Lebanon to complain to UN over Israeli spy rings


The Lebanese Cabinet on Wednesday unanimously approved a proposal to file a complaint with the U.N. Security Council against Israel over the issue of spy rings.

The Cabinet met today at the Baabda presidential palace. President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister Saad Hariri attended the meeting.

The Cabinet discussed several items in addition to the the recent controversy over the uncovering of Israeli spy rings.

Lebanon has arrested three suspects over the past month in an expanding probe into an alleged network of Israeli spies employed in the country’s telecom sector.

Lebanon has arrested more than 70 people since last year on suspicion of spying for Israel, including members of the country’s security forces.

President Suleiman commenced the session by stressing “the importance of national solidarity and unity to face the dangers threatening Lebanon, especially those coming from Israel.”

The president informed the Cabinet of “the motives that prompted him to hold a series of meetings with Lebanese officials and political leaders.”

PM Hariri informed the Cabinet of the outcome of his visit to Damascus, and his talks with its president Bashar al-Assad as well as the agreements and protocols that were signed during the visit

Hariri stressed “the importance of the agreements reached and the boosting of relations between the two countries in all fields ”

Prior to the cabinet session Suleiman held a closed-door meeting with Hariri.
