Trump ‘deal of the century’ still no deal for Palestinians


After Israeli Channel 13 reported Jan. 23 that the Donald Trump administration would reveal its plan for Middle East peace, Palestinian leaders reiterated their rejection of the so-called deal of the century even before learning of the details.

Palestinian demonstrators burn a poster depicting US President Donald Trump that reads, “No for Deal of the Century,” southern Gaza Strip, June 26, 2019. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa

In the lead up to elections in Israel scheduled for March 2, Trump invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his political rival Benny Gantz, leader of Blue and White, to visit the White House Jan. 28 for details and unveiling of the deal. With Palestinians publicly rejecting the proposal even before its public presentation, approval of it at some later date appears unlikely and will deepen the current rupture with Washington. According to recent media reports, Abbas is refusing to take Trump’s calls.

On Jan. 15 in Ramallah, Fatah deputy leader Mahmoud al-Aloul had said in a meeting with members of the international press that the Palestinian leadership still has no specifics about the plan’s proposals, but nonetheless feels certain that it neither includes the establishment of a Palestinian state, East Jerusalem as the capital of that state or the right of return for refugees. For these reasons, he said, the Palestinian leadership will oppose the plan.

On Dec. 19 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas had told Fatah’s Revolutionary Council of his rejection of Trump’s deal and of the tremendous pressure he was under by the United States to accept it. Abbas has consistently refused to communicate with Trump’s representative to discuss the plan’s details despite the negative consequences he stands to suffer.

In a Jan. 23 press statement, Hamas spokesperson Hazem Qassem pledged that his organization would foil any deal. Khalil al-Haya, a top Hamas official, had said at a Jan. 16 press conference that on a recent tour of capitals, Hamas’ political bureau chief, Ismail Haniyeh, had sought to raise awareness about the threat that the US proposal poses to the Palestinian cause.

Bassem Naim, former Palestinian health minister and head of the Gaza-based Council of International Relations, told Al-Monitor, “Palestinian reactions to the imminent declaration of the deal of the century are not serious enough. The Palestinians are preoccupied with their internal disputes, and the discussions about the deal are not Palestinian-Israeli or US-Palestinian but rather US-Israeli. Palestinians are present absentees, and they cannot accept the deal of the century, as it does not grant them components of an independent entity, even if Israelis were to retreat from parts of the West Bank. The deal of the century is not a viable solution, and people should revolt to nip it in the bud.”

One reason the Palestinians oppose Trump’s proposal is the belief that it will render the cantonization of the West Bank permanent. Instead of Israeli exploitation of the territories through overt occupation, the deal would uphold the status quo in the West Bank with areas remaining under Israeli military and security control and Palestinian civil administration. It would also strike the Palestinian presence in Jerusalem and maintain Gaza’s isolation and the blockade against it.

Wasel Abu Yousef, a member of the PLO’s Executive Committee, told Al-Monitor, “The implementation of the deal began before its declaration, when the US declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel in December 2017, moved its embassy there in May 2018 and declared Israeli settlements legal in November 2019. It is therefore not surprising that the Palestinians reject the deal without even knowing its details.”

He further stated, “At best, it would give us limited self-rule rather than an independent state. We initially rejected the deal, and we are aware of the repercussions. Even if withdrawals from Palestinian areas take place, they will only give rise to a Palestinian state lacking sovereignty and will maintain Israel’s occupation of most West Bank areas.”

Palestinians view the timing surrounding the presentation of the peace proposal, ahead of Israeli elections, as part of the Trump administration’s support for the Netanyahu-led right in Israel, given their strategic political alliance. Palestinians also envision the deal as backing Israel’s intention to annex Jewish settlements on the West Bank, including in the Jordan Valley, designate the West Bank and Gaza as the territory of a transitional state, New Palestine, and grant Palestinians limited administrative powers.

Mahmoud Mardawi, with Hamas’ National Relations Office, told Al-Monitor, “If Israel wants to withdraw from part of the West Bank without the Palestinians’ signed approval of the deal, the resistance will take advantage of this without facilitating an Israeli move or participating in it. It is inconceivable to stand in the way of Israel’s retreat from an area. Even if the Palestinians have not signed the deal or made commitments to the US and Israel, nothing stops them from benefiting from the potential outcome of the deal.”

Emad Abu Awad, a researcher at the Istanbul-based Vision for Political Development, told Al-Monitor, “The declaration of the deal of the century will put Palestinians, whether Hamas or the [PLO], in a quandary. The [PLO] will not be able to make serious decisions against the deal, save for condemning it, which might push a current within Fatah to revolt against the official leadership and demand that it take serious stances. Hamas is also in a pickle, as its organizational presence is limited in the West Bank, and in Gaza it cannot take a stand regarding the deal. Add to this that Hamas will not jeopardize its understandings with Israel aimed at improving the situation in Gaza. The Palestinians’ stances will not technically affect the deal, as relations between the PA and Hamas are tense, and each will work single-handedly toward a response.”

