Siniora: Lebanon is Better off if Aoun books himself one way ticket


Former Lebanese Prime Minister and current Future Movement parliamentary bloc leader MP Fouad Siniora responded to Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun’s statement that “he booked a one-way ticket for former Prime Minister Saad Hariri.”

Aoun’s statements are “full of hatred and tension,” Siniora said , asking, “Was it not easier for Aoun to book himself a ticket so he and others could rest?”

Aoun said on Friday evening that Hariri’s style of governing “impoverished” Lebanon, adding that “the Hariri’s plan is over.”

Similarly Future bloc MP Assem Araji responded on Saturday Aoun’s comments on Hariri.

“Aoun’s comments carry a lot of incitement against Hariri, who is a former PM and the leader of a large political party and the largest parliamentary bloc,” he told Akhbar al-Yawm news agency.

“What does it mean to say that we gave Hariri a ‘one way ticket?’ Does that mean that March 8 parties can order anyone to leave the country?” Araji asked.

The Future Movement MP also said that he knows many secrets about Aoun, adding that the FPM leader signed the Memorandum of Understanding with Hezbollah in 2006 only after Hariri rejected his proposal to become the next president.

Failed MPs

Siniora commented on the newly formed cabinet by calling it one-sided, adding that” Prime Minister Najib Mikati’s government has the largest number of ministers who failed in parliamentary elections.”

Siniora said that this cabinet was formed ” to serve other than Lebanon’s interests “, a possible reference to Hezbollah which controls the cabinet and which is allied with Iran and Syria

Tripoli clashes

The former PM also said Friday’s Tripoli clashes were to serve political of the new cabinet at the expense of the citizens’ security and stability.

“The Lebanese army and security forces should address attempts to incite strife firmly,” he said calling on Mikati to make Tripoli an arms-free city.

Armed clashes erupted in Tripoli on Friday following a rally in support of Syrian protesters. The military official of the Hezbollah and Syrian backed Arab Democratic Party, Ali Fares was killed and 6 others including one army soldier and a seven year old child. At least 59 others were reportedly injured and some are in serious condition .

Many analysts question why the Alawite party should have a military official .

Jabal Mohsen ( home of the Arab Democratic Party) and Bab al-Tabbaneh areas have been in recent years the scene of intense clashes between Sunni supporters of Lebanon’s former PM Saad Hariri and Alawites who are loyal to the Hezbollah-led coalition backed by Iran and Syria.

Mikati came under fire for the way he handled his first crisis since he formed the cabinet .

Mikati on Friday accused the opposition of being behind the clashes that took place in Tripoli . This outraged the opposition who accused him of slander specially since he talked before the investigation of the incident started .

“What Mikati said today is slander against us”, Future Movement MP Samir al-Jisr told Future TV on Friday



22 responses to “Siniora: Lebanon is Better off if Aoun books himself one way ticket”

  1. Amine123 Avatar

    To Hell I would say… I will buy the ticket

  2. Amine123 Avatar

    To Hell I would say… I will buy the ticket

  3.  Avatar

    To Hell I would say… I will buy the ticket

  4.  Avatar

    To Hell I would say… I will buy the ticket

  5. Patience2 Avatar

    The correct choice of bullet would pass quickly through three brains(if there are found to be any).  Put Mr. Aoun between Bashar and his bro. and see how well it works!

  6.  Avatar

    The correct choice of bullet would pass quickly through three brains(if there are found to be any).  Put Mr. Aoun between Bashar and his bro. and see how well it works!

  7.  Avatar

    The correct choice of bullet would pass quickly through three brains(if there are found to be any).  Put Mr. Aoun between Bashar and his bro. and see how well it works!

