Fatfat: Nasrallah should show proof of STL conspiracy


During an interview with New TV on Monday MP Ahmad Fatfat said that Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah should give evidence to back his statements claiming there is a conspiracy against Hezbollah.

Nasrallah used the occasion of the ceremony honoring children of the party’s martyrs to attack the Special Tribunal for Lebanon for the third time in 10 days.

He accused the UN investigation team of being formed from officers closely associated with Israeli Mossad spy agency :

“Should an Investigation Committee made of Americans and the British government where investigating officers are brought from intelligence services closely linked to the Mossad be entrusted with a big issue at this level?” , he said.

“Nasrallah should do so as there is enough tension escalation in Lebanon ,” Fatfat said.

“If Hezbollah members were indicted by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) , then the party would have the right to defend itself,” Fatfat added.

Tension escalated in Lebanon following reports by As Safir newspaper that said the tribunal would soon issue its verdict starting in September and the 23-25 Hezbollah members will be indicted . Nasrallah admitted that some Hezbollah members could be named in the indictment.



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