EU calls for Palestinian state as tensions rise

Federica Mogherini
Federica Mogherini, the European Union’s new foreign affairs chief, said the world “cannot afford” another war in the Gaza Strip and appealed for the establishment of a Palestinian state

THE top EU diplomat appealed last night for the establishment of a Palestinian state as the killing of a young Arab-Israeli by police fanned tensions following violent clashes in Jerusalem.

Federica Mogherini, the European Union’s new foreign affairs chief, said the world “cannot afford” another war in the Gaza Strip.

“We need a Palestinian state — that is the ultimate goal and this is the position of all the European Union,” Ms Mogherini said during a trip to Gaza, devastated by its third conflict in six years.

Hamas and Israel fought a 50-day war in July and August which resulted in the deaths of 2140 Palestinians and more than 70 Israelis.

Palestinians are seeking to achieve statehood in Gaza and the Israeli-occupied West Bank with east Jerusalem as the capital.

Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas said yesterday that a draft resolution was on course to be submitted to the UN Security Council this month calling for an end date for Israeli occupation.

The text is expected to be vetoed by permanent member the United States.

Ms Mogherini’s visit came against a backdrop of surging Israeli-Palestinian tensions in annexed east Jerusalem where there have been near-daily clashes in flashpoint neighbourhoods.

In the village of Kfar Kana in northern Israel, meanwhile, a 22-year-old was shot dead by security forces after intervening in the dawn arrest of one of his relatives, brandishing a knife, according to police.

Dozens of angry youths later erected barricades and set fire to tyres on the outskirts of the village as police deployed reinforcements.

Arab Israelis, who account for about 20 per cent of Israel’s population, are the descendants of Palestinian Arabs who remained on their land when the Jewish state was established in 1948.

The shooting followed another night of clashes in east Jerusalem pitting youths throwing stones and firecrackers against police who used rubber bullets, stun grenades and teargas.

The violence was particularly intense at the Shuafat refugee camp, a maze of alleys crammed with Palestinian homes along the separation barrier cutting off east Jerusalem from the occupied West Bank.

The spike in violence came after one of the camp’s residents ploughed a car into pedestrians in Jerusalem on Wednesday, killing a policeman and injuring nine other people before he was shot dead.

On Friday local time, a young Israeli also died of injuries sustained in the attack — the second of its kind in a fortnight.

The anger has been fuelled by Israel’s settlement activities as well as efforts by far-right Jewish fringe groups to secure prayer rights at the Al-Aqsa compound which is holy to Jews as well as Muslims.

Speaking on Friday during her first official visit to Jerusalem, Ms Mogherini said there was a real “urgency” to pick up and advance the moribund peace process.

She also flagged up Israel’s settlement building on lands the Palestinians want for a future state as an “obstacle” to a negotiated peace.

Shortly afterwards, Ms Mogherini met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who gave a terse statement dismissing all criticism of his settlement policy.

“I reject the fictitious claim that the root of the continuous conflict is this or that settlement,” he said.

“Jerusalem is our capital and as such is not a settlement.”

Mr Netanyahu ordered the security forces to either seal or demolish the homes of any Palestinian involved in anti-Israeli attacks, an official said on Friday.

Ms Mogherini had been scheduled to meet Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah in Gaza but he cancelled his trip after a series of bombs there Friday hit the homes and cars of Fatah officials.

Fatah, the party of Mr Abbas, laid the blame on the Islamist movement Hamas, the de facto rulers in Gaza, as a new row broke out between the rival Palestinian factions.

Hamas announced on Friday it was forming a thousands-strong “popular army” in the devastated Gaza Strip in response to what it called “serious Israeli violations” at Al-Aqsa.

The Australian /AFP



3 responses to “EU calls for Palestinian state as tensions rise”



    Why are we giving Israel $240+ bilIon aid EVERY YEAR,? God
    knows how much that would improve our inner cities as well as going a long way
    in meeting the healthcare of our own
    people .

