Gorbachev revealed real reason behind Soviet Union’s collapse, wasn’t the Berlin Wall


Gorbachev revealed real reason behind Soviet Union’s collapse was NOT fall of Berlin Wall

MIKHAIL GORBACHEV, the former Soviet Premier, believed the real reason for the collapse of the USSR was not specifically the fall of the Berlin Wall, unearthed reports reveal.

Gorbachev, the eighth and last leader of the Soviet Union was General Secretary of the Communist Party from 1985 until 1991 and leader of the Soviet Union from 1990 to 1991. Now 88, he is widely praised for preventing World War 3 and bringing an end to the Cold War through diplomacy with US President Ronald Reagan. On Monday, he appeared on a BBC Radio 4 show ahead of the 30th anniversary of the Berlin Wall’s collapse, where he warned the world is in “colossal danger” of nuclear wipeout.

The former USSR leader said: “As long as weapons of mass destruction exist, nuclear weapons, the danger is colossal.”

He also warned relationships between Russia and the West remain in a “chilly war” despite the official end of the inactive conflict three decades ago.

He said: “Look at what’s happening, in different places there are skirmishes, there are shootings. ”Ships and aircraft are being sent here, there and everywhere, this is not a situation we want.”

Mr Gorbachev is still a divisive figure in his homeland as many Russians still associate him personally with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The fall of the Berlin Wall is widely seen as the symbolic moment when communism in Eastern Europe – started by Vladimir Lenin’s Bolshevik revolution in 1917 – was brought to an end.

However, Mr Gorbachev revealed his real thoughts on what caused the fall of communism during a 2006 interview, during which he claimed it was nothing to do with his desire for reform.

He also stopped short of highlighting the importance of the Berlin Wall coming down, instead noting the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 as the pivotal moment in the fall of the Soviet Union.

He said: “The nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl, even more than my launch of Perestroika, was perhaps the real cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union five years later.”

The Chernobyl disaster was a devastating nuclear accident that occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant near the city of Pripyat, Ukraine on April 25, 1986.

It is considered the worst nuclear disaster in history and is one of only two nuclear energy disasters rated at seven—the maximum severity—on the International Nuclear Event Scale, the other being the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan.

Did Chernobyl kill communism? The Chernobyl disaster was a nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the No. 4 nuclear reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, near the city of Pripyat in the north of the Ukrainian SSR. Gorbachev blames Chernobyl not the Belin wall fall for the collapse of the Soviet Union
Did Chernobyl kill communism? The Chernobyl disaster was a nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the No. 4 nuclear reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, near the city of Pripyat in the north of the Ukrainian SSR. Gorbachev blames Chernobyl not the Belin wall fall for the collapse of the Soviet Union

Initially, after the Chernobyl disaster, Mr Gorbachev and the Communist Party downplayed the incident both domestically and on the world stage, calling it a minor event that “requires no special measures to protect the population”.

Moscow’s handling of the disaster went on to expose the reality of human error within the Soviet system and introduced doubt and questions of competence directed at the Kremlin not seen since before World War 2.

Mr Gorbachev was unable to recover and as questions mounted so did the pressure, until eventually the regime collapsed and the Berlin Wall coming down will forever be seen as the moment symbolising the Soviet Union’s demise.

However, these comments suggest that Chernobyl was the real turning point in Soviet history and the disaster arguably made the wall coming down an inevitability.

The nuclear disaster saw 400 times more radioactive material than the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki sent into the sky.

Pripyat was not evacuated until several hours after the explosion – despite widespread reports of illness.

Locals were told to bring only what was necessary for an evacuation of three days to accommodation readied in Kiev.

As a result, most personal belongings were left behind and can still be seen today.

Just 10 days after the accident, an “exclusion zone” was set up in a 20-mile radius by the Soviet Armed Forces, which is still in place today.

The forbidden area has since been increased to cover 1,000 square miles – mainly of Ukraine, but also Belarus – to protect people from the radioactive nuclear fallout.

Despite the warning signs and the legal implications of re-entering the zone, some residents decided to return.

Known in local dialect as “Samosely”, meaning “self-settlers”  they are a group of roughly 200 residents who live in the contaminated “ghost towns”.

The majority of the Samosely are elderly people who have lived in their homes since their childhood.

When the population was evacuated, they either refused to leave or secretly resettled in the unprotected region.

The average age of these illegal residents was 63 in 2007 and, in 2012, local governments unofficially granted permission to the elderly to continue living in the area, but demanded younger inhabitants to move out.

This group live in private households, they cultivate vegetable and fruit gardens, fish on the Prypyat river and gather mushrooms – in spite of widespread contamination.




22 responses to “Gorbachev revealed real reason behind Soviet Union’s collapse, wasn’t the Berlin Wall”

  1. No Mr Gorbachev , Communist USSR was bound to fail regardless of the wall or the Chernobyl disaster . Corruption, Mr Gorbachev brought down the Soviet Union. People at the top did not believe in communism , they were all corrupt and didn’t give a damn about their people . Communist USSR was dead before you arrived .

  2. Ivan Kochman Avatar
    Ivan Kochman

    Môžeš žiť cnostný život aj podľa Božích ustanovení i mať plné ústa znalostí o Bohu ale ak máš srdce pri majetku alebo diel ľudských rúk aj tak strácaš večný život. A čo už potom tí čo verejne zapierajú Boha alebo sa zaňho hanbia pred ľuďmi. Veru Ježiš je dobrý učiteľ a nie je ľahké kráčať v Jeho učení lebo tu lož neobstojí.

