In his last May 1st speech as president Aoun calls for productive economy


in his last May 1st speech as the president of the republic President Michel Aoun greeted Lebanese workers as the country marked Labor Day, pledging that he will continue to work for “transforming Lebanon’s economy from a rentier economy into a productive one.”

Workers’ rights evaporated in Lebanon under Aoun . No decent jobs for most people, Their life savings were stolen by the state and were forced to emigrate to earn their living

Under Aoun Lebanon has become an occupied country , thanks to his deal with Hezbollah that got him to the Baabda presidential palace . Lebanon is now considered an Iranian colony that is admInistered by its proxy Hezbollah .

Under Aoun Lebanon defaulted on its foreign debt for the first time ever,

Under Aoun Lebanon became isolated from its Arab neighbors and specially the Arab Gulf countries where over half a million Lebanese earn their living and remit funds to their loved in Lebanon

Under Aoun Hezbollah has become the state and Lebanon the mini state

Under Aoun the Beirut port was devastated by an explosion of illegally stored ammonium nitrate

File photo: Smoke rises on Aug. 5, 2020, after an explosion that hit the seaport of Beirut, Lebanon, the day before. The blast, caused by the detonation of 2750 ton stockpile of explosive chemicals that had been illegally imported and improperly stored, killed more than 218 people, injured thousands and destroyed entire neighborhoods of the capital. The Iran backed Hezbollah militant group has been for months trying to get Judge Tarek Bitar who is investigating the blast fired , reportedly because it is concerned about exposing its role in supplying the Syrian government with the explosive chemical for use in its barrel bombs against civilians AP Photo/Hussein Malla

Under Aoun the Lebanese Lira collapsed and lost over 90% of Its value

Under Aoun the whole Lebanese economy collapsed and over 75 % of the Lebanese became poor according to the UN

Aoun, whose term ends in October has been trying to have his son in law Gebran Bassil as his replacement . Bassil is the most despised politician in Lebanon and many refer to him as the “face of corruption” in the country

Without any doubt the vast majority of the Lebanese believe that Aoun will go down in history as the worst president ever
