The Shouf is in danger, Syrian refugees outnumber residents 3 to1: MP Bustani warns and says ‘God help us’, video


Captagon, Syrian weapons, and a danger threatening the Chouf. MP Farid Al-Bustani who represents the Shouf region of Mount Lebanon warns of the big explosion since Syrian refugees outnumber residents 3 to1

May God help us! He says .

A dangerous Syrian plan warns Ali Hijazi

A dangerous Syrian plan is being prepared.” This is the title that some have put forth to sum up the next stage and warn of a dark scenario being formulated to target Lebanon.

information has been circulating recently about the spread of Syrian intelligence in Lebanon and the strengthening of the presence of the Syrian Baath Party in the Lebanese regions, while this country is immersed in the face of dramatic waves of displacement.

Source: Lebanon Debate
