ACT now to stop the E-Transactions law


By: Mohamad Najem

Parliament is scheduled to vote Tuesday on a new E-Transactions law that could have terrible implications for the Lebanese economy and for professional and personal privacy. To date, private sector and civil society have not been allowed to comment on the law.

Among the articles of concern are:

Article 92, saying anyone providing online services must apply for a license. Result: More paperwork, more bureaucracy, more delays, less revenue.

Article 82, allowing for the warrantless search and seizure of financial, managerial, and electronic files, including hard drives, computers, etc. Result: The government has pre-approval to seize your company and personal assets and information, without cause.

Article 70, establishing the Electronic Signature & Services Authority, a new regulatory and licensing body with practically unchecked powers. Result: Another agency, who can make or break your organization at their whim.

Many MPs are rallying against this law , because it is seen as one-sided and holds dangerous implications on the economic prospects of Lebanon, but they want to hear your voice. Ask your MP to postpone the vote on the E-Transactions Law, pending a public review.

Here are quick and easy ways you can help:

Call your Members of Parliament (MPs) and urge them to postpone the vote, pending a public review period.

Forward this message to your colleagues, family, and friends—anyone who uses the Internet will be affected!

Post on the Facebook Pages of your MP, calling on them to postpone the vote, pending a public review period.

Join the Stop This Law Facebook Page.

If you’re a journalist or blogger, consider writing a short post highlighting the potential pitfalls of the law.

More on why you should stop this law

Ya Libnan




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