STL: Secrecy of the investigation is a main priority


Al-Hayat newspaper reported Friday than a U.N. investigation team has lately met with head of Hezbollah’s Coordination and Liaison Committee Wafiq Safa.

Al-Hayat said the meeting took place on Tuesday where an agreement was reached on a mechanism that allows investigators to hear witnesses, some of whom belong to Hezbollah or have close ties with the group.

Al-Hayat quoted sources as saying that the hearings will take place soon, not at the Office of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon in Monteverde, but in another location which it did not specify

The sources pointed out that international investigators did not mind listening to a witness at any place to be determined by Hezbollah.

Meanwhile, Radhia Achouri, spokesperson for Special Tribunal for Lebanon Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare, responded to remarks made by Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah who said media leaks originated from the U.N. investigation committee.

“The Court is handling (the case) with utmost professionalism,” Achouri told Al-Arabiya satellite television.

“Secrecy of the investigation is a main priority,” she added.



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