Rifi: The State and its institutions are the historic choice of Lebanon’s Sunnis


ashraf rifi

Commenting on the security situation in Tripoli Justice Minister Ashraf Rifi said Sunday: ” I heard that some considered what is happening now in Tripoli, and some areas of the north as a war on the Sunni people. I totally disagree with such statements and reject them in form and content .”

He added :

“The historical choice of the Sunnis people has always been and will always remain the state of Lebanon and its institutions and co-existence . We the Sunni people paid the highest price for standing with the state , starting with the assassination of Mufti Sheikh Hassan Khaled to the assassination of the prime minister Rafik Hariri and other martyrs and this stance will continue with Prime Minister Saad Hariri.”

He added:

“We will not respond to the mini-state, which is contributing to a civil war in Lebanon and the region, with a similar mini-state,” the former Internal Security Forces chief said, accusing Hezbollah of continuously trying to involve the Army in internal battles.

Rifi stressed that the Army offensive against militants in north Lebanon is not a war against Sunnis, but Hezbollah is trying to exploit the security situation to stir sectarian strike.

“Although we have a feeling that someone is hiding behind institutions to push for strife, and we condemn this, we will not contribute to it by letting them achieve their goal of undermining the state and its institutions,” Rifi said in another reference to the Army Command and Hezbollah.

Rifi has accused the Army command of being strongly influenced by Hezbollah.

Rifi also called on residents of north Lebanon to avoid recklessness and to put their trust in the Future Movement ( which is headed by former PM Saad Hariri) .

Rifi’s statement came amid fierce clashes between Army and jihadists in north Lebanon.

The death toll from three days of fighting between the Lebanese army and Sunni militants, who are thought to be linked to Islamic State rose to 18 . Many of the wounded are civilians but since the fighting is still raging they could not be taken to nearby hospitals for treatment

The spillover of the Syrian conflict has led to a surge in sectarian tension in Tripoli.

The latest violence was sparked after Lebanese troops killed three militants and detained a local leader in a raid in the north of the city on Friday.


Emergency meeting of Tripoli MPs

All Tripoli MPs met Sunday at the residence of MP Mohammed Kabbara to address the violence in the city. Rifi and a delegation from the Muslim Scholars Committee took part in the emergency meeting. After the meeting Kabbara said:

” The city will remain within the authority of the state and it rejects terrorism and we voice our support to the government’s security plan in the city that was adopted earlier this year.”

He condemnded the assault against the army and added:
“We demand that equality in implementing justice be adopted throughout Lebanon.”



5 responses to “Rifi: The State and its institutions are the historic choice of Lebanon’s Sunnis”

  1. Reasonableman Avatar

    Since rifis term began the tripolians have seen more violence in what he supposedly calls “security implementation”.

    The violence and bodybags is not due to reforms as he may see it but as his failure. Rifi is too determined to keep his chair by playing with by secular rules and enforcing them on the majority of people who do not want these laws.

    Rifi needs to resign because failing more then this will only cause more death and wouldn’t make him any different of a murderer then that of the syrian regime and the party of satan.

    The current situation is not a war with jihadist, living in tripoli you do not fight for a party you fight for your family and your neighbours who are being unfairly treated.

    The current war is with residents who have over 3 generations of history in the area who have fought off unwanted aggressors. In this case the army is the aggressor.

    The 1 percent of ISIS inspired were a problem and should be punished but the army has turned against the whole neighbourhood making them a bigger problem.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      “could not be taken to nearby hospitals for treatment” Should be taken SOUTH fast as possible. As should the homeless women and children! Lebanese Refugees, ALL.
      But the Sunnis DO NOT aid the Christians there, Who are are ALSO Tripolians over generations.
      And everyone seems to forget that Tripoli IS SUPPOSED to BE PART of Lebanon.
      You cannot expect the Army of a country to ignore that.
      Either everyone backs their Military, or there is anarchy. The Army runs under the government,
      And THERE is Syria … where a theoretical government enforced ‘rule’ of a despot by many little militias and ‘secret police’ and thugs called Basij.
      Is that truly the Lebanon now??? If the Army can’t do it’s job, there is no country.

      And yes, Women and children will suffer most AGAIN … they do now … they pay the price of years of the inanities of religions which ignore them. But if the ARMY of a country cannot DO WHAT IT MUST TO MAKE PEACE FOR IT’S CITIZENS, there is no country.
      The black flags will not bring that – they will simply select who to kill and who not to kill, and everyone left alive will be at their mercy, and become their slaves.

      We have noticed, after all, what happened when the Iraqi Army walked away from the ‘DUTY’ of defending it’s country. Are the Lebanese the same?
      ARE THEY ???

      1. arzatna1 Avatar

        Hope not

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Rifi and the Vaunted ‘Muslim Scholars Committee’ must note what happened when the Iraqi Army walked away.
    It is good to see the final statement from Tripoli’s MP’s.

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