Trump took office in 2017 promising the “deal of the century,” and as his deal has been unfolded, the Palestinians have had no serious public reactions to it, except for expressions of anger and condemnation. This is unlikely to change after the proposal’s unveiling although its presentation could pave the way for implementation through US-Israeli agreement without the Palestinians’ consent, imposing the deal as a fait accompli as with the US actions on Jerusalem and the settlements and suspension of US financial assistance.




18 responses to “Trump ‘deal of the century’ still no deal for Palestinians”

  1. Trump, please, stop Orabs or Orabistinians breading in Land of Israel

  2. Nice, Abbas at a meeting in the Orab League announced the termination of contacts with Israel and the United States

    All details are contained in the annex to the plan entitled “Economic concept”.

    The document describes a plan for investing more than $ 50 billion in investments in the economy of the Faliestinian state, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. It is estimated that implementation should result in more than doubling Faliestinian GDP over 10 years, creating 1 million jobs, lowering unemployment to below 10%, halving the proportion of people living below poverty.

    Further, the measures to be taken in the framework of the three initiatives below are described in detail.

    The first initiative is to unleash the economic potential of the Faliestinian state – this part includes strengthening property rights and contract law, strengthening the rule of law, anti-corruption mechanisms, developing the stock market, reforming the tax system, lowering trade barriers, investing in the modernization and development of infrastructures, mass housing construction, construction of schools and hospitals.

    This section speaks of removing barriers between the Faliestinian economy and regional and global markets, supporting the establishment of economic relations with Israel, Jordan and Egypt, and making large investments in road transport infrastructure.

    One of the most significant investment flows in the framework of the program should be aimed at the modernization and expansion of electricity, water and communications infrastructures, as well as training and assistance in managing these infrastructures.

    The promised creation of 1 million jobs, according to the plan, should be the result of supporting small and medium-sized private businesses, tourism, agriculture, housing, industry, etc., to ensure the transition “from the father of the family working in his store to a young graduate college opening its first company. ”

    The goals of the first initiative are to increase the share of Faliestinian exports from 17% to 40% of GDP, ensure uninterrupted and affordable energy supply in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, double the supply of affordable drinking water per capita, create access for residents to high-speed information systems, and increase direct foreign investment from 1.4% to 8% of GDP.

    Already in the first three years of the program, it is planned to spend $ 445 million on reforms necessary to facilitate the work of private business (standardization of processes, reduction of bureaucracy, registration of businesses and real estate, anti-corruption structures, etc.).

    It is planned to allocate $ 400 million for the creation of support infrastructure for Faliestinian start-up companies, $ 900 million for the modernization of roads, $ 5 billion for the public transport system (including rail), $ 590 million for the electrification of the Gaza Strip, and accelerated development of the tourism sector $ 2.95 billion, $ 1.2 billion for the construction of power plants in Hebron and Jenin, $ 500 million for the modernization and expansion of the West Bank water supply systems, okladku Internet networks 4-5 generations – $ 2 billion.

    The second initiative is aimed at developing human potential – strengthening and expanding educational programs, creating professional and technical training programs, providing quality and affordable medical care, creating new opportunities in the fields of culture and leisure, libraries, sports facilities, parks, cultural objects, etc. .

    The goals of the second initiative are to increase the human capital development index to 0.7 points according to the World Bank index, to make at least one Faliestinian university one of the top 150 universities in the world, increase the proportion of working women from 20% to 35%, and reduce child mortality from 18 up to 9 cases per 1,000 births, increasing average life expectancy to 80 years.

    To achieve these goals, in particular, it is planned to allocate $ 500 million to a new Faliestinian university, to allocate $ 300 million to international programs for Faliestinian students, to allocate $ 100 million to train teachers, to allocate $ 30 million to create an infrastructure of assistance in finding and choosing careers, $ 900 million for modernization and expansion of the healthcare system, $ 200 million for vaccination, anti-smoking and obesity programs, ooschrenie healthy lifestyle, the allocation of 200 million dollars on urban renewal program (parks, libraries, pedestrian zones, etc.). 150 million dollars will be allocated for the construction of a national theater and museum, 80 million dollars for scholarships for artists, musicians, writers, 75 million dollars for the construction of a large sports center.

    1. The third initiative is aimed at modernizing the governance system – improving the ability of the public sector to serve the population and creating opportunities for private sector growth, strengthening an independent judiciary capable of upholding civil rights, enhancing the transparency of the authorities, and reducing the dependence of the Faliestinian state on foreign donors.

      This initiative includes the construction of public institutions, government responsibility to the people, strengthening civil society, measures to combat corruption, ensuring access to credit systems, tightening control over the implementation of the public sector’s financial obligations to the private sector, reducing dependence on foreign donors, staff training programs for public service.

      The goals of the initiative are to improve the transparency of government structures to 60 points on the scale of the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index scale, introduce e-government systems and improve the level of development of systems for providing public services to citizens and organizations in electronic form to 0.75 points on the corresponding UN index, approval of a balanced budget for the public sector, achievement of the 75th position in the Doing business ease of doing business rating.

