Tourism minister: Lebanon will witness the best tourist season ever


Lebanese Minister of Tourism Fadi Abboud said Lebanon will witness the best tourist season in its history this year as the number of tourists and expatriates have visited the country this year has reached 1.1 million and hotel bookings are at an all time high.

Aboud added that occupancy at the Beirut hotels is around 90%, stressing that investment in the Lebanese tourism sector has reached 4 billion dollars this year and that 1200 rooms are now being built in Beirut.

During an interview with Kuwaiti newspaper An Nahar Aboud , he stressed that the security situation in Lebanon is better than anywhere in the world . He brushed aside Israeli threats saying” we are used to their old song at the beginning of each summer. ”



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  2. Great source of information your post is!The information you are sharing is really very news full.
    Thanks for sharing with us.I really had a great time reading it.

    Golden Gate Park

  3. Amine123 Avatar

    And who will come to Lebanon, the gulf people will not because of HA and most people in the west will not because everyone think Lebanon on the verge of civil war against the puppets of Iran and Syria

    1. nabilabuzaid Avatar

      Do no worry Amine the Iranian women in black trash bags will visit Lebanon and that’s plenty enough for Hezbollah.

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        How is that statement gonna help the majority of Iranians who are rising against their regime?

        1. nabilabuzaid Avatar

          I am talking about the women who supports the Mullahs.

  4.  Avatar

    And who will come to Lebanon, the gulf people will not because of HA and most people in the west will not because everyone think Lebanon on the verge of civil war against the puppets of Iran and Syria

    1.  Avatar

      Do no worry Amine the Iranian women in black trash bags will visit Lebanon and that’s plenty enough for Hezbollah.

      1. How is that statement gonna help the majority of Iranians who are rising against their regime?

        1.  Avatar

          I am talking about the women who supports the Mullahs.

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