Heroin addiction on the rise in Lebanon


heroin - blacktarThere is a rising problem among Lebanon’s youth which many are trying to ignore.

Lebanon, which is known internationally for its long history of drug cultivation, now has a rising number of addicts overwhelming the country’s drug rehabilitation centers.

“There are an estimated 10,000 to 15,000 drug addicts in Lebanon, and around 75 percent of them are heroin addicts,” says Nadya Mikdashi, director of Skoun, a Beirut-based addiction rehabilitation center. “However, there hasn’t been a comprehensive study, so the real number is unknown.”

“A lot of the studies have largely focused on Beirut and not other areas, so the real number of addicts could be far higher in reality,” she continues. “Worryingly we have seen the number of submissions grow in recent years.” DS






  2.  Barbiturates are prescribed legally for medical use and
    produce a wide spectrum of central nervous system depression, from mild
    sedation to coma. They are used as
    sedatives, hypnotics, anesthetics and anticonvulsants.   The primary differences between
    barbiturates are related to their effects. Barbiturates are classified as ultra-short, short,
    intermediate and long-acting. Generally ingested as a pill, barbiturates can also be dissolved and
    Barbiturates have damaging short and long-term effects, therefore it is
    imperative to notate that there are both physical and mental side
    effects to this addiction. Those who become addicted to a barbiturate
    may experience mood swing,
    anger, depression, poor judgment, lapses in memory and fatigue.
    Although these are simply short term, they are damaging all the same as
    not only do they affect the person who is addicted to the drug, but
    everyone surrounding them including family and friends.
    Barbiturate Addiction

  3.  Avatar

     Barbiturates are prescribed legally for medical use and
    produce a wide spectrum of central nervous system depression, from mild
    sedation to coma. They are used as
    sedatives, hypnotics, anesthetics and anticonvulsants.   The primary differences between
    barbiturates are related to their effects. Barbiturates are classified as ultra-short, short,
    intermediate and long-acting. Generally ingested as a pill, barbiturates can also be dissolved and
    Barbiturates have damaging short and long-term effects, therefore it is
    imperative to notate that there are both physical and mental side
    effects to this addiction. Those who become addicted to a barbiturate
    may experience mood swing,
    anger, depression, poor judgment, lapses in memory and fatigue.
    Although these are simply short term, they are damaging all the same as
    not only do they affect the person who is addicted to the drug, but
    everyone surrounding them including family and friends.
    Barbiturate Addiction

  4. JST Books Avatar
    JST Books

    Barbiturate Addiction is mainly caused by those barbiturates that are available in pharmacies by prescription. Many also end up in the black market, where they are bought by barbiturate addicts and other hard drug addicts who use barbiturates to ameliorate aspects of their addiction.

  5. JST Books Avatar
    JST Books

    Barbiturate Addiction is mainly caused by those barbiturates that are available in pharmacies by prescription. Many also end up in the black market, where they are bought by barbiturate addicts and other hard drug addicts who use barbiturates to ameliorate aspects of their addiction.

  6. JST Books Avatar
    JST Books

    Barbiturate Addiction is mainly caused by those barbiturates that are available in pharmacies by prescription. Many also end up in the black market, where they are bought by barbiturate addicts and other hard drug addicts who use barbiturates to ameliorate aspects of their addiction.

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