    1. Ivan Kochman, the reason behind Soviet Union’s collapse, wasn’t the Berlin Wall nor God. https://media1.giphy.com/media/l0MYu2xpvAHEEoY2k/giphy.gif

      1. Ivan Kochman Avatar
        Ivan Kochman

        Však som to tam napísal že za to môžu ľudia čo sa ženú za márnosťou. A prikázal vari Boh aby ste tak robili? Neprikázal.

        1. You wrote religious gossip, and that does not belong here.

          1. agree, because religion (not faith, but parasitism, follytics corrupting faith) is just a Big mental masturbation

          2. Ivan Kochman Avatar
            Ivan Kochman

            Ak si myslíš že sa to týka aj mňa a čo je vám takto hovorené aj by si mohol mať zdanie pravdy len jedna maličkosť. Po pár napísaných slov (v israelnationalnews) kde bolo niečo vytiahnuté na svetlo,mi zablokovali prístup k histórii dát v prehliadači a to od 8 novembra až do včerajška. Nuž o klamnosti nádejí v takýchto riešeniach je fakt len klamom lebo sa boja viacej ľudí čo by si mohli prečítať čo bolo napísané ako by sa mali báť Toho čo im to takto ukázal. Ak opovrhujete poslom, opovrhujete aj Tým čo ho poslal.

          3. “If you think it affects me too, and as you are told this way, you could have only one small thing to be true. After a few typed words (in Israelnationalnews) where something was pulled out, I was blocked from accessing my browser’s data history from November 8 until yesterday. Well, about the deception of hope in such solutions is really just a deceit, because more people are afraid of what they could read what was written as they should be afraid of What He showed them this way. If you despise the messenger, you despise the One who sent him”

            one small true thing is appena appena чуть чуть a little bit немножко trošku Big Secret

          4. Ivan Kochman Avatar
            Ivan Kochman

            Rozumiem ako to myslíš ale to nie je správna cesta lebo sa postupne stávaš takým istým ako ten pred ktorým by si sa chcel takto skryť, inak aj v tom majú nádej alebo mali. Je rozdiel medzi tým koho Ježiš uzdravil a povedal aby to nikomu nehovoril a keď niekoho uzdravil a povedal mu aby ho nasledoval. Ak by som sa aspoň trocha neučil a nevyučil,moje svedectvo by nebolo pravdivé. A tak chodím aj tam kde je smrť a aj tak ma nepohltila lebo pravdivé je slovo Hospodina- že povedie aj slepého tak aby nohou nezakopol. Však ak vieš že sledujú každý tvoj krok, nezavedieš ich vari k ich pohoršeniam čo vyrábajú teda k ich dielam im na svedectvo o nich. Lebo tam kam ja idem to nechválim, ani iného k tomu nevolám a ani som to nevyrobil. A či vari slová ktoré som im hovoril v podobenstvách neprevrátili na posmešné podobenstvá, veru rozumiem slovám Ježišovým- kalich ktorý ja pijem budete aj vy piť a aj krstom akým som Ja krstený budete krstený. Nie, ja nie som ten čo sa má skrývať. Takže sa nesnažili skryť moje hriechy ale svoje.

          5. God is not Jesus but פר
            Par (bull) הפרה inפרmácie
            Boh nie je Ježiš, ale Par (býk)

          6. Aren’t you lacking The Eternal Jew Hater?
            She left YaLibnan forum and now she spit her bile against the Jews on Russia Insider.

            She thrives with all the Nazis on russia insider forum.
            Only one jew have the guts to confront those nazis – @MadJewessWoman

          7. Ivan Kochman Avatar
            Ivan Kochman

            To že ste sa naučili slovne zavrhnúť to čo vám je hovorené ešte neznamená že to čo som povedal nie je pravda z následkami pre tých čo takto zavrhujú naučenia z písma. I to nie je žiadne nové poznanie:-)

          8. It “is not true of the consequences for those who reject the teachings of the scripture.”, who’s scriptures?

            In the Middle East you have more than one ‘holy’ scripture, which one YOU mean. ⛪????????….

          9. Ivan Kochman Avatar
            Ivan Kochman

            Vieš že je nepodstatné koľko tých písiem je a v ktorom že nie je nejaké porušenie slova. Inak môžeš študovať písma koľko len chceš aby si na konci zistil že v tom spása nie je lebo tak robia aj tí nad ktorými sa pohoršuješ. Ver mi že ich nenávisť k Pánovi je väčšia ako tvoja lebo to čo im kázal robiť nerobia a ani druhých neučia. Navráťte sa k Bohu, teda robte čo sa mu páči a nerobte čo sa mu nepáči a on sa navráti k vám a darmo budú tí čo úmyselne porušujú slovo volať, vás čo budete počúvať bude mať radšej a dá vám požehnanie na to čo budete robiť. Ak ich však napodobňujete budete mať presne takú istú odmenu ako budú mať oni. A nemysli si že je to ľahká cesta, vieš koľko krát som sa na nej potkol, veru nie raz?

          10. Ivan Kochman Avatar
            Ivan Kochman

            Však Ježiš povedal že prídu falošný proroci i pod Jeho menom prídu a to na konci- Hľa povedal som vám to. Znamená, že aj keby ste akokoľvek strážili aj tak sa tak stane. Takže za čím ideš tam aj dôjdeš:-)

          11. What in the hell have the Jewish profet to do with the Soviet Union’s collapse?

  3. Hind Abyad Avatar

    ‘Canada reverses UN stance on Palestinians in break with U.S. over settlements Social Sharing.

    Canada voted for a UN resolution on Tuesday in support of Palestinians’ right to self-determination.

    The vote marks a major departure for Canada, which has declined to support substantially the same resolution through 14 consecutive votes since Stephen Harper came to power in 20′

  4. ラブドール リアル 本物のリフに依存するダッチワイフである、優秀で魅力的な米国の若い女性バージニアのプレゼンテーション

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