  8. aoun is a big toad they guy never did anything for his country but he did collect a lot of money and still doing so he did screw lebanon very badly especially the army he try to be hero the syrian kick his ass to high heaven and now after he kissed bashar ass coming back fabricating some lies about taught his been during the war what an ass born one and he will die as one

  9. aoun is a big toad they guy never did anything for his country but he did collect a lot of money and still doing so he did screw lebanon very badly especially the army he try to be hero the syrian kick his ass to high heaven and now after he kissed bashar ass coming back fabricating some lies about taught his been during the war what an ass born one and he will die as one

  10. The man that stole the money of the south is talking bout one of the greatest leaders in Lebanons time,

    wow…Listen crooked lips go back to sucking what you were sucking that made your lips curve,and when

    that gets old,go back to counting the money u stole from the poor people of the south,until the day god

    will meet you and analyze the life of crime you have lived…

    1. Mosetsfire Avatar

      i rarely cuss on this board but seriously, other than “are you fucking serious?” I have no question that a man of your limited intelligence could possibly answer


        if thats all u can answer,than ur best to stay quiet like crooked lips over here…and dont talk to me….

  11. The man that stole the money of the south is talking bout one of the greatest leaders in Lebanons time,

    wow…Listen crooked lips go back to sucking what you were sucking that made your lips curve,and when

    that gets old,go back to counting the money u stole from the poor people of the south,until the day god

    will meet you and analyze the life of crime you have lived…

  12. The man that stole the money of the south is talking bout one of the greatest leaders in Lebanons time,

    wow…Listen crooked lips go back to sucking what you were sucking that made your lips curve,and when

    that gets old,go back to counting the money u stole from the poor people of the south,until the day god

    will meet you and analyze the life of crime you have lived…

    1. i rarely cuss on this board but seriously, other than “are you fucking serious?” I have no question that a man of your limited intelligence could possibly answer


        if thats all u can answer,than ur best to stay quiet like crooked lips over here…and dont talk to me….


        if thats all u can answer,than ur best to stay quiet like crooked lips over here…and dont talk to me….

  13. All of march 8 so call leader particularly Hassan… should take a one way ticket to Iran and Syria and be judge for crime against humanity…

  14. All of march 8 so call leader particularly Hassan… should take a one way ticket to Iran and Syria and be judge for crime against humanity…

  15. To make peace today a world leader has to give up his political career and decide to become a human being…….The Lebanese military is trying its best to maintain order.  I have a great deal of respect for them as they are working very hard to protect everybody!!!!!!  Mr. Siniora and other leaders have served their country under the most difficult of circumstances.  LEBANON IS NOT A CHOCOLATE CAKE TO BE DIVIDED UP BY A GROUP OF CHILDREN FIGHTING OVER THE CRUMBS, NAUGHTY BOYS!!!!!!!!!!  Lebanon is a jewel, an absolute jewel.  Do not allow pressure make you fight each other.  Any great man who believes in the power of his book and his words does not need a weapon!!!!!  And he does not need envelopes of cash!!!  He supports his President and country at this moment in history. Any man who does not support his President and country is not only an insult to his religion, an insult to his family, and most certainly an insult to his country at this moment in history.

  16. To make peace today a world leader has to give up his political career and decide to become a human being…….The Lebanese military is trying its best to maintain order.  I have a great deal of respect for them as they are working very hard to protect everybody!!!!!!  Mr. Siniora and other leaders have served their country under the most difficult of circumstances.  LEBANON IS NOT A CHOCOLATE CAKE TO BE DIVIDED UP BY A GROUP OF CHILDREN FIGHTING OVER THE CRUMBS, NAUGHTY BOYS!!!!!!!!!!  Lebanon is a jewel, an absolute jewel.  Do not allow pressure make you fight each other.  Any great man who believes in the power of his book and his words does not need a weapon!!!!!  And he does not need envelopes of cash!!!  He supports his President and country at this moment in history. Any man who does not support his President and country is not only an insult to his religion, an insult to his family, and most certainly an insult to his country at this moment in history.

  17. To make peace today a world leader has to give up his political career and decide to become a human being…….The Lebanese military is trying its best to maintain order.  I have a great deal of respect for them as they are working very hard to protect everybody!!!!!!  Mr. Siniora and other leaders have served their country under the most difficult of circumstances.  LEBANON IS NOT A CHOCOLATE CAKE TO BE DIVIDED UP BY A GROUP OF CHILDREN FIGHTING OVER THE CRUMBS, NAUGHTY BOYS!!!!!!!!!!  Lebanon is a jewel, an absolute jewel.  Do not allow pressure make you fight each other.  Any great man who believes in the power of his book and his words does not need a weapon!!!!!  And he does not need envelopes of cash!!!  He supports his President and country in this moment in history.   

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