Geagea: Only the government can decide on UN resolutions


Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stressed on Monday during his meeting with U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Michele Sison at Maarab that Lebanon’s official stance regarding international resolutions is taken by the government only and not by any political side. He added that Resolution 1559 was not raised for discussion by the government and that in case it will be raised, then LF would voice support for all international resolutions related to Lebanon.

LF press office has reported that Sison informed Geagea of her administration’s firm support to the implementation of international resolutions 1559, 1680, and 1701 and her country’s unconditional support for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and for all what it takes to fortify, Lebanon’s independence, freedom, and sovereignty over all its territories.

Syria and its Lebanese allies specially Hezbollah and Amal have been pushing for annulling UNSCR 1559



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