Sayyed suing Abdo in Paris court


Former head of Lebanon’s General Security Directorate Jamil Sayyed said in a statement issued on Monday that General Prosecutor in Paris has examined the lawsuit filed by him against former Lebanese Intelligence chief Johnny Abdo, on charges of libels seconded by false witnesses.

According to the statement , the Prosecutor accepted to submit Abdo to the Criminal Court in Paris to try him according to the charges targeting him. Reportedly, the Court would soon set a date to start the procedure.

Sayyed who along with three other senior Lebanese officers were jailed for four years in a Lebanese prison in connection with the assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri were released in April 2009 for lack of sufficient evidence .

Following his release from jail Sayyed accused a number of government officials and MP’s of misleading the investigation, including MP Marwan Hamadeh; Johnny Abdo; current head of the Internal Security Forces Intelligence department Wissam al-Hassan; Hariri advisor Hani Hammoud; and Future movement journalist Fares Khashan; and Judges Saqr Saqr and Public Prosecutor Said Mirza.

About Johnny Abdo

Lebanon’s former Intelligence Chief Johnny Abdo publicly accused Syria’s secret service apparatus and affiliated Lebanese security departments in President Lahoud’s regime of assassinating former PM Rafik Hariri, asserting that President Assad was aware of the murder beforehand.

Abdo, who headed the army’s intelligence apparatus during the 1976-1982 reign of the late President Elias Sarkis in the early years of the civil war, made the charge in an interview aired by Hariri’s FUTURE-TV network on April 28, 2005. The accusation was highlighted by the Beirut press the following morning.

Asked by interviewer Ali Hamadeh whether he believed that Syrian President Bashar Assad was aware that these intelligence services have assassinated Hariri, Abdo said “yes.”


Syria was initially accused by March 14 of being behind Hariri’s murder , but a report in May 2009 in the German magazine Der Spiegel revealed that Hezbollah was behind the assassination of the the former Lebanese PM who was assassinated o February 14, 2005.

But many observers in Lebanon believe that Hezbollah could not have done it without Syria’s help, because Syria’s intelligence was in total control of the country at the time of the assassination.

The Special tribunal for (STL) was formed by the United Nations security council to try the killers of the former Lebanese PM.

In his speech on Thursday July 22, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah admitted that some of his party members would be named in the tribunal’s formal charges but stressed that he will reject the indictments . In an another speech on Friday July 16 he questioned the STL’s credibility, calling it an “Israeli project” designed to create sectarian strife in the country.



3 responses to “Sayyed suing Abdo in Paris court”

  1. George Haddad N.J Avatar
    George Haddad N.J

    this guy is amazing 4 yrs in jail and even frankly if he was not involved in Hariri crime he deserve to be in jail for a long time to come. He was responsible for torturing so many lebanese and he’s the lowest scum of the earth. And nassrallah has the audacity to ask the govt to reinstat him. What is nassrallah smoking? Jamil ya saadan do us all a favor just disappear off the face of the earth and just shut the hell up.

  2. Seems like Gen.Sayyed has unlimited amouth of $ on a Government salary so he is suing people left and right, those crimes happened under his watch either he knew about it or he was incompetent that he could not stop it ,his title is General Security Directorate, what does that mean, anything goes like Fawda.

  3. tony ali Avatar

    i have no idea of this guys history nut if he has evidence to bring to the table, bring it on.

    i am eager to see where the trial will take us.

    i am kinda slow time at times lol in terms of UN formig the STL.

    well then of course it infected with israeli US venom. like thats a no brainer.

    this trial should have been in the hague and the whole thing set up over there.

    i hate the UN cos its an impotent organisation that was formed many years ago under roosevelt and chirchill that has turned into a yes man for the US and israeli slef interests only.

    a UNITED NATIONS label should mean that a bunch of nations get together and vote on a specific situation and all come to a unanimous vote with no chance to veto such a decision. this organisation is infertile and powerless.

    so now that i see where the STL was formed, i can understand the anti-israeli US drums cos who in their right mind will believe that the HA was solely involved without syrian help or lebanese for that matter.

    all this hoopla is most likely orchestrated to takethe attention off syria, scare the people a little and when the STL comes out with its indictments, the killers are in hawaii drinking pina colada.

    lucky bastards lol 🙂

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