Lebanon prosecutor charges 2 with belonging to Al-Qaeda


Lebanon’s military prosecutor on Thursday charged two people with belonging to Islamist group Al-Qaeda and plotting attacks on the Lebanese army, a judicial source said.

“Judge Saqr Saqr charged two Lebanese with belonging to Al-Qaeda and planning to carry out a terrorist attack on an army convoy in Anjar,” in eastern Lebanon, the source told AFP on condition of anonymity.

If convicted, they could face the death penalty.

The source said Saqr added the two names to a case opened last December, in which he charged 15 people with plotting attacks on soldiers, including planting a bomb in a military convoy which failed to detonate.

The charge sheet also accused the 15 of having ties to a Fatah al-Islam ring based in the Ain al-Helweh Palestinian refugee camp, near the southern coastal town of Sidon. AFP



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