The vote of confidence debate part I


Lebanon’s PM Saad Hariri read the cabinet policy statement and MP Michel Aoun started the debate saying : Sectarianism doesn’t produce corruption, but corruption encourages sectarianism. He added : “A lot of steps should be taken before abolishing confessionalism in politics,” citing Turkey as an example.

Speaker Nabih Berri responded to Aoun by saying: I didn’t call for abolishment of sectarianism. I called for the formation of the national committee tasked with studying abolishment of confessionalism.

Deputy Speaker Farid Makari responded by saying: Confessionalism should be abolished only after the elimination of all reasons that create fear on the issue.

MP Tamam Slam changed the subject by commenting on the policy statement saying: “We are optimistic about it as long as it overcomes all crises.”

MP Alain Aoun lauded the slogan of the policy statement which is development and progress and added: “We are ready to cooperate with the PM.”

MP Robert Ghanem commented by stressing that the Resistance is noble if it respects the “concept of the state”. He then gave his vote of confidence to the cabinet.

Speaker Berri then adjourned the parliamentary session until 6:30 p.m.



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