    Why are we giving israel military aid?as well , when they
    only use it to kill innocent women and children and let American soldiers die
    on their behalf.

    Why does every presidential hopeful have to go and kiss
    israeli ground, (smacks of a slave kissing its master’s feet).

    Why has the US let israel be its ” HIS MASTER’S
    VOICE” , America has lost its vocal
    cords and use of its muscles and functions to israel.

    Why are israeli sympathisers at the head of every US, bank,
    army, navy, NSA, terrorist investigations, media, CIA, FBI ?, has America lost
    the financial war to israel and is being owned by them.

    Why are US soldiers dying and died , countless in Iraq? It
    posed no danger to the American people, but may have to israel, so it sends US
    soldiers to die on their behalf. Now
    they are war mongering about Iran. Let
    them go and fight Iran, israeli’s are
    only good at killing defenceless people.

    Why does israel have 200 nuclear weapons and weapons of mass
    destruction and nobody else has the right to have them. Why are they not being investigated by the
    Atomic Energy commission and not have any sanctions against them?

    Why is it when America needs partners for its imperialist
    military campaigns , it never asks israel for assistance or help , perhaps its on whose instructions the US has gone to war
    on behalf of anyway?

    Why is israel allowed to flout UN resolutions with impunity
    and disregard of International Law.

    Why does Israel use Hollywood for its propaganda machine.

    Why is Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions with
    links to israel given the ok to rip out the insides of the US economy and re-possess
    people’s houses.

    Why is it ok that israeli/ American citizens were allowed to
    go back and fight for israel against Gaza, is that not the same as isis

    Why is the US letting it’s name be mired and dragged down
    around the world to just keep one nation – israel happy?? Whose interests do our leaders and
    politicians have at heart , certainly not ours.

    Why does not israel respect it’s benfactor??

    Why are the American people silent as their country is taken

    Why is isis not attacking Israel and beheading
    israeli’s, would be befitting as that
    would take care of two blights in the Middle East in one fell swoop or is it a
    Israeli unit posing as isis because it’s funny how Benjamin aka henrich Himmler
    is more worried about Iran who is miles and miles away whereas isis is at their
    front door?.


    Unfortunately at the moment the press is going to town on
    Islamaphobia to sell the news and
    appease its owners the israeli’s , who now mirror in thoughts and action the
    very people that nearly annihilated them, the Nazi’s.

    Isn’t it ironic that the israeli’s are being investigated
    for war crimes, and it’s these very people who have been going on about the
    holocaust as if nobody else in the world has had atrocities committed on them.

    The jews only were subjected to Nazi torture for a period of
    4/5 years, and these Israeli terrorists
    have kept the Palestinian people in concentration camps for 60 YEARS and use
    innocent women and children for target practice. Are people blind to the facts,
    or are they paid by israeli paymasters, because to me 4000 Gaza women and
    children against 67 israeli storm troopers is a great disparity .

    The media wont print pictures of civilians killed in Gaza by these barbaric
    israeli’s – but I forget that they will lose your job,
    and perhaps their life, as we know they will stop at nothing. Can’t say
    anything against Israel but It’s seems ok to say anything about anyone else, NO
    wonder why the US is called The United States Of Israel in Europe.

    Now they are selling missiles to another facist nazi leader
    in India, who has been involved in the slaughter of civilians in direct an
    blatant act against it’s benefactor the U. S

    israel has infiltrated into every walk of US life, not only
    that but they retain israeli citizenship while claiming to be US citizens , and
    guess whose interests they have at heart!!.

    Got to give credit where credit is due, they took over the
    government and all its institutions in a bloodless silent coup, without the US
    and it’s citizens even being aware that power had been transferred from the
    White House to Tel Aviv

    Paid for and sponsored by the Give America Back To The
    Americans campaign.

  2. israel=Nazi Germany, bibi= Hitler, IDF= Gestapo/storm troopers , israeli’s = cockroaches

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