Hezbollah , Amal boycott the panel to study Lebanon, Israel border demarcation proposal

To drill or not to drill. This question is on the lips of energy officials and international oil companies as they watch with frustration Lebanon’s more than decade-long delay in issuing licenses to drill for oil and gas. The Iranian backed Hezbollah militant group and its ally the Amal movement have refused to take part in a panel formed by President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Najib Mikati with the aim of studying the written proposal that has been sent to Lebanon by U.S. sea border demarcation envoy

The Iranian backed Hezbollah militant group and its ally the Amal movement have refused to take part in a panel formed by President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Najib Mikati with the aim of studying the written proposal that has been sent to Lebanon by U.S. sea border demarcation envoy Amos Hochstein,Lebanese media reported on Saturday.

Amal Movement chief , Speaker Nabih Berri distanced himself from this panel and refrained from dispatching any representative to the panel that is being formed by Aoun and Mikati ,” Nidaa al-Watan newspaper reported.

As a result of Hezbollah and Amal boycott , It was decided to limit the committee’s membership to representatives of the Presidency, the Premiership and the ministries of foreign affairs, defense, energy and public works,” the daily added.

“Once it is formed, the committee will study the U.S. proposal and prepare a draft response for all its points before submitting it to the three presidencies for the final decision to taken,” the sources said, noting that the panel “does not comprise any member of the military-technical delegation that had been tasked with engaging in indirect negotiations (with Israel) in Naqoura,” Nidaa al-Watan sources were quoted as saying.

Public Works Minister Ali Hamiyeh who represents Hezbollah in the cabinet reportedly wanted to bee part of the panel, but the parry refused to allow him to participate , Al Akhbar newspaper which is closely associated with Hezbollah reported on Saturday

