Israel approves 176 new settler homes in occupied East Jerusalem


israeli settlement occupied jerusalemIsraeli authorities approved on Wednesday a major expansion of a Jewish settler enclave in the heart of a Palestinian neighborhood of East Jerusalem, issuing building permits for 176 new housing units.

The construction, which a Jerusalem municipal spokeswoman said was approved by the city’s planning committee, was swiftly condemned by the Palestinians as a violation of international law.

Construction of the new units will nearly triple the number of settler homes in the Nof Zion settlement, which currently has 91 dwellings and is surrounded by Palestinian houses in the Jabel al-Mukaber neighborhood.

The area is located in territory that Israel captured and annexed in a 1967 Middle East war and which Palestinians seek as part of a state they want to establish in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

“We are unifying Jerusalem through actions on the ground,” Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said in a statement about the settlement’s expansion.

Israel’s claim to all of Jerusalem as its capital has not won international recognition, and many countries regard the settlements it has built on occupied land as illegal and obstacles to any future land-for peace deal. Israel disputes this.

Wasel Abu Yousif, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, called the construction plans in Jabel al-Mukaber “a challenge to all the calls by the international community” to halt settlement building.

Last week, Israel announced approval for the construction of several hundred additional homes for settlers in the West Bank, drawing condemnation from Palestinians and the European Union.

Israeli-Palestinian peace talks have not been held since 2014, with settlement building one of the issues that led to their collapse.

 Some 500,000 Israelis live in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, areas that are home to more than 2.6 million Palestinians.





6 responses to “Israel approves 176 new settler homes in occupied East Jerusalem”

  1. Approval (not actual building!) of 176 “settler homes” – whatever the hell that might mean – is worth a report on a news site of a country that pathetically bans “Wonder Woman” and is actually run by a gang of armed-to-the-teeth thugs accountable solely to a foreign theocratic dictatorship. That’s Arab/Lebanese priorities in a nutshell. 🙂

    1. The ending smiley does a poor job at covering up your frustration or at the fact that your rectum is still prolapsed. 🙂

      1. Been watching too much gangbang porn lately, my turd-like friend? Anyway, it’s kinda sad that the obsession with “prolapses” may be your sole (borderline) human characteristic. 🙂 🙂

        1. No Khazarian vermin. My reference to your rectum constantly prolapsing is in directly relation to your frustration/dementia. If you look up the causes of rectal prolapse, dementia is listed as a cause. While I am not a doctor to understand how dementia may lead to such physiological condition, I can only deduce that your centuries-long inbred genes have resulted in severely faulty genetic mutations. Marvel, since you brought up Wonder Woman, should do a new series (inspired but symmetrical opposed to the X-Men): J-Men. J for Joo in case you missed it. 🙂

          Simply read what you wrote. You went from the topic of this article to YaLibnan to Lebanon to Wonder Woman to Hezbollah. If that’s not frustration/dementia, then I don’t know what it is.

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