Assad met Sayyed in Damascus


sayyed jamilSyrian President Bashar Assad met on Monday former head of Lebanon’s General Security Department Maj. Gen. Jamil Sayyed.

The state-run National News Agency ( NNA) said the noon meeting at al-Shaab presidential palace in Damascus lasted for two hours.

NNA said the two men discussed the political situation.

Earlier Monday, Assad discussed with head of the Lebanese Democratic Party Talal Arslan “efforts exerted to consolidate Syrian-Lebanese relations,” according to the Syrian National News Agency SANA.

Sayyed was one of 4 detained generals as suspects in the assassination of Lebanon’s formal PM Rafik Hariri who was assassinated on Feb14 2005. Sayyed who remained in Jail from mid 2005 till May 2009 was released along with the other 3 generals for lack of sufficient evidence



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