“Nasrallah’s speech is full of lies” says Geagea adding “Hezbollah and ISIS, two sides of same coin”


Top Lebanon Christian leader blasted Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s recent speech in which he verbally attacked Saudi Arabia and its King Salman , describing the speech as full of lies

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Wednesday blasted Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah latest speech describing it as “full of lies” regarding Saudi Arabia’s role in Lebanon and the region.

Beirut- Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Wednesday blasted the latest speech of Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah describing it as “full of lies” regarding Saudi Arabia’s role in Lebanon and the region.

During an interview with Sky News Arabia, Geagea added that “taking up arms is not at all in LF’s plan.”

“What happened in Tayyouneh showed that we have no right at all to take up arms, seeing as the incident showed that the there is a Lebanese state institution, the Lebanese Army, which is ready to protect the Lebanese and separate between them,” the LF leader said.

Asked whether he will run for president, Geagea said: “I’m not a candidate in the classic sense of the word, but I’m a natural candidate, seeing as the LF leader is currently the head of the biggest Christian party in Lebanon, but what’s more important at the moment is finding a real republic.”

Won’t repeat the mistake

Geagea stressed that “repeating the scenario of the Maarab Agreement” to “secure Free Patriotic Movement chief Gebran Bassil’s election as president” is not possible, noting that “what happened once due to the intersection of certain circumstances will not be repeated .”


Composed file photo of Islamic State chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ( L) and Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah

Commenting on Hezbollah ‘s role in Lebanon Geagea said Lebanon’s interests was never a priority for Nasrallah or Hezbollah their main interest is Iran and Wilayat al-Faqih system .

Nasrallah wants to bury the Lebanese people more and more, meaning that he pushes them more towards hell that he put himself

ISIS and Hezbollah two sides of same coin

Geagea added : “Some members of Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda forces are present in Iran. As for Hezbollah’s claim that it rid Lebanon of ISIS, we say to it: Without Hezbollah, there would be no ISIS , they are two sides of same coin and and there is no presence of ISIS in Lebanon, and we do not need the party to defend Lebanon against ISIS.
