France: Transfer of Scuds to Hezbollah ‘Alarming if Confirmed’


scuds -hezbollah

The French foreign ministry announced on Thursday that France would consider as “alarming” the alleged transfer of long-range Scud missiles from Syria to Hezbollah if the recent reports on the subject turned out to be true.

Christine Fage, the FM deputy spokesperson called for “a total respect of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 in all its stipulations.”

“I remind you that this Resolution imposes an embargo on the export of arms to Lebanon, except those authorized by the Government of Lebanon or the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL),” Fage added.

Syria on the other hand strongly denied on Thursday Israeli accusations that it has been delivering Scud missiles to Hezbollah.

“For some time now, Israel has been running a campaign claiming that Syria has been supplying Hezbollah with Scud missiles in Lebanon,” a foreign ministry statement said.

“Syria strongly denies these allegations which are an attempt by Israel to raise tensions in the region,” the statement added.

“Israel is seeking to create a climate that will pave the way for an eventual Israeli attack to avoid responding to the demands of a just and comprehensive peace.”

The US also expressed concern about the reports .

Yesterday the US state department spokesman Philip J. Crowley told the press:

“We are concerned about it. And if such an action has been taken – and we continue to analyze this issue – it would represent a failure by the parties in the region to honor UN Security Council Resolution 1701. And clearly, it potentially puts Lebanon at significant risk. We have been concerned enough that in recent weeks, during one of our regular meetings with the Syrian ambassador here in Washington, that we’ve raised the issue with the Syrian Government and continue to study the issue. But obviously, it’s something of great concern to us.”



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