Situation ‘ripe’ for election of president, says Hezbollah official


raad mohammadMP Mohammed Raad who heads up Hezbollah’s parliamentary bloc announced on Monday that the situation in Lebanon has become “ripe” for the election of a new president and ending the presidential vacuum that has been around since May 2014.

“I believe that the situation has become ripe and we hope to see a solution in the near future,” said Raad in the southern town of Arabsalim during a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the July 2006 war between his party and Israel that devastated Lebanon’s infrastructure

“Ending the presidential vacuum and electing a new president would revitalize state institutions and contribute to building the state and its agencies,” Raad admitted.

“This crisis would be quickly resolved when all Lebanese feel that partnership between them is inevitable,” Raad added.

Hezbollah chief Hassan Narallah reiterated Saturday that his party is still committed to Aoun’s presidential nomination while stressing that Berri is Hezbollah’s only candidate for the parliament speaker post.

“We have been committed to General Aoun’s presidential nomination since the period that preceded the July war, and should an agreement be reached over the president, we are open to discussing the premiership,” said Nasrallah in a televised speech marking 10 years since the end of the July 2006 war with Israel.

“It is clear that everyone has entered a waiting phase although the issues are still in the hands of the Lebanese, and everyone agrees that the solution begins by the election of a president,” Nasrallah said.

One observer decried Nasrallah’s remarks on Aoun and the presidency:

“Nasrallah lies through his teeth . I stopped believing anything he says on TV . Everyone knows the decision is up to Iran and not him and Iran is using the Lebanese presidential vacuum as a leverage in the Syrian war. Despite Hezbollah’s involvement in the Syrian war that war is Iran’s war and Iran is going to fight there for the last Hezbollah man .”

The Lebanese parliament failed again earlier this month and for the 43rd time in a row to elect a president to replace Michel Suleiman whose term ended on May 25 , 2014.

As in the past sessions the parliament was unable to reach a quorum because the Iranian-backed Hezbollah militant group and its ally MP Michel Aoun’s Change and Reform bloc MPs boycotted the session, because they could not reportedly guarantee Aoun’s election as a president.

Amal Movement leader, Speaker Nabih Berri a key ally of Hezbollah postponed the election to September 7, 2016.

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea who was the first to announce his presidential bid and who later decided to back Aoun in order to end the impasse , said after the failed election.

” Neither Hezbollah nor Iran want a president , not even Aoun despite the fact that the FPM founder has the votes to guarantee his election.”




9 responses to “Situation ‘ripe’ for election of president, says Hezbollah official”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    THERE’S a guy who squeezes the fruit.

    1. “The fruit”? Did you mean Aoun’s balls? 🙂

  2. What Hezb means is, it will soon be time for Iran to give its approval for their appointed candidate. Why can’t Lebanon make a law that prevents a single minority group from hijacking the government? If they don’t show up for the vote, their vote is null and void. They should also be disbanded from government in the first place for involving Lebanon in wars that it had no say in.
    A internationally recognized terrorist group controlled by a rouge country dictating the future of the country and demanding appointed presidents. Does anyone not the the inherent problem with that??? Until this is fixed Lebanon will remain a failed state that will be in a constant state of war with whoever Hezbullah chooses.

  3. Hezbollah has elevated trolling to art level. And mind you, it’s trolling a whole country we’re talking about. 🙂

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Israel elevate love of killing to art level.
      Jeep pass
      Jeep bombs

  4. Oh Yeah Avatar

    Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has actively supported cooperation with Islamist and terrorist organizations, according to ARD, so now when Erdogan have total control over Turkey, can Hezbollah’s MP Mohammed Raad announce that the situation in Lebanon has become “ripe” for the election of a new president….

    “A group in Germany conspiring against Turkey, says Erdoğan” [Hurriyet Daily News], and “Turkey’s Erdogan accuses West of ‘supporting terror, coup plotters’ ” according to Times of India.

    However the German government come with a statement, based on information from Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service (BND), that “as a result of the gradually Islamized domestic and foreign policy of Ankara since 2011, Turkey has become the central platform for action for Islamist groups in the Middle East.”

    “The many expressions of solidarity and support actions for the Egyptian MB [Muslim Brotherhood], Hamas and the armed Islamist opposition groups in Syria by the ruling AK Party and President Erdoğan emphasize the ideological affinity with the Muslim Brotherhood,” the ministry statement said.

  5. The truth:
    “Nasrallah lies through his teeth . I stopped believing anything he says on TV . Everyone knows the decision is up to Iran and not him and Iran is using the Lebanese presidential vacuum as a leverage in the Syrian war. Despite Hezbollah’s involvement in the Syrian war that war is Iran’s war and Iran is going to fight there for the last Hezbollah man .”

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