Syrian opposition explode bombs in tunnels under Aleppo


tunnel bomb aleppoOpposition forces in Syria exploded bombs in tunnels under Aleppo late on Tuesday and killed at least 13 fighters loyal to President Bashar al-Assad in the northern city, a group tracking the violence said.

The bombs were placed in two tunnels running under historic parts of the city close to an old police station, said the Observatory, a Britain-based group which reports on Syria, using a network of sources on the ground.

The attack appeared to have been carried out by Islamic brigades fighting Assad, it said. The blast killed government soldiers and other forces fighting alongside them, the Observatory added, without giving details.

Syria’s state news agency made no mention of the attack.

Aleppo is one of Syria’s main contested cities and government forces took strategic ground around it in June, squeezing the main rebel supply line into the city after months of battlefield gains by Damascus.

The government advance was backed by fighters from the Lebanese Shi’ite Muslim group Hezbollah, an ally of President Bashar al-Assad, sources close to the group told Reuters earlier this month.

Rebels advanced into Aleppo, once Syria’s commercial hub, in 2012 from the north and took districts in the center of the city. The army has since mainly held the west and south of Aleppo, but has been unable to push out opposition fighters.

Forces loyal to Assad now control most of Damascus, along with the main highway from the capital through to Homs and the western Mediterranean coast. Opposition fighters, including a powerful al Qaeda offshoot Islamic State, control much of the desert in the north and east.




10 responses to “Syrian opposition explode bombs in tunnels under Aleppo”

  1. Brits warned about bad NATO’s readiness for war with Russia

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      NATO is supposed to always be ready. Idiot. Did the Brits forget?

  2. “Gangs of the prophet Jonah” defy jihadists. Destruction of ancient monuments of civilization, planting draconian laws, massive repression against those suspected of heresy, caused outrage in the north west of Iraq. After the brutal repression of peaceful demonstrations by “Islamic State” militants inhabitants of Mosul and surrounding areas came to the conclusion that the only way – armed struggle

    1. It is noteworthy that during the reign of Saddam Hussein, the city where lived Sunnis and Shiites, Kurds and Christians, was a symbol of religious tolerance

  3. Jocelyn Sophia Poesnecker Avatar
    Jocelyn Sophia Poesnecker

    do not join the so-called ISIS thinking that by doing so you would be a good muslim. please refer to you tube search: “Islamic Lecture-About not condemning people ignorantly” and “Islamic Lesson in English-so-called ISIS people, think about the murderous AL-H,AJJAAJ!” GOD Blessed us. jocelyn

  4. 1Woman Avatar

    Amazing how many Western people who see themselves as pro-Palestinian and maybe even once marched for Iraq (when bombing civilians there with US warplanes was unfashionable on the left) are keen to use the exact same smears against Syrian opposition fighters as Israel uses against Palestinians – “They’re all extremists, they’re all Islamist terrorists, they’re all subhuman” – with the exact same intention, to demonise, dehumanise and justify repression and genocide.

  5. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Tunnelling has become a good trade it seems.
    No accurate ‘body-count’ … too bad about the historic old police station. Such a landmark. Tsk.

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