Cabinet meets for first time since winning vote of confidence


The Lebanese cabinet is meeting for first time since winning vote of confidence and Prime Minister Saad Hariri is expected to brief the cabinet on the results of his visit to Damascus over the weekend.

Hariri sources have reportedly revealed that Hariri seems comfortable with the results of his visit particularly since the Syrian President Bashar Assad broke on several occasions with protocol during his visit. Assad has reportedly treated Hariri as a head of state when he invited him to stay at the Tishreen palace (an honor accorded to heads of states) and drove Hariri in his own vehicle.

The sources also hinted that the PM could make another visit to Damascus at the head of a ministerial delegation to discuss bilateral economic and trade agreements between the two countries .

The sources noted that the talks between the two sides led to agreement on several issues including border demarcation and giving priority to economic and trade cooperation.

According to Nahar said Hariri and Assad held eight hours of talks during three meetings last Saturday and Sunday.

Earlier today ,PM Hariri urged prompt investigations of the Syrian bus incident in order to identify the perpetrators, prosecute them as soon as possible, and refer them to the concerned judicial side.
