
Israel fired artillery at targets in Lebanon after four rockets were launched towards Israel from Lebanese territory on Wednesday, the Israeli military said, while a security source said Hezbollah was not involved.

It was the third incident of rocket fire from Lebanon since hostilities between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza flared up on May 10.

Israel’s missile defences intercepted one of the projectiles, another landed in open ground, and two fell in the Mediterranean Sea, the military said. The rockets caused air raid sirens to blare near the northern Israeli city of Haifa and areas to the east.

Security sources in Lebanon confirmed that four rockets had been launched towards Israel from Seddiqine, a village in the region of Lebanon’s southern coastal city of Tyre. 

There were no reports of damage on either side.

One security source said militant group Hezbollah, which has sway in southern Lebanon, had not been involved in the launches, and that the group was trying to determine the source of the rockets.

Israeli military affairs correspondents said the rockets were probably fired by a Palestinian faction in solidarity with those in Gaza.

In an earlier incident, on Monday, six shells were launched from Lebanon towards northern Israel but fell short of the border, drawing retaliatory Israeli artillery fire. On Thursday, three rockets fired from Lebanon fell in the Mediterranean Sea.

Israel fought a war in 2006 against Hezbollah guerrillas who have access to advanced rockets. The border has been mostly quiet since then.

Small Palestinian factions in Lebanon have fired on Israel sporadically in the past.




10 responses to “”

  1. HA is peacekeeper. Nice

  2. 15:14 Media outlets affiliated with the Iranian axis report that an American or Israeli aircraft attacked a Toyota vehicle on the Iraq-Syria border near the Al-Qa’am area. The attack took place in the last hour.

    1. A photo attributed to the area where the Toyota vehicle was attacked at the Al-Qa’am crossing on the Iraq-Syria border.
      According to sources identified with the Iranian axis, there was only “property damage”

  3. Al-Manar (Hezbollah) correspondent: The organization’s flags were hung on the border gate in the area of the Shebaa Farms

    1. More from the same incident at the Hezba… Lebanese border fence

    2. More from the same incident at the Hezba… Lebanese border fence

  4. 13:18 Iranian Parliament Speaker Muhammad Kalibaf informed the chairman of the International Atomic Energy Agency that he would now prevent the agency’s inspectors from accessing surveillance cameras at Iranian nuclear sites, with the end of the 3-month ultimatum issued by Iran

  5. Today marks the “Feast of Resistance and Liberation” in Lebanon to mark the withdrawal of the IDF from southern Lebanon in 2000.
    Nasrallah is expected to deliver a speech at 8:30 p.m. (Pictured-Beaufort)

    1. This “holiday” is likely to be felt in activities that include many Hezbollah flags on a fence on the border with Lebanon

    2. Amendment: “Resistance and Liberation Day” in Lebanon will be marked tomorrow and not today.
      So is Nasrallah’s speech.

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