Alloush and Future Movement go different ways

Dr Mustafa Alloush , a key member of Future Movement ’s politburo who was the party’s deputy chef

Future Movement deputy chief, who sees no future for himself in the future movement after violating the instructions given by former PM Saad Hariri has reportedly resigned in a phone call with Hariri, the Movement’s the Movement said on Friday.

“Ex-PM Hariri decided today to accept the resignation effective immediately and the decision was submitted to the general secretariat,” the Movement said in a statement.

“This absolves Dr. Alloush of any organizational commitments and he has the full right to take the path that he sees appropriate, whether in the elections or in other issues,” the statement added.

“We appreciate his stances and the missions that he assumed in the Movement throughout the past years,” the statement said.

The resignation comes after Alloush voiced support for former M Fouad Siniora’s call for Sunni participation in the parliamentary elections in defiance of Hariri’s boycott decision. Alloush’s stance prompted seven future officials to urge him to quit.



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  1. Lebanese youths vandalize Iranian booth at Lebanese Orab Literature Fair, chanting: “Iran out, Beirut free”

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