      To achieve these goals, the Faliestinian government will receive assistance in reviewing existing legislation and the legal framework in the areas of trade, competition, bankruptcy, contract law, private property rights, real estate registration, etc., and bringing them into line with modern requirements.

      The authorities of the new Orab state will also be assisted in the modernization of tax institutions, anti-corruption measures, the protection of intellectual property, and the development of capital markets.

      A program to improve the financial system will be implemented, aimed at the active cooperation of local banks with government agencies, and at optimizing state regulation of the banking sector.

      In particular, $ 30 million will be allocated to create a unified land cadastre and registration base for real estate. 300 million dollars will go to create e-government systems. $ 100 million will be used to create ties with the Faliestinian diaspora and attract it to investment in the new state. $ 150 million will go to NGO grants, primarily in the areas of transparency and accountability of the authorities. $ 30 million will be allocated to organizations investigating prosecutions of journalists and NGO employees. $ 1.75 billion will be allocated for the immediate repayment of debts to local suppliers and the creation of a reserve for unforeseen expenses for the operation of infrastructure facilities.

      Economic program in numbers

      The total cost of the program over 10 years is 50 billion and 670 million dollars. Of this amount, 11.6 billion are private sector investments, 13.38 billion are state grants, and 25.69 billion are soft loans.

      Of the total amount, 6.21 billion dollars should be spent in the first two years, 14.31 billion in the next two years, 13.84 billion for the fifth and sixth years, 10.65 billion for the seventh and eighth years and 5, $ 66 billion for the ninth to tenth year.

      The Faliestinian state will receive $ 27.813 billion, Jordan 7.365 billion – Egypt, and Lebanon 6.325 billion.

      The amount that the Faliestinian state will receive will be distributed as follows: 24% – development of road transport systems, 12% – reform of government and management systems, 10% – digital services, 9% – energy sector, 8% – water management, 7% – education, 5% – tourism, 5% – natural resources, 5% – health care, 4% – housing sector, 3% – agriculture, 2% – quality of life (culture, recreation, etc.), 2% – business development, 1% – human capital development.

      Macroeconomic goals for 10 years: increasing GDP from $ 14.6 billion to $ 33.1 billion, increasing per capita GDP from $ 2.952 to $ 4.734, increasing jobs from 1.050.756 to 2.376.868, reducing unemployment from 30 , 9% to 12.4%.

      Jordan will receive 1.82 billion dollars for the development of railway infrastructure (Amman-Aqaba branch) and another 1.5 billion dollars for the modernization of road infrastructure, 1.4 billion dollars for the development of the tourist zone in Aqaba, 500 million for ensuring cyber security of infrastructure facilities and key systems (health care, banking system, etc.), 650 million – for the modernization of two existing and construction of a third airport, $ 250 million – to prevent the flow of untreated water into the Jordan River.

      1. Egypt will receive $ 1.5 billion for the construction and development of a regional energy hub for liquefying and exporting natural gas, $ 500 million for expanding ports and trade areas along the Suez Canal, and $ 2 billion for developing the Sinai Peninsula (electricity, water, transport, tourism , 5 billion dollars – for the development of national and transnational transport infrastructure.

        Lebanon will receive 3 billion for the restoration of existing and construction of new road infrastructures, 2 billion for the construction of a railway network, 1 billion for the modernization of airports and seaports.

        1. Bakshish and more baksheesh just for justifying an illegal occupation.
          A sick way of living according to the motto “money money makes the world go around”

          vs, it must be lucrative to worship Mammon. ?

          What a sick world we have today, a Lebanese Arab (HindAbyad) who worships Nazism and a Jew who is egoistic.

          If the rumors are correct – “According to recent media reports, Abbas is refusing to take Trump’s calls.”, than I say – Bravo.

          Sorry, Jared, This Time It’s Not the Palestinians Who Have ‘Screwed Up,’ It’s You.

          1. You, idi*t, capable to see only money. You are primitive not capable to see Trump ME plan sincerely aim is making respectful civilized people from semianimals. But semianimals think they will get more money for terror from liberal fundamentalist like you eurape. Trump is naive. Niemals is worse then antisemite (liberal fundamentalist)

          2. You are to primitive to see the real Trump!
            Trump’s Mideast Plan Is an Election Lift for Netanyahu, nothing else!
            Kushner, a 36-year-old former real estate executive, had no prior diplomatic or foreign policy experience is the Senior White House adviser ?….

            Kushner, a senior adviser to the President and his son-in-law, was a key subject in the investigation as Mueller looked at possible campaign finance crimes related to a 2016 meeting at Trump Tower. He wasn’t charged with any crime. Mueller also looked closely at Kushner’s contacts with the head of a Russian think tank, a Russian state-owned bank chairman and the then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the Trump campaign and transition.

          3. primitive leftists defamation

  3. Niemals loves animaliestinians. So please invite them to enrich Germany. Respectful Israeli Orabs (21% of population) don’t let me lie

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