Suleiman may resume national dialogue talks within weeks


President Michel Suleiman has reportedly been consulting with Lebanese leaders over the resumption of the national dialogue talks within weeks.

The issue of Hezbollah’s arms is reportedly the most important item on the agenda in line with Lebanon’s efforts to implement U.N. Security Council resolution 1701.

Hezbollah is no hurry to hand over its arms to the Lebanese army, while the majority alliance wants to see one army in Lebanon.

Hezbollah Deputy told a Syrian TV station today: “There is no resistance without arms. Weapons are the result of the resistance’s existence and the resistance is there because of the presence of the enemy.”

Israel withdrew from south Lebanon in 2000, but 2 areas continue to be occupied : Shebaa farms and Kfar Shouba hills. Israel had reportedly occupied these in 1967 as parts of the Golan heights. Syria and Lebanon claim that these areas are Lebanese but Syria has so far refused to demarcate the area or to provide Lebanon with the proof of ownership.

The other occupied area is northern Ghajar village which Israel occupied in the 2006 war . The residents of the village are Syrians ( since this whole village is alos part of the Golan heights) and do not want their village to be divided again and… for this reason they want Israel to either pull out from the whole village or to stay in the northern part .

While Hezbollah believes we need resistance to liberate the above areas, the March 14 majority alliance believes that Lebanon can secure the withdrawal of Israel from occupied territories through negotiations, once the arms of the resistance are handed over to the army



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