Coordination committee of Lebanon revolution warns against any delay in gov. formation


لبنان ينتفض Lebanon revolts 5.jpg

The “Coordination committee of the Lebanese Revolution” issued a warning on Sunday in which it blasted the ruling authorities over the delay in parliamentary consultations , reminding the president that the deadline for the consultations for forming a government remains Tuesday evening Nov 5, 2019 otherwise the protests will escalate throughout Lebanon
The committee also called for the continued closing of schools and universities and urged the protesters to protest in public squares in Beirut and major cities and regions until the formation of a government that meets the demands the Lebanese people .
The committee urged the revolutionary activists who have decided to start protesting on the main roads as of tonight to take into account the human considerations of the citizens.

lebanon revolution statement 2



39 responses to “Coordination committee of Lebanon revolution warns against any delay in gov. formation”

  1. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    Israel refuses to find common grounds on Sea oil fields they want Lebanon stay prisoner to IMF.
    Ruling out Lebanon demands.

    “TEL AVIV, July 5 (Reuters) – Israel’s energy minister voiced frustration on Friday with what he called Lebanon’s failure to agree to U.S.- mediated talks on setting their maritime border, suggesting Iran-backed Hezbollah was applying pressure on Beirut.

    Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz said on June 19 he expected U.S.-mediated talks to start within a month.
    On Wednesday, Lebanon insisted any demarcation of its sea boundary with Israel be implemented only as part of
    wider package including the land border – something Israel has previously ruled out”.

    1. Ruling out
      Ruling in
      Sergey Brin
      Google Israel defending
      Time Nasralla quickly ending

      1. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        United with Israel
        The Global Movement for Israel ™

        “I’m just wondering, having just read of the EU’s possible banning of products labelled “Made in Israel”, if there’s any plans to so label the gas supplies, or possibly “Made by The Lord GOD In Israel”?

        1. Hind, i will teach you not to be infosharmuta. 1. the key word in providing information is credibility

    2. MaImequer0 Avatar

      Extracting the gas is like fish in a barrel… it could be a huge party!!!

  2. The geography expert expresses herself about the Balkans… ????
    Balkans are much closer to Lebanon than the Baltic Sea area.

    You are indeed concentrated in stupid discussion, using Quora digest. ????

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Western Europe is Christian Near East. I could see Cyprus on the horizon from my windows facing Mediterranean Sea. Quora goes to spam, stupid

      Eastern Europe, today Balkans (including Germany) were Barbarian, who sacked Rome in 5th Cent.AD. Baltic Sea from where Ashkenazic Jews: Slavo-Turkic came under Khazar jurisdiction during7th century AD.

      1. You can see Cyprus from the window of your welfare office in Montreal? Wow, your Rothschild-subsidized eye doctor must be really good! Is he a “Khazar”, per chance? 🙂

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Go to lebanon on a clear Summer day look at the horizon.

          1. Not going there as long as your bearded buddies from Iran and their pseudo-Christian lackeys are in charge.

          2. The Retard and her signature random Jew-hating links generator are back! 🙂

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Camera is your Palestinan-hating links Anti-Semitism generator.
            Non of present Israeli squaters on YaLibnan is Semitic.

            The place is empty of Lebanese only Arzna.

          4. catch up your friend, infosharmuta. infosharmuta like you create faliestinopedia

          5. Abyad nightmare

      2. MaImequer0 Avatar

        Sweetie, sweetie…. are you making up stories again about you living in Haifa?
        You have told that lie already 514 times. ☻☻☻

        1. Haifreal is our sweetie real place,
          facing Mediterranean Atlantida, last place not occupied by Jews yet

        2. Haifa? She never set foot there, and hopefully, never will.

      3. Baltic is Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, are Christian not any Ashkenazic Jews: Slavo-Turkic- Khazar.
        You could see Cyprus (the Turkey occupied part) on the horizon from your windows facing Mediterranean Sea.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Nietmals put up a portrait of neurotic German?

      1. You don’t like being caught with false (fabricated) statements, so you call it “fake collages”.
        What is fake in this screen shot of your tweets?

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Shut the f*.k up, the conversation is up there dumbo.
          BTW you do this in every capture stalker.
          Another person replied i replied to the second party..your time will come fraudster imbecil.

          1. Still associating me with this account from 2010 ???? ????.

            You live in a fantasy world on Twitter, yet you claim that “Twitter is not realable…”

            You must be out of your mind when you claim “spy on me, publish on YaLibnan with Discus.”
            If Twitter is not realable, why are you using it?
            Competing with Trump for first place?
            “I am the only person …”

            If you don’t want me publishing your tweets on the Lebanese forum, use this
   than it will be impossible for me to ‘spy’ on you.

          2. Dumbyad, you have a short memory – first you turn to Ron Hughes رون هيوز @wherepond
            for help [another FAKE collage…]
            Now you are turning to this
             ❤ ????????Terri Aguilar ???????? ❤@TerrinaMajnoona Currently living the American Dream (you are living the Canadian Dream), in reverse. 
            Terri Aguilar clearly declared her money source [  or$TerrinaAndLola], you don’t.
            This fact might interest your American Jewish friend Y K, definitely the Israeli zionist vs and this mysterious MaImequer0 @MaImequer0.

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Majnouna means Crazy – Satire.
            Malmequer mysterious – the fatso zionist stalker on the rigth.
            Get a life imbecile get off my back not you mommy

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Lola is her dog imbecil..

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            She’s not in Canada, what’s you mother’s name? Spanish inquisition?

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Yes a look frustrated????????????

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Niemals @WeltAufgrund
            Twitter wont do anything about my quoted posts of Hind Abyad, I don’t have an Twitter account, so Twitter can’t stop me quoting.-

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            what a bore.
            No Tweets, no followers, only reason parasite spies and publishes fradulent material with Disqus. No moderators.

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You keep lurking see if i have a lock? I didn’t now i will..and no, not associated with your ‘2010-2012 accounts” uh have dead accounts Twitter not reliable for cemetery accounts.

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      I never use the word ‘Bastard’… and what’s ”hiatus” ??

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