted his faults. how can that be HA fabrication. i guess the next thing you’ll say is that the traffic jam in beirut is HA’s fault as well.

  5. joey your comment is dumb. sorry bro. the guy admitted his faults. how can that be HA fabrication. i guess the next thing you’ll say is that the traffic jam in beirut is HA’s fault as well.

  6. Anti-Zio Avatar

    apparently the current heat wave in lebanon is the result of a sinister weapon given to HA from Iran via Syria 🙂

  7. Anti-Zio Avatar

    apparently the current heat wave in lebanon is the result of a sinister weapon given to HA from Iran via Syria 🙂

  8. Anti-Zio Avatar

    apparently the current heat wave in lebanon is the result of a sinister weapon given to HA from Iran via Syria 🙂

  9. the comment u just made about a weapon that causes a heatwave?? its all naturally happening, there is no control of what could happen with global warming. the heat wave happened here in Australia, 5 days above 40 ,is a strong indication of global warming.

    especially summerlike weather in lebanon winter this year, is all due to global warming, if u dont beleive it, just search climate change and global warming.

  10. the comment u just made about a weapon that causes a heatwave?? its all naturally happening, there is no control of what could happen with global warming. the heat wave happened here in Australia, 5 days above 40 ,is a strong indication of global warming.

    especially summerlike weather in lebanon winter this year, is all due to global warming, if u dont beleive it, just search climate change and global warming.

  11. tony read thats the spying was mainly political and not security information what that mean spying is spying but its all crap they don;t know what to say no the traffic is not HA fault is im hassan she make nice lahem b3ajeen and manaich so everyone parking to get some will i post one for you they are lovley

  12. tony read thats the spying was mainly political and not security information what that mean spying is spying but its all crap they don;t know what to say no the traffic is not HA fault is im hassan she make nice lahem b3ajeen and manaich so everyone parking to get some will i post one for you they are lovley

  13. anti zio no is ahmadisejed at last he did change his under pants and hes causing a big heat around the world

  14. anti zio no is ahmadisejed at last he did change his under pants and hes causing a big heat around the world

  15. anti zio no is ahmadisejed at last he did change his under pants and hes causing a big heat around the world

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